ACTION are not splitted?- As the
ACTION can't be removed because of the draw case in result. There, the cards remain in escrow contract as "available" status from "selected" status. - So, the procedure is
- As the
Can cards transferred using
ACTION be of any no.?- Yes, it can be of 1 to any no.
- It has been kept like this in order to transfer different type
cards after the result is draw.
During pairing, the second player selected is not the immediate next player in players_list. Shuffle is done among remaining players except player_1 (requester). Why is it so?
- Because, otherwise, the player will be known beforehand in the backend, which can be accessed from players table
$ cleosw get table gpkbattlesc1 gpkbattlesc1 players --show-payer
"rows": [{
"data": {
"asset_contract_ac": "simpleassets",
"players_list": [
"payer": "gpkbattlesc1"
"more": false,
"next_key": ""
- Here, e.g. requester i.e. player_1 is `gbuser111114` & let's say the player_2 is `gbuser111112`. In this case, the result is already known based on cards.
- That's why the shuffle is done among the remaining players except player_1.
- What if a paired player presses the Pair button?
- Error pops up, as the player is present in either 'player_1' or 'player_2' columns of
table of game contract.
- Error pops up, as the player is present in either 'player_1' or 'player_2' columns of
$ cleosw push action gpkbattlesc1 pairwplayer '["gbuser111115", "simpleassets"]' -p gbuser111115@active
Error 3050003: eosio_assert_message assertion failure
Error Details:
assertion failure with message: gbuser111115 is already present with game_id: '10001729600833' in player_2 column of 'ongamestat' table.
pending console output:
ACTION is separate, not merged withplay
ACTION?- This is so because in case of nodraw result,
action callsreceiverand
action (by orng.wax service) which should not have anycheck
statement. - Unlike,
ACTION has manycheck
code lines. So, it has been kept separate. - And
ACTION to be called after 3 secs of success ofplay
ACTION. Within this interval the rand ACTION can execute.
- This is so because in case of nodraw result,
Is the random no. generated open to the users?
- Yes, the random no. can be viewed in the game contract's i.e.
transaction history.
- Yes, the random no. can be viewed in the game contract's i.e.
How does the random no. finds a player as winner? Is the algorithm used open-source?
- the random no. is calculated using this snippet:
// find game result in "a" or "b"
inline name find_game_result(const checksum256& random_value) {
auto byte_array = random_value.extract_as_byte_array();
uint64_t random_int = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++) {
random_int <<= 8;
random_int |= (uint64_t)byte_array[i];
name res = ""_n;
uint64_t num1 = random_int % 2; // produces either 0 or 1
if(num1 == 0)
res = "a"_n;
else if(num1 == 1)
res = "b"_n;
return res;
Is the game going to be only based on 3 cards based?
- No, there are going to be many games in future and the corresponding cards type selection, count are different.
Is the game fee going to be constant i.e. "5 WAX"?
- No, it depends on the card's category, variant, quality, based on the game type.
If anyone gets to buy the card from gpk website, why should I play the game then?
- This is because here a player can win a card at a relatively lesser price as "game fee".
Can a player play multiple game_ids/game rounds at same time?
- Yes, but for different assets type like simpleassets, atomicassets, etc.
Why the permission for execution of
ACTION has been changed fromgpkbattlesco@active
?- First of all, the permission is not changed inside the contract, but has been linked externally.
- Reason: As the private key has to be used inside the front-end code, that's why custom key has been created for 2 different ACTION(s) -
. - Reference
What if the other player in a game's round doesn't select cards for 2nd time after 1 time draw?
- There is a time limit of 180 secs within which both the players should select cards to continue further.
- if either of the player selects cards, then the game_fee shall only be deducted from the defaulter player
What if the none player in a game's round select cards for 2nd time after 1 time draw?
- game_fee will be deducted from both the players.
- So, this is a motivation for both the players to select cards quickly within 180s of time.
As we know, when a player selects cards, the player is added into the players_list. Does it also happen in case of post 1-draw?
- No.
- There is a check in the contract that if the player is not found in the ongamestat table, then it is added.
- Please, see this inside
gpkbattlesco::sel3card ACTION
// modify `ongamestat` table with selected cards for respective players
if ( (player1_it != player1_idx.end()) || (player2_it != player2_idx.end()) ) // player found in game_table (after 1 draw)
if(player1_it != player1_idx.end()) {
check(player1_it->player1_cards.empty(), "cards are already present for this player. So, can't select cards again.");
player1_idx.modify(player1_it, get_self(), [&](auto& row){
row.player1_cards = card_ids;
row.player1_cards_combo = card_ids_type;
else if(player2_it != player2_idx.end()) {
check(player2_it->player2_cards.empty(), "cards are already present for this player. So, can't select cards again.");
player2_idx.modify(player2_it, get_self(), [&](auto& row){
row.asset_contract_ac = asset_contract_ac;
row.player2_cards = card_ids;
row.player2_cards_combo = card_ids_type;
} else { // player NOT found in game_table
// add player name into `players` table, if not already added
permission_level{get_self(), "active"_n},
std::make_tuple(asset_contract_ac, player)
In case of post 1-draw, when only 1 player selects cards, then the defrayer's cards remain selected. And in this situation, ofcourse they are not added in the players_list as well (because the defrayer already exists in one of the game_ids). So, will the cards remain selected?
- No.
- After
(result: 1-draw) >>del1drawgame
(the defrayer's cards are also made available)
In case of no-draw, inside
ACTION, why there is a temporary deduction of game_fee, when the game_fee is permanently deducted duringdisndcards
ACTION?- First of all, the game_fee is temporarily (remains with
contract) deducted & permanently transferred togpkbatincome
account. - This is due to security reason:
- the player(s) could withdraw game_fee in the time they get b/w post
& predisndcards
ACTION(s) execution. This wait time (around 3-5 sec. max. 3 mins) has to be given because of a. cloud-based triggering ofrequestrand
ACTION pair. b. & then execution of ofdisndcards
ACTION for disbursing cards to winner & loser. This disndcards is kept separate i.e. not put insidereceiverrand
ACTION because: - nocheck()
condition can't be put inside.check
is needed for verifying multiple conditions (put inside the code).
- the player(s) could withdraw game_fee in the time they get b/w post
- First of all, the game_fee is temporarily (remains with
Why a player is not able to see the games like Case-1 in
TABLE?- Because those games were not played successfully.
- Hence, the games of Case-2 & Case-3 are added, but not Case-1.