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Compute new entrypoint root when loading a file in the REPL (#1615)
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* Add shelltests for `juvix repl`

* repl: Compute entrypoint root when loading a file

Previously the REPL would use app root (which could be the current
directory or the project root of the initially loaded file). Thus files
in a different project could not be loaded.

The entrypoint root must be computed each time a new file is `:load`ed.

Adds shell-tests for REPL commands

* Move preludePath to Juvix.Extra.Paths
  • Loading branch information
paulcadman authored Nov 10, 2022
1 parent 3c9f27d commit df4036d
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Showing 5 changed files with 212 additions and 82 deletions.
119 changes: 74 additions & 45 deletions app/Commands/Repl.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -20,34 +20,36 @@ import Juvix.Compiler.Core.Translation.FromInternal.Data qualified as Core
import Juvix.Compiler.Internal.Language qualified as Internal
import Juvix.Compiler.Internal.Pretty qualified as Internal
import Juvix.Data.Error.GenericError qualified as Error
import Juvix.Extra.Paths
import Juvix.Extra.Version
import Juvix.Prelude.Pretty qualified as P
import Root
import System.Console.ANSI qualified as Ansi
import System.Console.Haskeline
import System.Console.Repline
import System.Console.Repline qualified as Repline
import Text.Megaparsec qualified as M

type ReplS = State.StateT ReplState IO

type Repl a = HaskelineT ReplS a

data ReplContext = ReplContext
{ _replContextBuiltins :: BuiltinsState,
_replContextExpContext :: ExpressionContext,
_replContextEntryPoint :: EntryPoint

data ReplState = ReplState
{ _replStateRoot :: FilePath,
{ _replStateReplRoot :: FilePath,
_replStateContext :: Maybe ReplContext,
_replStateGlobalOptions :: GlobalOptions,
_replStateMkEntryPoint :: FilePath -> EntryPoint
_replStateMkEntryPoint :: FilePath -> Repl EntryPoint

makeLenses ''ReplState
makeLenses ''ReplContext

type ReplS = State.StateT ReplState IO

type Repl a = HaskelineT ReplS a

helpTxt :: MonadIO m => m ()
helpTxt =
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -99,35 +101,39 @@ runCommand opts = do
let epPath :: FilePath = ep ^. entryPointModulePaths . _head1
liftIO (putStrLn [i|OK loaded: #{epPath}|])

reloadFile :: String -> Repl ()
reloadFile _ = do
mentryPoint <- State.gets (fmap (^. replContextEntryPoint) . (^. replStateContext))
case mentryPoint of
Just entryPoint -> do
loadEntryPoint entryPoint
let epPath :: FilePath = entryPoint ^. entryPointModulePaths . _head1
liftIO (putStrLn [i|OK reloaded: #{epPath}|])
Nothing -> noFileLoadedMsg

loadFile :: String -> Repl ()
loadFile args = do
mkEntryPoint <- State.gets (^. replStateMkEntryPoint)
let f = unpack (strip (pack args))
entryPoint = mkEntryPoint f
entryPoint <- mkEntryPoint f
loadEntryPoint entryPoint
liftIO (putStrLn [i|OK loaded: #{f}|])

loadPrelude :: Repl ()
loadPrelude = do
mStdlibPath <- State.gets (^. replStateGlobalOptions . globalStdlibPath)
r <- State.gets (^. replStateRoot)
let stdlibDir = fromMaybe (defaultStdlibPath r) mStdlibPath
loadFile (stdlibDir </> "Stdlib" </> "Prelude.juvix")
case mStdlibPath of
Nothing -> loadDefaultPrelude
Just stdlibDir' -> do
absStdlibDir <- liftIO (makeAbsolute stdlibDir')
loadFile (absStdlibDir </> preludePath)

loadDefaultPrelude :: Repl ()
loadDefaultPrelude = defaultPreludeEntryPoint >>= loadEntryPoint

printRoot :: String -> Repl ()
printRoot _ = do
r <- State.gets (^. replStateRoot)
r <- State.gets (^. replStateReplRoot)
liftIO $ putStrLn (pack r)

