4.1.0 (2025-02-27)
4.0.5 (2025-02-21)
4.0.4 (2025-02-14)
- deps-dev: bump @types/node from 20.17.19 to 22.13.4 (#1048) (3f5fd5e)
- deps-dev: bump appium-chromedriver from 5.6.78 to 7.0.3 (#1046) (8c378ab)
- deps-dev: bump mocha from 10.8.2 to 11.1.0 (#1049) (fd55f15)
- deps-dev: bump sinon from 17.0.2 to 19.0.2 (#1050) (c7d29a1)
4.0.3 (2025-02-14)
- deps-dev: bump webdriverio from 8.42.0 to 9.9.0 (#1047) (54e5039)
- deps-dev: remove unused @types/sinon-chai (#1044) (c9124e1)
4.0.2 (2025-02-14)
4.0.1 (2025-02-14)
- add Versions.kt to commit in a release script (e45d3a9)
4.0.0 (2025-02-01)
- The following methods and properties were removed:
- mobileCommandsMapping
- mobileBackgroundApp
- The following methods signatures were changed:
- mobileSwipe
- mobileScrollToPage
- mobileClickAction
- mobileNavigateTo
- mobileIsToastVisible
- mobileOpenDrawer
- mobileCloseDrawer
- mobileSetDate
- mobileSetTime
- mobileBackdoor
- mobileFlashElement
- mobileUiautomator
- mobileWebAtoms
- mobileDismissAutofill
- mobileRegisterIdlingResources
- mobileUnregisterIdlingResources
- mobilePressKey
- mobileSetClipboard
- mobileStartService
- mobileStopService
- mobileStartActivity
- mobileScreenshots
Based on appium/appium-android-driver#982
3.6.0 (2025-01-24)
3.5.4 (2025-01-16)
- bump io.appium.settings to include the broad cast receiver update (af47f59)
3.5.3 (2025-01-08)
3.5.2 (2024-12-13)
3.5.1 (2024-11-11)
3.5.0 (2024-09-23)
3.4.0 (2024-09-17)
3.3.1 (2024-07-31)
3.3.0 (2024-07-16)
3.2.1 (2024-07-15)
3.2.0 (2024-07-15)
3.1.0 (2024-07-11)
3.0.0 (2024-07-10)
Gradle property has been removed as it didn't have any effect
2.44.2 (2024-07-09)
- Remove extra import (7d8dbfd)
2.44.1 (2024-07-04)
2.44.0 (2024-06-28)
2.43.0 (2024-06-23)
2.42.1 (2024-06-23)
2.42.0 (2024-06-16)
2.41.0 (2024-06-16)
2.40.6 (2024-06-14)
2.40.5 (2024-06-13)
2.40.4 (2024-06-10)
2.40.3 (2024-06-04)
- bump semantic-release from 23.1.1 to 24.0.0 and conventional-changelog-conventionalcommits to 8.0.0 (#1008) (83ecab6)
2.40.2 (2024-05-28)
2.40.1 (2024-05-16)
- Update dev dependencies (72e6175)
2.40.0 (2024-05-12)
2.39.0 (2024-05-10)
2.38.3 (2024-05-04)
2.38.2 (2024-04-18)
2.38.1 (2024-04-12)
2.38.0 (2024-04-10)
2.37.3 (2024-04-09)
- Remove extra imports (7390b9f)
2.37.2 (2024-04-09)
2.37.1 (2024-03-19)
2.37.0 (2024-03-18)
2.36.2 (2024-03-07)
- bump typescript (eb5d06a)
2.36.1 (2024-02-12)
2.36.0 (2024-02-09)
2.35.0 (2024-02-08)
2.34.4 (2024-02-06)
2.34.3 (2024-02-04)
2.34.2 (2024-02-02)
2.34.1 (2024-01-26)
2.34.0 (2024-01-26)
2.33.2 (2024-01-16)
2.33.1 (2024-01-14)
2.33.0 (2024-01-12)
2.32.2 (2024-01-10)
- io.appium.settings process check as the foreground service check (#965) (9d4f07f), closes appium/appium-android-driver#895
2.32.1 (2024-01-07)
2.32.0 (2024-01-07)
2.31.0 (2024-01-06)
2.30.0 (2023-12-19)
2.29.3 (2023-12-02)
2.29.2 (2023-11-08)
2.29.1 (2023-11-06)
2.29.0 (2023-11-03)
2.28.2 (2023-11-01)
