A Vue 3 SPA using Ant Design Vue 2 and built with Vite 2
From repo root, navigate to js-web/vue-vite folder
- Copy application specific files
cp src/apps/web-template/deploy/.env.* .
cp src/apps/web-template/deploy/.apploader.js .
Note: For Login
- Login using one of the following:
- Mock: fake a user and login, no backend needed
- Login: normal login with OTP, express server needs to be run
- details already prefilled with following values
- User: test
- Password: test
- OTP (if enabled - e.g. USE_OTP=TEST): use 111111 as otp pin
- SAML: requires keycloak to be setup and run, express server needs to be run
- OIDC: requires keycloak to be setup and run, express server needs to be run
- OAuth: requires github account and app to be setup and also add github ID to a user in the sqlite database, express server needs to be run
Note: For Push Notification
- Using Google FCM, setup your firebase account and messaging, also setup FCM server key in backend
- Using self hosted webpush is also supported and available
- You can test PWA Push notifications using Webpush or FCM on Dashboard page depending on .env. file configuration (need to be on
- Click the following buttons in order (see their output in console.log and screen):
- sub PN (subscribe)
- Test PN (send a test message to user id 1 - on sqlite)
- Unsub PN (unsubscribe)
- Ensure that dev.sqlite is created and populated running, DO NOT RUN THE APP. JUST MIGRATE AND SEED DB.
- Ensure that MongoDB is running.
npm run test:all:dev
npm run build
Need to run js-node/express to serve the site on
cd js-web/vue-vite
./deploy.sh uat web-template
Details can be found in the deploy.sh file
Navigate to https://uat.mybot.live
npm cache clean --force
rm -rf node_modules
rm package-lock.json
+- cypress/
+- nested/ : testing for multi-html
+- public/
| +- img/
| | +- icons/
| | +- splash/
| +- static/
| +- favicon.ico
| +- firebase-messaging-sw.js
| +- manifest.json
| +- robots.txt
| +- service-worker.js
| +- sitemap.xml
| +- style.css
+- src/
| +- apps/
| | +- web-<Your-Custom-Frontend>/: folder with prefix "-web" are your custom frontend code (your frontend repo)
| | +- web-template/
| | +- components/
| | +- deploy/ : contains custom deployment info & files see js-node/expressjs/deploy/README.md
| | +- layouts/
| | +- views/
| | | +- DataEntry/
| | | +- Demo/
| | | +- Favv/ : requires https://github.com/ais-one/favv/ Fastapi backend
| | | +- Visuals/
| | + setup.js: custom frontend setup (set INITIAL_SECURE_PATH, ROUTES CONSTANTS here)
| | + store.js: custom frontend store
| | + .gitignore: for your repo
| +- layouts/
| +- plugins/
| +- views/
| | +- setup.js : specify routes and other config info
| | +- store.js : store specific to this application (to use pinia)
| +- App.vue
| +- main.js
| +- router.js
| +- services.js
| +- store.js
+- .env.development
+- .env.uat
+- .eslintignore
+- .eslintrc.js
+- .gitguardian.yml
+- .gitignore
+- .prettierrc.js
+- config.js
+- cypress.json
+- cypress.zip
+- deploy.sh: to build into static folder for serving
+- firebase.config.js
+- index.html
+- package.json
+- package-lock.json
+- pwa-init.js
+- README.md
+- vite.config.js
Setting up your custom frontend
- in package.json, default environment for
command isdevelopment
files are specific to each application and found insrc/web<your-web-app>/deploy
folder, they are copied to root folder when switching app to work on- apploader.js contains the app setup file to use
indicates the environment file to use (command to use: npx vite build --mode $1)- All folders and files prefixed with TBD can be ignored, they are not implemented and used for reference
# in js-web/vue-vite/src/apps
# note that project name must start with prefix "web-"
git clone <your frontend project e.g. web-example>
- see js-web/vue-vite/.env.development for defining vite.config.js and environment level (eg API URL) related configurations
- see js-web/vue-vite/apploader.js for loading custom frontend
- environment is selected using the --mode property (see package.json)
- use js-web/vue-vite/src/apps/web-template/ as reference on your custom frontend
- see js-web/vue-vite/src/apps/web-template/setup.js on the frontend setup especially the ROUTES property
- ROUTES property
- use kebab-case, will be converted to Capital Case in menu display
- only up to 1 submenu level
- /first-level
- /submenu/second-level
- paths
- '~/xxx.js' from js-web/vue-vite/src folder
- '/xxx.js' from js-web/vue-vite folder