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lukaszcz committed Jan 31, 2023
1 parent 12c741e commit 75bcb17
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Showing 6 changed files with 254 additions and 242 deletions.
8 changes: 5 additions & 3 deletions src/Juvix/Compiler/Backend/Geb/Extra.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -2,7 +2,9 @@ module Juvix.Compiler.Backend.Geb.Extra where

import Juvix.Compiler.Backend.Geb.Language

destructProd :: Object -> [Object]
destructProd = \case
ObjectProd Prod {..} -> _prodLeft : destructProd _prodRight
-- | Destructs a product in a right-associative way, e.g., (a, (b, c)) is
-- destructed to [a, b, c]
destructProduct :: Object -> [Object]
destructProduct = \case
ObjectProduct Product {..} -> _productLeft : destructProduct _productRight
x -> [x]
152 changes: 81 additions & 71 deletions src/Juvix/Compiler/Backend/Geb/Language.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,6 +1,10 @@
module Juvix.Compiler.Backend.Geb.Language where
module Juvix.Compiler.Backend.Geb.Language
( module Juvix.Compiler.Backend.Geb.Language,
module Juvix.Prelude,

import Juvix.Prelude
import Juvix.Prelude hiding (First, Product)

The following datatypes correspond to GEB types for terms
Expand All @@ -15,66 +19,68 @@ data Case = Case
{ _caseLeftType :: Object,
_caseRightType :: Object,
_caseCodomainType :: Object,
_caseOn :: Geb,
_caseLeft :: Geb,
_caseRight :: Geb
_caseOn :: Morphism,
_caseLeft :: Morphism,
_caseRight :: Morphism

data Pair = Pair
{ _pairLeftType :: Object,
_pairRightType :: Object,
_pairLeft :: Geb,
_pairRight :: Geb
_pairLeft :: Morphism,
_pairRight :: Morphism

data Fst = Fst
{ _fstLeftType :: Object,
_fstRightType :: Object,
_fstValue :: Geb
data First = First
{ _firstLeftType :: Object,
_firstRightType :: Object,
_firstValue :: Morphism

data Snd = Snd
{ _sndLeftType :: Object,
_sndRightType :: Object,
_sndValue :: Geb
data Second = Second
{ _secondLeftType :: Object,
_secondRightType :: Object,
_secondValue :: Morphism

data Lamb = Lamb
{ _lambVarType :: Object,
_lambBodyType :: Object,
_lambBody :: Geb
data Lambda = Lambda
{ _lambdaVarType :: Object,
_lambdaBodyType :: Object,
_lambdaBody :: Morphism

data App = App
{ _appDomainType :: Object,
_appCodomainType :: Object,
_appLeft :: Geb,
_appRight :: Geb
data Application = Application
{ _applicationDomainType :: Object,
_applicationCodomainType :: Object,
_applicationLeft :: Morphism,
_applicationRight :: Morphism

-- | Corresponds to the GEB type for terms: `stlc`
newtype Var = Var {_varIndex :: Int}

-- | Corresponds to the GEB type for morphisms (terms): `stlc`
-- (
data Geb
= GebAbsurd Geb
| GebUnit
| GebLeft Geb
| GebRight Geb
| GebCase Case
| GebPair Pair
| GebFst Fst
| GebSnd Snd
| GebLamb Lamb
| GebApp App
| GebVar Int

data Prod = Prod
{ _prodLeft :: Object,
_prodRight :: Object
data Morphism
= MorphismAbsurd Morphism
| MorphismUnit
| MorphismLeft Morphism
| MorphismRight Morphism
| MorphismCase Case
| MorphismPair Pair
| MorphismFirst First
| MorphismSecond Second
| MorphismLambda Lambda
| MorphismApplication Application
| MorphismVar Var

data Product = Product
{ _productLeft :: Object,
_productRight :: Object

data Coprod = Coprod
{ _coprodLeft :: Object,
_coprodRight :: Object
data Coproduct = Coproduct
{ _coproductLeft :: Object,
_coproductRight :: Object

