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GPK.Battles Game

v0.8.5 - 17-Mar-2021

  • player's name is shown in check_gfee_balance() utility in gpkbattlesco.hpp file
  • 6 RUNs were done successfully of all possible combination (i.e. 5 cases)
  • BUG fixes:
    • player's game_fee deduction status is set to "y" in Nodraw if-else condition in gpkbattlesco::play ACTION, like this:
check(ongamestat_it->nodraw_count == 0, "This nodraw game can be played only once.");
		ongamestat_table.modify(ongamestat_it, get_self(), [&](auto& row){
			row.start_timestamp = now();
			row.p1_gfee_deducted = "y"_n;
			row.p2_gfee_deducted = "y"_n;
			row.result = "nodraw"_n;
			row.status = "waitforrng"_n;
- `gpkbattlesco::moergameinfo` inline ACTION: added game_ids as a list in the `usergamestat` TABLE using `row.game_ids.emplace_back(ongamestat_it->game_id)`
- removed `gamefee_value(asset(500000000, symbol("WAX", 8)))` variable, because game_fee is dynamically computed based on the card types using `compute_gamefee()` utility func, defined in `gpkbattlesco` contract header file.
  • gpkbattlesco::testfcardtyp ACTION added for getting the card_combo for a card with types i.e. asset_contract_ac, category, variant
  • gpkbattlesco::pairwplayer ACTION:
    • ongamestat_table's status param is set as paired
    • send_alert to the player_1 to have paired with a player in game_id

v0.8.2 - 07-Mar-2021

  • compute_gamefee() utility function has been modified from "5 WAX" to "1 WAX".
  • a table - configs in gpkbattlesco has been created. Corresponding ACTION(s) created: setconfig, delconfig, testrdconft1, testrdconft2
    • TODO: research more on the table so as to limit the no. of cards so as to iterate less while finding the game_fee for a card_combo.

v0.8.1 - 25-Feb-2021

  • compute game_fee based on cards type e.g. "exotic | base | A/B", etc.
  • tokens added back for defrayer to their eosio.token::accounts TABLE instead of previously into gpkbattlesco::gfeewallet.

v0.8 - 22-Feb-2021

  • temporarily deduction of game_fee Now, the game_fee is deducted temporarily (kept with gpkbattlesco contract) at the play ACTION level is the game is played for 1st time.
  • BUG observed & noted in pairwplayer ACTION. So, the alert has been stopped.
  • check of game_fee is not done when the player has ongoing game_id, as the game_fee is already deducted in the 1st attempt (in case of 1-draw).
  • trincomegfee ACTION is removed.
  • del1drawgame ACTION is added to handle 2 cases:
    • either of players selects cards => 1 defaulter
    • none of players selects cards => 2 defaulters
  • Total 5 game results possibilities listed:
    • Case-1: 1-draw >> Bad: where either or both of the players has not selected cards (qty. 3)

      • Case-1.1: when 1 player selects cards => 1 defaulter
        • ACTION sequence: play >> del1drawgame
        • Money sequence: deduct money from both players >> add money to defrayer player, & transfer deducted money from gpkbattlesco (i.e defaulter player) to gpkbatincome
      • Case-1.2: when no player select cards => 2 defaulters
        • ACTION sequence: play >> del1drawgame
        • Money sequence: deduct money from both players >> transfer deducted money from gpkbattlesco (i.e defaulter players) to gpkbatincome
    • Case-2: 1-draw >> Good: where both of the players have selected cards (each qty. 3)

      • Case-2.1: 1-draw >> 2-draw
        • ACTION sequence: play >> play
        • Money sequence: deduct money from both players >> transfer deducted money from gpkbattlesco (i.e on behalf of both players) to gpkbatincome
      • Case-2.2: 1-draw >> nodraw
        • ACTION sequence: play >> play
        • Money sequence: deduct money from both players >> transfer deducted money from gpkbattlesco (i.e on behalf of both players) to gpkbatincome
    • Case-3: nodraw

      • ACTION sequence: play
      • Money sequence: deduct money from both players
  • Security improvement: So, that no player is able to withdraw game_fee in the interim of each of the game results possibilities listed above.

v0.7 - 10-Feb-2021

  • No duplication: check if the cards transferred, withdrawn, selected are unique.
// check if the cards are unique
check( hasDuplicates(card_ids) == false, "there are duplicate card_ids.");

v0.6.1 - 17-Jan-2021

  • the permission of the gpkbattlesco::disndcards ACTION is changed from gpkbattlesco@active to gpkbattlesco@disndcards
    • Reason
      • The reason is to call it from the frontend with the custom permission (e.g. gpkbattlesco@disndcards), so having a separate custom permission will not compromise the security of the whole account
      • the private key of the @disndcards will be embedded into the front-end code & the package will be distributed in encrypted form.
    • view permission of gpkbattlesco account
$ cleosw get account gpkbattlesco
created: 2020-09-15T15:50:01.000
     owner     1:    1 EOS89GjKGPBDuNaMXaThD4te7qPacaQaL9iBGFBLqbPD7d78TqkZc
        active     1:    1 EOS89GjKGPBDuNaMXaThD4te7qPacaQaL9iBGFBLqbPD7d78TqkZc, 1 [email protected]
        disndcards     1:    1 EOS89GjKGPBDuNaMXaThD4te7qPacaQaL9iBGFBLqbPD7d78TqkZc
        playaction     1:    1 EOS89GjKGPBDuNaMXaThD4te7qPacaQaL9iBGFBLqbPD7d78TqkZc
- The custom (`@disndcards`) key pair shouldn't be same as active/owner key pair(s) as the whole purpose of this is to grant the permission by not showing active/owner key pair(s). 
  • Bug resolved for error: card with id:0 doesn't exist in the loser's table.
    • before
auto won_card = check_card_ids_winner[-1];
- after
auto won_card = ongamestat_it->winner_transfer_cards.back();

v0.6 - 17-Jan-2021

  • [removed] disburse of cards to simpleassets
  • [modified] disburse of cards to escrow contract of respective player
    • nodraw: won_card is added to winner's cardwallet & removed from loser's cardwallet
  • self permission added to the ACTION(s) - play, disndcards
  • Total ACTIONS changed:
    • gpkbatescrow
      • disburse
    • gpkbattlesco
      • play
      • disndcards

v0.5 - 07-Jan-2021

  • The player can now transfer cards to the escrow contract without having game fee in their wallet.
  • This line removed from gpkbatescrow::transferbypl ACTION
// check game_fee balance as "5.00000000 WAX"
check_gfee_balance(player, asset(gamefee_token_amount, gamefee_token_symbol));

v0.4 - 07-Jan-2021

  • Added 'player' param in 2 actions of Game contract i.e. gpkbattlesco::play, gpkbattlesco::disndcards
  • The security check for the player is mandatory so that only either of the 2 players of the game_id can play that game.
  • permission authority of the ACTION(s) has been modified from get_self() to player. Also, the check is performed, if the player is either of the 2 players.

v0.3 - 05-Jan-2021

  • Added multiple card withdrawal in Escrow contract's ACTION gpkbatescrow::withdrawbypl

v0.2 - 17-Dec-2020

  • removed wait time for selecting cards
  • 'selection of cards' happens before 'pairing of players' i.e. sequence of ACTION(s):
    • Now, depositgfee >> sel3card >> pairwplayer >> play
    • Earlier, pairwplayer >> depositgfee >> sel3card >> play

v0.1 - 20-Oct-2020

  • features implemented like:
    • transfer cards to escrow contract
    • pairing players
    • deposit game fee
    • selecting cards