An OpenFaaS of-watchdog template written for Deno.
$ faas template pull
$ faas new --list
Languages available as templates:
- deno-http
faas new <name> --lang deno-http
Deno provides a built in test runner.
deno test --allow-net
This repo also includes vscode debug configurations.
- Run Tests
- Debug Current Test File
- Debug Seleted Test Case
Deno also provides a built in code linter.
deno fmt
This template provides a thin wrapper around the Deno Http Server provided by the Deno stdlib. The wrapper implementation closely mirrors the Deno serve function.
A working example of this function template can be found here.
This repo also contains a base image that can be extended as needed by other templates.
The base image is consumed by the deno template itself and the included okteto image which can be used for remote development on the Okteto Platform for remote OpenFaaS development.
A Test and Enforce Deno Format github action is included that will trigger on pull request. This action runs the deno tests and throws an error if deno fmt
returns changes.