- Fork it
- Create your feature branch (
git checkout -b my-new-feature
) - Commit your changes (
git commit -am 'Add some feature'
) - Ensure you have added suitable tests and the test suite is passing(
./gradlew check
) - Push to the branch (
git push origin my-new-feature
) - Create a new Pull Request
A gradle wrapper is included, so these tasks can run without any prior installation of gradle. The Linux/OSX form of the commands, given below, is:
./gradlew <task name>
For Windows, use the batch file:
gradlew.bat <task name>
To build the library’s AAR package, execute:
./gradlew chat-android:assemble
The built AAR package will be located in the chat-android/build/outputs/aar/
We use Detekt for code style checks and static analysis in this project. Detekt helps maintain a consistent codebase and identify potential issues in the code. Before submitting a pull request, ensure that your code passes all Detekt checks.
You can run Detekt locally to verify your code against the configured rules. Use the following command:
./gradlew detekt
Detekt’s rules can be updated by modifying the detekt.yml configuration file. Ensure that any changes to the rules are well-documented and align with the project’s coding standards.
Our tests are written using JUnit and can be executed with the following command:
./gradlew test
This will run all unit tests in the project. Ensure all tests pass before submitting a pull request.
If you wish to make changes to the source code and test them immediately in another project, follow these steps:
Modify the version property in gradle.properties
to reflect a local version:
Publish the library to your local Maven repository by running:
./gradlew publishToMavenLocal
In the project where you want to use the updated library:
Add the mavenLocal() repository to your repositories block:
repositories { mavenLocal() // other repositories... }
Add a dependency for the local version of the library:
- Ensure the version number (
) matches the one you set in gradle.properties. - The
repository should typically be used only during development to avoid conflicts with published versions in remote repositories.
The source of truth for documentation for the Ably Chat SDKs can be found on the Ably Docs repository.
Please ensure that you merge any pull requests in that repository promptly after releasing your change.
Any releases must be accompanied by a PR to bump the library install version in the setup/install guide, at minimum.
Before starting the release process, ensure you have:
- Sonatype OSSRH account credentials configured in your
:mavenCentralUsername=user-token-username mavenCentralPassword=user-token-password
- GPG key for signing artifacts:
- Generate a key pair if you don't have one:
gpg --gen-key
- Export the secret key to gradle.properties:
signing.keyId=short-key-id signing.password=key-password signing.secretKeyRingFile=/path/to/.gnupg/secring.gpg
This library uses semantic versioning. For each release, the following needs to be done:
Create a branch for the release, named like
is what you're releasing, being the new version) -
Replace all references of the current version number with the new version number (check the README.md and gradle.properties) and commit the changes
to automate the update of the CHANGELOG. This may require some manual intervention, both in terms of how the command is run and how the change log file is modified. Your mileage may vary:- The command you will need to run will look something like this:
github_changelog_generator -u ably -p ably-chat-kotlin --since-tag v1.2.3 --output delta.md --token $GITHUB_TOKEN_WITH_REPO_ACCESS
. Generate token here. - Using the command above,
--output delta.md
writes changes made after--since-tag
to a new file. - The contents of that new file (
) then need to be manually inserted at the top of theCHANGELOG.md
, changing the " Unreleased" heading and linking with the current version numbers. - Also ensure that the "Full Changelog" link points to the new version tag instead of the
- The command you will need to run will look something like this:
Create a PR on the website docs that updates that SDK version in the setup/installation guide.
Make a PR against
Once the PR is approved, merge it into
From the updated
branch on your local workstation, assemble and upload:./gradlew publishAndReleaseToMavenCentral
- Verify the upload was successful by checking the Maven Central repository
- If the upload fails, check the Sonatype staging repository for any validation errors
- Common issues include:
- Missing POM file information
- Invalid signatures
- Incomplete Javadoc
Add a tag and push to origin - e.g.:
git tag v1.2.4 && git push origin v1.2.4
Create the release on Github including populating the release notes
Merge any website docs PRs related to the changes, including the one you created in Step 5.
Create the entry on the Ably Changelog (via headwayapp)