Releases: ais-one/cookbook
Releases · ais-one/cookbook
Version 0.1.9
- hotfix: place back user
- hotfix: if table slot found (you are using a custom list), load data... because you are not using the default "" component where pagination set when the component is created causing a load to happen
- improvement: permissions are now in data() instead of computed
- chore: update example-firebase, change custom filters and forms to use slots
- chore: write documentation on how to change to custom filters and forms
Version 0.1.8
- chore: linter and prettier package updates (you MAY need to edit your code to avoid linting errors)
- improvement[MINOR BREAKING CHANGE - for paged results]: add totalRecords property to return object of find() function so the following is returned { records, pagination, totalRecords }. totalRecords is the total possible records returned from a search, before paging limits are applied. We do not use "pagination.totalItems" any more as it has no effect, and we do not mutate pagination (there is no need to mutate explicitly).
- improvement: reduce store usage (it was not necessary and added complexity)
- remove from vuex: records, totalRecs, crudOps, defaultRec, pagination, filterData
- save pagination and filterData into vuex when getRecordsHelper() is triggered or on initial store creating, retrieve on mounted,
- improvement: use doPage field to indicate if not using paging or page size, page size increments
- improvement: add table-toolbar & form-toolbar scoped slots, add reference to vue-crud-x in the slots (vcx), so that you can access its properties and methods
- improvement: move VueCrudX.vue source file to location for common components where all example projects can access
- improvement: now works on NUXT: (SPA, SSR and generated!!!), includes social login using github (Need to setup OAuth2, client id & secret, and callback URL)
- improvement: move Loading/BusyOverlay to a common components folder (the same folder as VueCrudX.vue)
- chore: version updates for Vuetify & VueJS, and other npm packages
- chore: added firestore rules and index files in example-firebase
- work in progress: add testing (deferred, to use from apiary?)
Version 0.1.7
- note: example folder is now renamed as example-firebase
- improvement: add form-open event - with data loaded when form opens
- improvement: add scoped-slots for filter & edit form [IMPORTANT] please use this from now for customizing the CRUD, please see the following files for reference:
- example-firebase/src/pages/MultiCrud/Example.vue
- example-rest/src/pages/Book.vue
- example-rest/src/pages/Page.vue
- improvement: remove summary component (use scoped-slot instead)
- improvement: code refactor in progress (make it easier to use)
- done: (example-rest) - Vanilla VueJS connecting to REST backend)
- improvement: Websocket (can use & ngrok to test)
- improvement: use RxJS in example-rest/src/pages/Book.vue for debounce and fetch handling
- improvement: add transaction in DB query
- chore: update npm packages ([email protected])
- chore: update & improve documentation
Version 0.1.6
- chore: update npm packages ([email protected])
- fix: (issue 44) metadata from firestore
- work in progress: RESTful++ Backend For Testing
- Priority Items
- Done - Use ObjectionJS + SQLite for example, Mongo will have basic example with reconnect, and a simple find
- Done - Login & OTP, Key-Value Store for user token storage on server (can replace with redis)
- Done - Sample relational database implementation with (1-1, 1-m, m-n use cases) migrations, seeders, swagger documentation - Done
- Done - Implementation of RESTful routes
- Non-essential items
- WIP - Websocket (use & ngrok to test)
- TBD - Multiple File upload example (to local folder)
- TBD - Single File upload example (to firestore)
- TBD - Graphql
- TBD - Logging
- TBD- Security Improvements
- TBD - Social Logins
- Priority Items
- work in progress: Frontend REST example
- TBD - Nuxt (SPA first then transition to SSR)
- TBD - Vanilla VueJS
- chore: implement testing
Version 0.1.5
- chore: upgraded to vuetify 1.4.1
- improvement: you can now customize table content, see @/pages/MultiCrud/Example.vue, Toggle Table button shows how it works
- work in progress: REST API Example (merge Nuxt & REST example, use Nuxt SPA - decision still in progress)
- Seperated backend code, so it can be used as an example backend various frontend projects
- Important: deciding whether to use MongoDB or SQLite
- Login - Done
- Show table - In progress
- Show nested table (one to many) - In progress
