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draft translation from Core
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  • Loading branch information
lukaszcz committed Sep 23, 2022
1 parent 4aeb9f8 commit c8c240c
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Showing 6 changed files with 170 additions and 31 deletions.
20 changes: 17 additions & 3 deletions src/Juvix/Asm/Interpreter.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ import Juvix.Asm.Interpreter.Runtime
import Juvix.Asm.Language

-- The returned Val is the value on top of the value stack at exit, i.e., when
-- executing a toplevel Return. Results in a runtime error if at exit the value
-- executing a toplevel Return. Throws a runtime error if at exit the value
-- stack has more than one element.
runCode :: InfoTable -> Code -> Val
runCode infoTable = run . evalRuntime . goToplevel
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -52,18 +52,32 @@ runCode infoTable = run . evalRuntime . goToplevel
args <- replicateM allocClosureArgsNum popValueStack
pushValueStack (ValClosure (Closure allocClosureFunSymbol (reverse args)))
goCode cont
ExtendClosure {..} -> do
v <- popValueStack
case v of
ValClosure cl -> do
args <- replicateM extendClosureArgsNum popValueStack
( ValClosure
( Closure
(cl ^. closureSymbol)
(cl ^. closureArgs ++ reverse args)
goCode cont
_ -> error "invalid closure extension: expected closure on top of value stack"
Branch {..} -> do
v <- popValueStack
case v of
ValBool True -> goCode branchTrue
ValBool False -> goCode branchFalse
_ -> error "branch on a non-boolean"
_ -> error "branch on non-boolean"
goCode cont
Case {..} -> do
v <- popValueStack
case v of
ValConstr c -> branch (c ^. constrTag) caseBranches caseDefault
_ -> error "case on a non-data"
_ -> error "case on non-data"
goCode cont
branch :: Member Runtime r => Tag -> [CaseBranch] -> Maybe Code -> Sem r ()
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2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion src/Juvix/Asm/Interpreter/Extra.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
module Juvix.Asm.Interpreter.Extra where

import Data.HashMap.Strict qualified as HashMap
import Juvix.Asm.Interpreter.Runtime
import Juvix.Asm.Data.InfoTable
import Juvix.Asm.Interpreter.Runtime
import Juvix.Prelude

frameFromFunctionInfo :: FunctionInfo -> [Val] -> Frame
Expand Down
2 changes: 0 additions & 2 deletions src/Juvix/Asm/Interpreter/Runtime.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -81,8 +81,6 @@ data Continuation = Continuation
_contCode :: Code

The following types of values may be stored in the heap or an activation
Expand Down
7 changes: 7 additions & 0 deletions src/Juvix/Asm/Language.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -86,6 +86,13 @@ data Instruction
-- arguments are popped from the stack and stored in the closure at
-- _decreasing_ offsets. The result is pushed on top of the stack.
AllocClosure {allocClosureFunSymbol :: Symbol, allocClosureArgsNum :: Int}
| -- Extend a closure on top of the stack with more arguments. n =
-- extendClosureArgsNum indicates the number of arguments to extend the
-- closure with -- it must be less than the number of arguments expected by
-- the closure. Pops the closure from the stack, pops n additional arguments
-- from the stack and extends the closure with them in _decreasing_ order,
-- then pushes the extended closure on top of the stack.
ExtendClosure {extendClosureArgsNum :: Int}
| -- Branch based on a boolean value on top of the stack, pop the stack.
Branch {branchTrue :: Code, branchFalse :: Code}
| -- Branch based on the tag of the constructor data on top of the stack, pop
Expand Down
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion src/Juvix/Asm/Translation/Extra/InfoTableBuilder.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
module Juvix.Asm.Translation.Extra.InfoTableBuilder where

import Data.HashMap.Strict qualified as HashMap
import Juvix.Asm.Language
import Juvix.Asm.Data.InfoTable
import Juvix.Asm.Language

data InfoTableBuilder m a where
RegisterFunction :: FunctionInfo -> InfoTableBuilder m ()
Expand Down
168 changes: 144 additions & 24 deletions src/Juvix/Asm/Translation/FromCore.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,34 +1,154 @@
module Juvix.Asm.Translation.FromCore where

import Juvix.Core.Language qualified as Core
import Juvix.Asm.Language
import Data.DList qualified as DL
import Data.HashMap.Strict qualified as HashMap
import Juvix.Asm.Language
import Juvix.Core.Data.BinderList qualified as BL
import Juvix.Core.Data.InfoTable qualified as Core
import Juvix.Core.Extra qualified as Core
import Juvix.Core.Language qualified as Core
import Juvix.Core.Language.Info qualified as Info
import Juvix.Core.Language.Info.ArgsNumInfo

