Disallows reassigning parameters that are considered constants. This rule is similar to tslint's no-parameter-reassignent
but allows you to explicitly declare which parameter is a constant with JsDoc /** @const */
function fn(/**@const*/foo, bar) {
foo++; // error on this line
bar++; // no error
class C {
constructor(/** @const */ public foo) {
foo++; // error on this line
this.foo++; // no error on this line, because only parameters are checked by this rule
function fn(/**@constant*/foo) { // also works with @constant tag
foo++; // error on this line
function fn({ // also works with destructured parameters
/**@const*/ foo,
baz: /**@const*/ bar,
}) {
foo++; // error on this line
bar++; // error on this line