SQL provides
- Base conformance for SQL database adapters
- Typesafe table representations and queries (select, insert, join, etc.)
- A powerful, non-intrusive ORM
The SQL module is bundled with the SQL adapters of Zewo
import PackageDescription
let package = Package(
dependencies: [
.Package(url: "https://github.com/Zewo/SQL.git", majorVersion: 0, minor: 14),
Use this package with one of the supported drivers listed above.
let info = Connection.ConnectionInfo(uri: URL("postgres://localhost:5432/database_name")!)!
let connection = PostgreSQL.Connection(info: info)
try connection.open()
try connection.execute("SELECT * FROM artists")
let result = try connection.execute("SELECT * FROM artists WHERE name = %@", parameters: "Josh Rouse")
let result = try connection.execute("SELECT * FROM artists")
for row in result {
let name: String = try row.value("name")
let genre: String? = try row.value("genre")
In the above example, an error will be thrown if name
and genre
is not present in the rows returned. An error will also be thrown if a name
in any row, as the inferred type is non-optional. Note how genre
will allow for a NULL
You can define tables as such:
struct Artist : TableProtocol {
enum Field : String, TableField {
static let tableName = "artists"
case id
case name
case genre
Artist.select(where: Artist.Field.name == "Josh Rouse")
Artist.insert([.name : "AC/DC"])
Artist.update([.name : "AC/DC"]).filtered(Artist.Field.genre == "Rock")
Artist.delete(where: Artist.Field.genre == "Rock")
try connection.execute(Artist.select(where: Artist.Field.name == "Josh Rouse"))
Models provide more ORM-like functionality than tables. You can define models like so:
struct Artist {
var name: String
var genre: String
extension Artist : ModelProtocol {
// Just like `Table`
enum Field: String, ModelField {
// notice how we define the "id" field
// but don't have it as a property
case id
case name
case genre
// Specify a table name
static let tableName = "artists"
// Specify which field is primary
static let primaryKey = Field.id
// Specify what type the primary key is (usually int or string)
typealias PrimaryKey = Int
// The values returned here will be persisted
// primary key is inserted automatically
func serialize() -> [Field : ValueConvertible?] {
return [
.name: name,
.genre: genre
// Provide an initializer for the model taking a row
// a little generic but dont let it scare you
init<Row: RowProtocol>(row: TableRow<Artist, Row>) throws {
try self.init(
name: row.value(.name),
genre: row.value(.genre)
// note how we operate on Entity<Artist> rather than just Artist.
// there also exists a type PersistedEntity<Artist>, which has a primary key
// and methods such as refresh and update
let rockArtists = try Entity<Artist>.fetch(where: Artist.Field.genre == "Rock", connection: connection)
for var artist in rockArtists {
artist.model.genre = "Rock 'n Roll"
// since artist is of type PersistedEntity<Artist> (has a primary key),
// we can save it, replacing the previous record
artist.save(connection: connection)
let newArtist = Artist(name: "Elijah Blake", genre: "Hip-hop")
let persistedArtist = try Entity(model: newArtist).create(connection: connection)
print("id of new artist: \(persistedArtist.primaryKey)")
If you need any help you can join our Slack and go to the #help channel. Or you can create a Github issue in our main repository. When stating your issue be sure to add enough details, specify what module is causing the problem and reproduction steps.
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This project is released under the MIT license. See LICENSE for details.