-- DList for O(1) concatenation
type BinderList = BL.BinderList

-- DList for O(1) snoc and append
type Code' = DL.DList Instruction

-- Generate code for a single function. Assumes lambda-lifting, i.e., lambdas
-- occur only at the top.
genCode :: Core.Node -> Code
genCode = DL.toList . goToplevel
-- Generate code for a single function.
-- Assumptions:
-- - lambda-lifted, i.e., lambdas occur only at the top,
-- - well-typed (no illegal applications),
-- - no evaluation-only nodes,
-- - no axioms,
-- - fully applied constructors and builtins,
-- - ArgsNumInfo available for each Var node.
genCode :: Core.InfoTable -> Core.Node -> Code
genCode infoTable = DL.toList . goToplevel
unimplemented :: a
unimplemented = error "not yet implemented"

goToplevel :: Core.Node -> Code'
goToplevel node = unimplemented
goToplevel node =
let (k, body) = Core.unfoldLambdas node
in go True 0 (BL.fromList $ reverse (map (Ref . ArgRef) [0 .. k - 1])) body

go :: [Value] -> Core.Node -> Code'
go refs = \case
Core.Var {..} -> unimplemented
Core.Ident {..} -> unimplemented
Core.Constant {..} -> unimplemented
Core.Axiom {..} -> unimplemented
Core.App {..} -> unimplemented
Core.BuiltinApp {..} -> unimplemented
Core.ConstrApp {..} -> unimplemented
Core.Lambda {..} -> unimplemented
Core.Let {..} -> unimplemented
Core.Case {..} -> unimplemented
Core.If {..} -> unimplemented
-- Assumption: the BinderList does not contain references to the value stack
-- (directly or indirectly).
go :: Bool -> Int -> BinderList Value -> Core.Node -> Code'
go isTail tempSize refs node = case node of
Core.Var {..} ->
snocReturn isTail $ DL.singleton (Push (BL.lookup varIndex refs))
Core.Ident {..} ->
snocReturn isTail $ DL.singleton (AllocClosure identSymbol 0)
Core.Constant _ (Core.ConstInteger i) ->
snocReturn isTail $ DL.singleton (Push (ConstInt i))
Core.Constant _ (Core.ConstBool b) ->
snocReturn isTail $ DL.singleton (Push (ConstBool b))
Core.App {} ->
let (fun, args) = Core.unfoldApp node
in case fun of
Core.Ident {..} ->
| argsNum > length args ->
snocReturn isTail $
(DL.concat (map (go False tempSize refs) args))
(AllocClosure identSymbol (length args))
| argsNum == length args ->
(DL.concat (map (go False tempSize refs) args))
((if isTail then TailCall else Call) (CallFun identSymbol))
| otherwise -> impossible
argsNum =
(HashMap.lookup identSymbol (infoTable ^. Core.infoIdents))
^. Core.identArgsNum
Core.Var {..} ->
| argsNum > length args ->
snocReturn isTail $
( DL.snoc
(DL.concat (map (go False tempSize refs) args))
(Push (BL.lookup varIndex refs))
(ExtendClosure (length args))
| argsNum == length args ->
( DL.snoc
(DL.concat (map (go False tempSize refs) args))
(Push (BL.lookup varIndex refs))
((if isTail then TailCall else Call) CallClosure)
| otherwise -> impossible
argsNum =
fromMaybe impossible (Info.lookup kArgsNumInfo varInfo)
^. infoArgsNum
_ -> impossible
Core.BuiltinApp {..} ->
snocReturn isTail $
(DL.concat (map (go False tempSize refs) builtinArgs))
(genOp builtinOp)
Core.ConstrApp {..} ->
snocReturn isTail $
(DL.concat (map (go False tempSize refs) constrArgs))
(AllocConstr constrTag)
Core.Let {..} ->
(DL.snoc (DL.snoc (go False tempSize refs letValue) (Store tempSize)) Pop)
(go isTail (tempSize + 1) (BL.extend (Ref (TempRef tempSize)) refs) letBody)
Core.Case {..} ->
(DL.snoc (go False tempSize refs caseValue) (Store tempSize))
( Case
( map
( \(Core.CaseBranch {..}) ->
( DL.toList $
(tempSize + 1)
( BL.prepend
( map
(Ref . ConstrRef . Field (TempRef tempSize))
(reverse [0 .. caseBindersNum - 1])
(fmap (DL.toList . go isTail (tempSize + 1) refs) caseDefault)
Core.If {..} ->
(go False tempSize refs ifValue)
( Branch
(DL.toList $ go isTail tempSize refs ifTrueBranch)
(DL.toList $ go isTail tempSize refs ifFalseBranch)
_ -> impossible

genOp :: Core.BuiltinOp -> Instruction
genOp = \case
Core.OpIntAdd -> IntAdd
Core.OpIntSub -> IntSub
Core.OpIntMul -> IntMul
Core.OpIntDiv -> IntDiv
Core.OpIntEq -> IntEq
Core.OpIntLt -> IntLt
Core.OpIntLe -> IntLe
Core.OpBoolAnd -> BoolAnd
Core.OpBoolOr -> BoolOr

snocReturn :: Bool -> Code' -> Code'
snocReturn True code = DL.snoc code Return
snocReturn False code = code

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