displayVersion :: String -> Repl ()
Expand All @@ -136,15 +142,14 @@ runCommand opts = do
command :: String -> Repl ()
command input = Repline.dontCrash $ do
ctx <- State.gets (^. replStateContext)
gopts <- State.gets (^. replStateGlobalOptions)
case ctx of
Just ctx' -> do
evalRes <- compileThenEval ctx' input
case evalRes of
Left err -> printError gopts err
Left err -> printError err
Right n
| Info.member Info.kNoDisplayInfo (Core.getInfo n) -> return ()
Right n -> renderOut gopts (Core.ppOut (ctx' ^. replContextEntryPoint . entryPointGenericOptions) n)
Right n -> renderOut (Core.ppOut (ctx' ^. replContextEntryPoint . entryPointGenericOptions) n)
Nothing -> noFileLoadedMsg
defaultLoc :: Interval
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -174,8 +179,8 @@ runCommand opts = do
Just ctx' -> do
compileRes <- liftIO (compileExpressionIO' ctx' (strip (pack input)))
case compileRes of
Left err -> printError gopts err
Right n -> renderOut gopts (Core.ppOut (project' @GenericOptions gopts) n)
Left err -> printError err
Right n -> renderOut (Core.ppOut (project' @GenericOptions gopts) n)
Nothing -> noFileLoadedMsg

inferType :: String -> Repl ()
Expand All @@ -186,8 +191,8 @@ runCommand opts = do
Just ctx' -> do
compileRes <- liftIO (inferExpressionIO' ctx' (strip (pack input)))
case compileRes of
Left err -> printError gopts err
Right n -> renderOut gopts (Internal.ppOut (project' @GenericOptions gopts) n)
Left err -> printError err
Right n -> renderOut (Internal.ppOut (project' @GenericOptions gopts) n)
Nothing -> noFileLoadedMsg

options :: [(String, String -> Repl ())]
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -252,43 +257,67 @@ runCommand opts = do
( State.evalStateT
( ReplState
{ _replStateRoot = root,
{ _replStateReplRoot = root,
_replStateContext = Nothing,
_replStateGlobalOptions = globalOptions,
_replStateMkEntryPoint = getReplEntryPoint globalOptions root
_replStateMkEntryPoint = getReplEntryPoint

getReplEntryPoint :: GlobalOptions -> FilePath -> FilePath -> EntryPoint
getReplEntryPoint opts root inputFile =
{ _entryPointRoot = root,
_entryPointNoTermination = opts ^. globalNoTermination,
_entryPointNoPositivity = opts ^. globalNoPositivity,
_entryPointNoStdlib = opts ^. globalNoStdlib,
_entryPointStdlibPath = opts ^. globalStdlibPath,
_entryPointPackage = emptyPackage,
_entryPointModulePaths = pure inputFile,
_entryPointGenericOptions = project opts,
_entryPointStdin = Nothing
defaultPreludeEntryPoint :: Repl EntryPoint
defaultPreludeEntryPoint = do
opts <- State.gets (^. replStateGlobalOptions)
root <- State.gets (^. replStateReplRoot)
return $
{ _entryPointRoot = root,
_entryPointNoTermination = opts ^. globalNoTermination,
_entryPointNoPositivity = opts ^. globalNoPositivity,
_entryPointNoStdlib = opts ^. globalNoStdlib,
_entryPointStdlibPath = opts ^. globalStdlibPath,
_entryPointPackage = emptyPackage,
_entryPointModulePaths = pure (defaultStdlibPath root </> preludePath),
_entryPointGenericOptions = project opts,
_entryPointStdin = Nothing

getReplEntryPoint :: FilePath -> Repl EntryPoint
getReplEntryPoint inputFile = do
opts <- State.gets (^. replStateGlobalOptions)
absInputFile <- liftIO (makeAbsolute inputFile)
absStdlibPath <- liftIO (mapM makeAbsolute (opts ^. globalStdlibPath))
(root, package) <- liftIO (findRoot (Just absInputFile))
return $
{ _entryPointRoot = root,
_entryPointNoTermination = opts ^. globalNoTermination,
_entryPointNoPositivity = opts ^. globalNoPositivity,
_entryPointNoStdlib = opts ^. globalNoStdlib,
_entryPointStdlibPath = absStdlibPath,
_entryPointPackage = package,
_entryPointModulePaths = pure absInputFile,
_entryPointGenericOptions = project opts,
_entryPointStdin = Nothing

inferExpressionIO' :: ReplContext -> Text -> IO (Either JuvixError Internal.Expression)
inferExpressionIO' ctx = inferExpressionIO "" (ctx ^. replContextExpContext) (ctx ^. replContextBuiltins)

compileExpressionIO' :: ReplContext -> Text -> IO (Either JuvixError Core.Node)
compileExpressionIO' ctx = compileExpressionIO "" (ctx ^. replContextExpContext) (ctx ^. replContextBuiltins)

render' :: (MonadIO m, P.HasAnsiBackend a, P.HasTextBackend a) => GlobalOptions -> a -> m ()
render' g t = liftIO $ do
hasAnsi <- Ansi.hSupportsANSIColor stdout
P.renderIO (not (g ^. globalNoColors) && hasAnsi) t
render' :: (P.HasAnsiBackend a, P.HasTextBackend a) => a -> Repl ()
render' t = do
opts <- State.gets (^. replStateGlobalOptions)
hasAnsi <- liftIO (Ansi.hSupportsANSIColor stdout)
liftIO (P.renderIO (not (opts ^. globalNoColors) && hasAnsi) t)