2.28.1 (2023-11-01)
2.28.0 (2023-10-30)
2.27.1 (2023-10-30)
2.27.0 (2023-10-30)
2.26.10 (2023-10-26)
- missing /gradle.properties (bedf0be)
2.26.9 (2023-10-24)
2.26.8 (2023-10-24)
2.26.7 (2023-10-24)
- dummy commit to trigger a release (5daba6b)
2.26.6 (2023-10-24)
2.26.5 (2023-10-24)
- Revert "chore(deps-dev): bump semantic-release from 20.1.3 to 22.0.5 (#916)" (#932) (8b4fb51), closes #916 #932
2.26.4 (2023-10-19)
2.26.3 (2023-10-19)
- deps-dev: bump @types/teen_process from 2.0.1 to 2.0.2 (#929) (7158f17)
- deps-dev: bump eslint-config-prettier from 8.10.0 to 9.0.0 (#928) (21461b4)
- Use latest types (2404b59)
2.26.2 (2023-10-17)
2.26.1 (2023-10-17)
- deps-dev: bump lint-staged from 14.0.1 to 15.0.1 (#922) (0843ef7)
- deps: bump appium-adb from 9.14.12 to 10.0.0 (#924) (e449d04)
2.26.0 (2023-10-14)
2.25.9 (2023-09-27)
2.25.8 (2023-09-24)
2.25.7 (2023-09-14)
2.25.6 (2023-09-03)
- modify README.md to release once (9998e7c)
2.25.5 (2023-08-28)
2.25.4 (2023-08-25)
2.25.3 (2023-08-21)
2.25.2 (2023-08-17)
2.25.1 (2023-08-14)
2.25.0 (2023-08-07)
2.24.0 (2023-06-26)
2.23.5 (2023-06-23)
2.23.4 (2023-06-21)
2.23.3 (2023-06-19)
2.23.2 (2023-06-07)
2.23.1 (2023-05-24)
- Update mobile extension name (f570663)
2.23.0 (2023-05-23)
2.22.1 (2023-05-20)
2.22.0 (2023-05-11)
2.21.1 (2023-04-20)
- build app with Gradle 8.x (894d7d2)
2.21.0 (2023-04-18)
2.20.1 (2023-04-10)
2.20.0 (2023-03-29)
2.19.0 (2023-03-26)
2.18.1 (2023-03-22)
- remove .js ext from build-espresso command (d13b85d)
2.18.0 (2023-03-22)
2.17.0 (2023-03-13)
2.16.1 (2023-03-10)
2.16.0 (2023-03-10)
2.15.4 (2023-02-17)
2.15.3 (2023-02-04)
- add scripts in the package (f8b6e9c)
2.15.2 (2023-02-04)
2.15.1 (2023-01-17)
2.15.0 (2023-01-16)
2.14.1 (2023-01-15)
2.14.0 (2023-01-13)
2.13.11 (2023-01-13)
2.13.10 (2023-01-12)
- specify supported non-standard commands in newMethodMap (578ef7c)
2.13.9 (2023-01-03)
2.13.8 (2022-12-03)
2.13.7 (2022-12-01)
2.13.6 (2022-11-29)
2.13.5 (2022-11-06)
2.13.4 (2022-11-06)
1.0.0-beta.3 (2017-06-16)
- Fix: Throws exception if element is stale (#56)
- Feature: Add text attribute to source xml (#52)
- Feature: Implemented the /element/:elementId/text endpoint (#53)
- Feature: Can match list of XPaths instead of just one (#54)
- Feature: Added handler for /elements endpoint (#55)
1.0.0-beta.2 (2017-06-09)
- Fix: Sanitize XML inputs. Bad characters and tag names were breaking the XML (#50)
1.0.0-beta.1 (2017-06-08)
- Feature: Implemented NanoHTTPD Java server that runs inside of Android and follows the MJSONWP standard
- Feature: Implemented NodeJS driver that launches the Java server and proxies requests to that server
- Feature: Can locate elements with the selector strategies xpath, class, id, text, accessibility id
- Feature: Created /session, /status, /source, /screenshot, /back endpoints
- Feature: Added handling for every MJSONWP endpoint, return NotYetImplemented for unimplemented handlers