Releases: ais-one/cookbook
Releases · ais-one/cookbook
Version 0.0.24
- updated packages & vuetify to 1.2.6
- update to Nuxt example to use Nuxt 2.0
- save row button for inline edit (reduce API calls)
- add row button, allow popup for user to enter data for field/s before row is added (e.g. specify a date or name)
- [Breaking Change - really sorry for this] use full component name for inline edit (v-select instead of select, so in future you can include your own)
Version 0.0.23
- [Major Breaking Change] improved Inline Edit, use attributes object with v-bind instead of hardcoding attributes
- supports: v-text-field, v-select, v-combobox, v-autocomplete, v-textarea, v-date-picker, v-time-picker
- all inputs need to use the new way of defining the objects
- Example Usage: @/Components/Crud/party-inline.js
- [MINOR breaking change] improved Auto-generated Filters and Forms, use attributes object with v-bind instead of hardcoding attributes
- supports: v-text-field, v-select, v-combobox, v-autocomplete, v-textarea, v-date-picker, v-time-picker
- v-select is broken and needs to use the new way of defining the objects
- Example Usage: @/Components/Crud/party-inline.js
- improve look of progress loaders
- prefer to use linear progress bars rather than circular fullscreen dialog (especially, when you have multiple crud components in a page)
- added WebCam and DrawingCanvas components in test page for example on capture of photo an signatures in a form
- add autocomplete sample in test page (to be improved in future)
- still using vuetify 1.2.3, as the popup dialog transparency from 1.2.4 is a problem
Version 0.0.21
- user permissions
- inline edit improvements, add v-datepicker to inline edit, have inline edit without using dialog (blur will update contents if it has been changed)
- created DatePicker component in example that integrates v-text-field with v-date-picker, so you write less boilerplate code
- move nuxt example from external repo to here...
- move rest example from external repo to here...
- clearble input (v-text-field in filter)
Version 0.0.20
- Move the doPage & crudTitle props into crudTable props as objects (breaking change on pagination flag)
- update vuetify to 1.2.2
- add textarea input type for inline edits
- crud improvement
- add actionColumn (if true, table row has edit/delete icons)
- option to create new record via dialog (current & default behaviour) or by adding row
- if you have actionColumn but no inline edit fields, clicking on row will emit 'selected' event
- REST API example repository
- Mutiple CRUD in a page
- Working example on using parent and child table in same page
- Scroll to top example included
- half-sized filter inputs on wider screens (see halfSize property)
- autogenerated filter if crudFilter's filterVue component is null & your filterData is properly populated
- autogenerated form if crudForm's formAutoData is properly populated (still needs some improvements)
- many customization on table look and feel
- colors, action columns, dark or light theme
- see party-inline.js for example settings and comments
- FIXED: fix custom filters and forms in multi CRUD page (e.g. filter component gets overwritten)
- next Update (in order of priority)
- user permissions & delete related records (e.g. deleting a party will also delete all notes belonging to that party)
- v-data-table actions-append: implement later, requires vuetifyjs 1.2.X
Version 0.0.19
- pagination example (yes with firebase — only problem is that all records are loaded (e.g. 50 records) every time find is triggered, and page size is 5). Good thing is, you can use the example and it will work well on a DB supporting Total record count, Limit and Offset.
- use one Vue file for compilation
- use VueI18n for translations, and include Vuetify i18n
- one for Vuetify
- one for VueCrudX
- the rest for your app
- clean up firebase code, fix firestore duplicate check for update (thanks @gakera)
- example implementation as component (you can use it on a page with charts or google maps, etc)
- no breaking changes but... need to install vue-i18n
- update vuetify to 1.1.12
- firebase transactions and pagination example in party-inline.js
- not really true server side pagination as limit / offset is expensive in firebase (skipped records are charged)
- but it serves as a good example for server side pagination implementation
- use HTTP status codes as CRUD operation result return values, for use with snackbar and calling function (non breaking change)
- it is possible to work with NuxtJS (
Version 0.0.18
- update firebase packages & vuetify to 1.1.10
- set vue-crud-x dependency tag to latest in example folder package.json
- add snackbar to notify results of CRUD operations (configurable and can be disabled)
- dynamic initial values (e.g. timestamp), see defaultRec implemented as function (no breaking change as you can still use defaultRec as object)
- confimation for create / delete / update operations (confirmation can be individually disabled)
- use native Javascript instead of Vuetify confirm dialog (reduce code and simplify code), will use Vuetify again once I can come up with simpler logic for it.
- add inline-edit mode (use with care)
- add progress indicator (thin line to upper part) to all async operations
- use type="date" instead of datepicker, reduce code
- enhanced filter example (Filter.vue example that auto generate filter fields from filter object)
- update to vuetify 1.1.8
- make image upload component (can also modify to be file upload)
Version 0.0.16
- now using vue-cli 3 scaffolding for example
- update to vuetify 1.1.1
Version 0.0.15
- update to vuetify 1.0.19
- align filter apply icon to right (consistency)
- add hasDuplicate (for firestore) check in example (party)
- add total record at top to search if non paged result