renderOut :: (MonadIO m, P.HasAnsiBackend a, P.HasTextBackend a) => GlobalOptions -> a -> m ()
renderOut g t = render' g t >> liftIO (putStrLn "")
renderOut :: (P.HasAnsiBackend a, P.HasTextBackend a) => a -> Repl ()
renderOut t = render' t >> liftIO (putStrLn "")

printError :: MonadIO m => GlobalOptions -> JuvixError -> m ()
printError opts e = liftIO $ do
hasAnsi <- Ansi.hSupportsANSIColor stderr
printError :: JuvixError -> Repl ()
printError e = do
opts <- State.gets (^. replStateGlobalOptions)
hasAnsi <- liftIO (Ansi.hSupportsANSIColor stderr)
liftIO $ hPutStrLn stderr $ run (runReader (project' @GenericOptions opts) (Error.render (not (opts ^. globalNoColors) && hasAnsi) False e))
41 changes: 4 additions & 37 deletions app/Main.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -2,50 +2,17 @@ module Main (main) where

import App
import CommonOptions
import Control.Exception qualified as IO
import Data.ByteString qualified as ByteString
import Data.Yaml
import Juvix.Compiler.Pipeline
import Juvix.Extra.Paths qualified as Paths
import Root
import TopCommand
import TopCommand.Options

main :: IO ()
main = do
let p = prefs showHelpOnEmpty
(global, cli) <- customExecParser p descr >>= secondM makeAbsPaths
(root, pkg) <- findRoot cli
(root, pkg) <- findRoot' cli
runM (runAppIO global root pkg (runTopCommand cli))

findRoot :: TopCommand -> IO (FilePath, Package)
findRoot cli = do
let dir :: Maybe FilePath
dir = takeDirectory <$> topCommandInputFile cli
whenJust dir setCurrentDirectory
r <- IO.try go
case r of
Left (err :: IO.SomeException) -> do
putStrLn "Something went wrong when figuring out the root of the project."
putStrLn (pack (IO.displayException err))
Right root -> return root
possiblePaths :: FilePath -> [FilePath]
possiblePaths start = takeWhile (/= "/") (aux start)
aux f = f : aux (takeDirectory f)

go :: IO (FilePath, Package)
go = do
c <- getCurrentDirectory
l <- findFile (possiblePaths c) Paths.juvixYamlFile
case l of
Nothing -> return (c, emptyPackage)
Just yaml -> do
bs <- ByteString.readFile yaml
let isEmpty = ByteString.null bs
pkg <-
| isEmpty -> return emptyPackage
| otherwise -> decodeThrow bs
return (takeDirectory yaml, pkg)
findRoot' :: TopCommand -> IO (FilePath, Package)
findRoot' cli = findRoot (topCommandInputFile cli)
39 changes: 39 additions & 0 deletions app/Root.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
module Root where

import Control.Exception qualified as IO
import Data.ByteString qualified as ByteString
import Data.Yaml
import Juvix.Compiler.Pipeline
import Juvix.Extra.Paths qualified as Paths
import Juvix.Prelude

findRoot :: Maybe FilePath -> IO (FilePath, Package)
findRoot minputFile = do
whenJust (takeDirectory <$> minputFile) setCurrentDirectory
r <- IO.try go
case r of
Left (err :: IO.SomeException) -> do
putStrLn "Something went wrong when figuring out the root of the project."
putStrLn (pack (IO.displayException err))
Right root -> return root
possiblePaths :: FilePath -> [FilePath]
possiblePaths start = takeWhile (/= "/") (aux start)
aux f = f : aux (takeDirectory f)

go :: IO (FilePath, Package)
go = do
c <- getCurrentDirectory
l <- findFile (possiblePaths c) Paths.juvixYamlFile
case l of
Nothing -> return (c, emptyPackage)
Just yaml -> do
bs <- ByteString.readFile yaml
let isEmpty = ByteString.null bs
pkg <-
| isEmpty -> return emptyPackage
| otherwise -> decodeThrow bs
return (takeDirectory yaml, pkg)
3 changes: 3 additions & 0 deletions src/Juvix/Extra/Paths.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -18,3 +18,6 @@ juvixBuildDir = ".juvix-build"

juvixStdlibDir :: FilePath
juvixStdlibDir = juvixBuildDir </> "stdlib"

preludePath :: FilePath
preludePath = "Stdlib" </> "Prelude.juvix"

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