-- | Function type
Expand All @@ -86,42 +92,46 @@ data Hom = Hom
-- | Corresponds to the GEB type for types (objects of the category): `substobj`
-- (
data Object
= ObjectInitial -- empty type
| ObjectTerminal -- unit type
| ObjectProd Prod
| ObjectCoprod Coprod
| ObjectHom Hom -- function type

instance HasAtomicity Geb where
= -- | empty type
| -- | unit type
| ObjectProduct Product
| ObjectCoproduct Coproduct
| -- | function type
ObjectHom Hom

instance HasAtomicity Morphism where
atomicity = \case
GebAbsurd {} -> Aggregate appFixity
GebUnit -> Atom
GebLeft {} -> Aggregate appFixity
GebRight {} -> Aggregate appFixity
GebCase {} -> Aggregate appFixity
GebPair {} -> Aggregate appFixity
GebFst {} -> Aggregate appFixity
GebSnd {} -> Aggregate appFixity
GebLamb {} -> Aggregate appFixity
GebApp {} -> Aggregate appFixity
GebVar {} -> Aggregate appFixity
MorphismAbsurd {} -> Aggregate appFixity
MorphismUnit -> Atom
MorphismLeft {} -> Aggregate appFixity
MorphismRight {} -> Aggregate appFixity
MorphismCase {} -> Aggregate appFixity
MorphismPair {} -> Aggregate appFixity
MorphismFirst {} -> Aggregate appFixity
MorphismSecond {} -> Aggregate appFixity
MorphismLambda {} -> Aggregate appFixity
MorphismApplication {} -> Aggregate appFixity
MorphismVar {} -> Aggregate appFixity

instance HasAtomicity Object where
atomicity = \case
ObjectInitial -> Atom
ObjectTerminal -> Atom
ObjectProd {} -> Aggregate appFixity
ObjectCoprod {} -> Aggregate appFixity
ObjectProduct {} -> Aggregate appFixity
ObjectCoproduct {} -> Aggregate appFixity
ObjectHom {} -> Aggregate appFixity

makeLenses ''Case
makeLenses ''Pair
makeLenses ''Fst
makeLenses ''Snd
makeLenses ''Lamb
makeLenses ''App
makeLenses ''Geb
makeLenses ''Prod
makeLenses ''Coprod
makeLenses ''First
makeLenses ''Second
makeLenses ''Lambda
makeLenses ''Var
makeLenses ''Application
makeLenses ''Morphism
makeLenses ''Product
makeLenses ''Coproduct
makeLenses ''Hom
makeLenses ''Object
94 changes: 49 additions & 45 deletions src/Juvix/Compiler/Backend/Geb/Pretty/Base.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ import Juvix.Compiler.Backend.Geb.Language
import Juvix.Compiler.Backend.Geb.Pretty.Options
import Juvix.Data.CodeAnn
import Juvix.Extra.Strings qualified as Str
import Juvix.Prelude

doc :: (HasAtomicity c, PrettyCode c) => Options -> c -> Doc Ann
doc opts x =
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -40,66 +39,71 @@ instance PrettyCode Pair where
right <- ppArg _pairRight
return $ kwPair <+> lty <+> rty <+> left <+> right

instance PrettyCode Fst where
ppCode Fst {..} = do
lty <- ppArg _fstLeftType
rty <- ppArg _fstRightType
val <- ppArg _fstValue
instance PrettyCode First where
ppCode First {..} = do
lty <- ppArg _firstLeftType
rty <- ppArg _firstRightType
val <- ppArg _firstValue
return $ kwFst <+> lty <+> rty <+> val

instance PrettyCode Snd where
ppCode Snd {..} = do
lty <- ppArg _sndLeftType
rty <- ppArg _sndRightType
val <- ppArg _sndValue
instance PrettyCode Second where
ppCode Second {..} = do
lty <- ppArg _secondLeftType
rty <- ppArg _secondRightType
val <- ppArg _secondValue
return $ kwSnd <+> lty <+> rty <+> val

instance PrettyCode Lamb where
ppCode Lamb {..} = do
vty <- ppArg _lambVarType
bty <- ppArg _lambBodyType
body <- ppArg _lambBody
instance PrettyCode Lambda where
ppCode Lambda {..} = do
vty <- ppArg _lambdaVarType
bty <- ppArg _lambdaBodyType
body <- ppArg _lambdaBody
return $ kwLamb <+> vty <+> bty <+> body