- Show table (many to many) - In progress
Version 0.1.4
- chore: upgraded to vuetify 1.3.11
- improvement: hide vue-i18n warning messages - @/lang.js
- improvement: you can return your own object for CRUD operations (see readme). return of hard-coded numbers will be DEPRECATED
- improvement: you can customize toolbar buttons and optionally have text below toolbar button (space limited though) - see @/pages/Crud/party.js & @/pages/Crud/party-inline.js
- improvement: create, update & delete events also emit the crudOps result (property named 'res'). if the operation did not return anything, res is undefined
- improvement: [SOMEWHAT - NEEDS MORE TESTING] - fixed header vuetifyjs/vuetify#1547
- improvement: allow user to hide filter button on toolbar (crudTable.showFilterButton = false)
- work in progress: REST API Example
- Login - Done
- Show table - In progress
- Show nested table (one to many) - In progress
- Show table (many to many) - In progress
Version 0.1.3
- chore: upgraded to vuetify 1.3.8
- improvement: add v-btn-toggle, grouped input [Alpha Version - Specification May Change]
- improvement: [NON BREAKING CHANGE] please use 'field' instead of 'type' for Form & Filter inputs, 'type' will be deprecated
- improvement: pass in 'this._self' as props to and so that your custom forms or filters can access the parent vue-crud-x component
- bug fix: confirmation dialog logic for update and create was wrong
- bug fix: CRUD update permissions in saveRow
- improvement: export csv now does not require id to be first column - @/assts/util.js
- work in progress: REST API Example
- Login - Done
- Show table - In progress
- Show nested table (one to many) - In progress
- Show table (many to many) - In progress
Version 0.1.2
- bug fix: missing pleaseSave key in '@/lang', user needs to save changes or cancel them (by refreshing) before they can add inline record
- bug fix: many inline save row issues (due to handling of realtime firebase snaphot updates, CRUD unaffected)
- improvement: only save row if the row has been edited
- improvement: add loaded event (when submitFilter() is called)
- improvement: detect if i18n (multi-lang dependency) is present during mounted() of vue-crud-x and handle if not present
- improvement: add time picker '@/TimePicker', improve date picker '@/DatePicker' (customize date format, prepend-icon now optional)
- improvement: add realtime firebase in example project (Select "Real Time" on menu)
- chore: clean up folder organization in example project
- chore: improve documentation
- work in progress: REST API Example
- Login - Done
- Show table - In progress
- Show nested table (one to many) - In progress
- Show table (many to many) - In progress
Version 0.1.1 (No Breaking Changes)
- Removed wrongly installed dependencies in package.json
- upgraded to vuetify 1.3.5
- Add summary component (optional)
- html in table cell & header cell
- improve save row function by allowing background color to indicate change has been done on a cell in the row
- fix CSV export function - use " (double quote) for field delimiter and escape "(double quote) using 2 "s
- add JSON export (@/assets/util)
- add secondary firebase app for auth user creation (@/firebase)
- add editing object so as to indicate which rows user has edited inline and at what time (@/VueCrudX)
( - [Work In Progress] REST API Example
- Login - Done
- Show table - In progress
- Show nested table (one to many) - In progress
- Show table (many to many) - In progress
Version 0.1.0
- first minor version change!
- fixed bug in can() function which shows button even though flag is false
- improved configurability & look-and-feel customization (spacing, color, alignment, etc.) of vue-crud-x
- see party-inline.js crudTable property for full details (some properties and props have been removed)
- crudTable.attrs shows the customizations for the various parts of the component
- the attrs are not limited to what is in the party-inline.js file (details of this are explained in party-inline.js)
- [BREAKING CHANGE] Action Column, now indicated in headers array instead of actionColumn flag, see party-inline.j]
- improve usability
- make all buttons accessible, put them at top bar (done)
- make top bar sticky - fixed (done - will need to revisit in Vuetify 2.0)
- upgrade to vuetify 1.2.9 and updated outdated packages
- [WORK IN PROGRESS] REST API example (with authorization & with configuration management)
- jwt, google authenticator 2FA
- knex, objectionjs, sqlite, keyv
- update VueCrudX component in Nuxt example