A little program to remind you of upcoming events / unfinished tasks.
Put them into ~/.zshrc
or ~/.bashrc
or whatever you want, and it will stop you from
putting off important shit.
Pickled (i.e., serialized) todo list objects are saved in ~/.local/share/py-todo/todo.dat by default.
- python >=3.5 (sys, re, pickle, pathlib, datetime)
- Linux
- OSX (tested on 10.14 Mojave)
- Debian / Ubuntu / Mint - Get latest deb
sudo dpkg -i py-todo_1.3.3-3_all.deb
- Arch Linux - AUR (Maintained by RewoundVHS)
yay -S py-todo
- Manual Installation (Linux)
$ git clone https://github.com/aesophor/py-todo.git
$ cd py-todo && sudo cp todo /usr/bin/todo
- Manual Installation (OSX)
$ git clone https://github.com/aesophor/py-todo.git
$ cd py-todo && cp todo /usr/local/bin/
$ todo # List all items.
$ todo -a # Add an item. (with Title / Expiry Date prompt)
$ todo -a <title> <expiry_date> # Add an item. (without Title / Expiry Date prompt)
$ todo -e <index> # Edit an item. (with Title / Expiry Date prompt)
$ todo -e <index> <title> <expiry_date> # Edit an item. (without Title / Expiry Date prompt)
$ todo -l --list # List all items.
$ todo -m --move <index> <new index> # Move an item from index to new index.
$ todo -r <indices> # Remove one or more items.
$ todo -s --sort # Sort items by their remaining days
$ todo -h # Display help message.
$ todo -v # Display version info.
$ todo -org <filename> # Adds TODOs from Emacs org mode
The default config location is ~/.config/py-todo/config
color = true / false
detail_mode = true / false
week_start_day = Sun
show_time = true
Discrete Mathematics Exam (Next Wednesday; 5 days left) # detail_mode = true
Discrete Mathematics Exam (5 days left) # detail_mode = false
Special thanks to all the contributors! (In lexicographical order)
- Arsukeey - Added Detail Mode (e.g., Next Wednesday)
- christophergeiger3 - Reformatted code
- diplozoon - Reformatted code
- jcstill - Add support for past due tasks
- jonaylor89 - More robust config parsing
- luvhalvorson - Updated README.md
- MMarinov97 - Added compatibility with emacs org file
- patatman - Improved -a --add. Tested py-todo on MacOS
- RewoundVHS - AUR Package Maintainer, Color Mode
- Steampunkery - Added -e --edit, -m --move, refactoring
Available under the MIT License