instance PrettyCode App where
ppCode App {..} = do
dom <- ppArg _appDomainType
cod <- ppArg _appCodomainType
left <- ppArg _appLeft
right <- ppArg _appRight
instance PrettyCode Application where
ppCode Application {..} = do
dom <- ppArg _applicationDomainType
cod <- ppArg _applicationCodomainType
left <- ppArg _applicationLeft
right <- ppArg _applicationRight
return $ kwApp <+> dom <+> cod <+> left <+> right

instance PrettyCode Geb where
instance PrettyCode Var where
ppCode Var {..} = return $ annotate AnnLiteralInteger (pretty _varIndex)

instance PrettyCode Morphism where
ppCode = \case
GebAbsurd val -> do
MorphismAbsurd val -> do
v <- ppArg val
return $ kwAbsurd <+> v
GebUnit ->
MorphismUnit ->
return kwUnit
GebLeft val -> do
MorphismLeft val -> do
v <- ppArg val
return $ kwLeft <+> v
GebRight val -> do
MorphismRight val -> do
v <- ppArg val
return $ kwRight <+> v
GebCase x -> ppCode x
GebPair x -> ppCode x
GebFst x -> ppCode x
GebSnd x -> ppCode x
GebLamb x -> ppCode x
GebApp x -> ppCode x
GebVar idx -> return $ kwVar <+> annotate AnnLiteralInteger (pretty idx)

instance PrettyCode Prod where
ppCode Prod {..} = do
left <- ppArg _prodLeft
right <- ppArg _prodRight
MorphismCase x -> ppCode x
MorphismPair x -> ppCode x
MorphismFirst x -> ppCode x
MorphismSecond x -> ppCode x
MorphismLambda x -> ppCode x
MorphismApplication x -> ppCode x
MorphismVar idx -> do
i <- ppCode idx
return $ kwVar <+> i

instance PrettyCode Product where
ppCode Product {..} = do
left <- ppArg _productLeft
right <- ppArg _productRight
return $ kwProd <+> left <+> right

instance PrettyCode Coprod where
ppCode Coprod {..} = do
left <- ppArg _coprodLeft
right <- ppArg _coprodRight
instance PrettyCode Coproduct where
ppCode Coproduct {..} = do
left <- ppArg _coproductLeft
right <- ppArg _coproductRight
return $ kwCoprod <+> left <+> right

instance PrettyCode Hom where
Expand All @@ -112,8 +116,8 @@ instance PrettyCode Object where
ppCode = \case
ObjectInitial -> return kwInitial
ObjectTerminal -> return kwTerminal
ObjectProd x -> ppCode x
ObjectCoprod x -> ppCode x
ObjectProduct x -> ppCode x
ObjectCoproduct x -> ppCode x
ObjectHom x -> ppCode x

Expand Down
16 changes: 5 additions & 11 deletions src/Juvix/Compiler/Backend/Geb/Pretty/Options.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -2,23 +2,17 @@ module Juvix.Compiler.Backend.Geb.Pretty.Options where

import Juvix.Prelude

newtype Options = Options
{ _optIndent :: Int
-- no fields for now, but make it easier to add options in the future I don't
-- remove this datatype entirely
data Options = Options

makeLenses ''Options

defaultOptions :: Options
defaultOptions =
{ _optIndent = 2
defaultOptions = Options

traceOptions :: Options
traceOptions =
{ _optIndent = 2
traceOptions = Options

fromGenericOptions :: GenericOptions -> Options
fromGenericOptions _ = defaultOptions
Expand Down
9 changes: 6 additions & 3 deletions src/Juvix/Compiler/Backend/Geb/Translation.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,13 +1,16 @@
module Juvix.Compiler.Backend.Geb.Translation (module Juvix.Compiler.Backend.Geb.Translation, module Juvix.Compiler.Backend.Geb.Translation.FromCore) where
module Juvix.Compiler.Backend.Geb.Translation
( module Juvix.Compiler.Backend.Geb.Translation,
module Juvix.Compiler.Backend.Geb.Translation.FromCore,

import Juvix.Compiler.Backend.Geb.Language
import Juvix.Compiler.Backend.Geb.Pretty
import Juvix.Compiler.Backend.Geb.Translation.FromCore
import Juvix.Prelude

newtype Result = Result
{ _resultCode :: Text

toResult :: Geb -> Result
toResult :: Morphism -> Result
toResult geb = Result (ppPrint geb <> "\n")

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