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User_Getting started with Media Pickers

William French edited this page Aug 7, 2014 · 1 revision

Getting started with Media Pickers

Media Picker is a control that allows a user to pick a media resource from an external service like Bing or SkyDrive. Media List is a control that shows icons of all registered media pickers and allows a user to open any registered media picker. This guide shows how to implement your own media picker and add it to the media list control, which is used in ChronoZoom dialogs for adding media. You can see this in action by creating a new exhibit and adding an artifact to that exhibit.


ChronoZoom provides a convenient mechanism for registering new media pickers. All you need to do is add .ts and .html files with media picker's class and view. Then you need to register new media picker using the CZ.Media.initialize() function (/scripts/media.ts). After registration the media list control automatically picks your media picker and shows its icon in the list. The following diagram shows this data flow:

Media Picker Data Flow Diagram

On the diagram you need to provide custom-mediapicker.ts and custom-mediapicker.html files. The CustomMediaPicker class must contain static setup() method. This method is a handler for media picker's icon in media list control.

Create a custom media picker

Follow the next steps to add your media picker in ChronoZoom:

  1. Add an icon for new media picker in /images/media/ directory.

  2. Add .ts and .html of new media picker in /ui/media/ directory.

  3. Open /scripts/media.ts file and register your media picker in the CZ.Media.initialize() function by using the CZ.Media.registerMediaPicker() function. The media list control displays icons in order of registration. For registration you need to provide a title, URL of icon, URL of html file with media picker's view, a class of media picker from .ts file. E.g.:


You can also pass selector parameter to registerMediaPicker() function if you wish to load your media picker's view in a specific DOM element.

  1. You can always get information about media pickers from the following objects using title of media picker:
    CZ.Media.mediaPickers[title]; // returns object of type CZ.Media.MediaPickerInfo from /scripts/media.ts
    CZ.Media.mediaPickersViews[title]; // returns JQuery object with media picker's view
  1. Write your code in new added files. .ts file must contain a class with your media picker, which you passed to registration function. Static setup() method of the class is required:
    public static setup(context) {
        // your setup code here...

Here context is an artifact which passed from Edit Content Item dialog. Media picker updates artifact's media properties when a user selects media resource. You can use object of type CZ.Media.MediaInfo to store temporary information about media resource and then use this object to update artifact.


If you need more information about how to implement your own media picker, please refer to the sample in the /samples/custom-mediapicker/ directory.

Or you can refer to the existing Bing media picker: