Container name: vorontsovie/motif_pseudo_roc
Benchmark for evaluation of weight matrices (PWMs) based on ChIP-seq data (sequences). Control data is simulated based on PWM score distribution.
Original benchmark is developed by Ivan Kulakovskiy.
Motif should be supplied either as a mounted file /motif.pwm
(or /motif.pcm
, or /motif.ppm
, or /motif.pfm
) or via --motif-url <URL>
. Conversion to PWM is performed internally.
Positive set of sequences can be passed via /peaks.fa
. Also one can pass set of peak coordinates and an assembly. Peaks can be passed in different formats: /peaks.bed
, /peaks.narrowPeak
or just /peaks
. In the last case one should also specify --peak-format
which describes which columns contain chromosome, start and end coordinates and how should such a peak be treated. There are several options to treat peaks: they can be taken as is using format entire
. Alternatively one can take fixed length intervals around peak center/summit; length of interval can be changed used --peak-flank-size
option (default: 150nt in each direction). It is recommended to use fixed length intervals around peak summit.
For .bed
format peaks are treated as --peak-format 1,2,3,center
, i.e. center of each peak is taken.
For .narrowPeak
format peak are treated as --peak-format 1,2,3,summit:rel:10
, i.e. summit is taken. Summit coordinate is specified in 10-th column relative to peak start position.
Peak treatment can be redefined. E.g. content of peaks.interval
#chromosome from to some_info summit_position any_other_infos...
chr1 12 112 . 62 ...
chrX 100500 100735 . 100598 ...
then we can process it using --peak-format 1,2,3,summit:abs:4
Background model is crucial for this benchmark. We recommend to use dinucleotide background models. Default model infer:di
is obtained by calculating dinculeotide frequencies of positive set. An alternative is to use predefined background, e.g. whole genome frequencies for hg38:
--background di:0.09815922831551911,0.05049139142847783,0.0700008469320879,0.07700899311854521,0.07264462371481141,0.0516855514432905,0.01000850296695631,0.0700008469320879,0.059702607121927695,0.042460006040716786,0.0516855514432905,0.05049139142847783,0.06515399996155279,0.059702607121927695,0.07264462371481141,0.09815922831551911
If you test multiple motifs using prepare/evaluate stage separation, it's reasonable to store inferred background using --store-background /bg.txt
during prepare stage and to load it from file during evaluation stage using --background file:/bg.txt
docker run --rm \
--volume /path/to/genomes/:/assembly \
--volume $(pwd):/data:ro \
vorontsovie/motif_pseudo_roc:2.1.0 \
evaluate \
--assembly-name hg38 \
--peaks /data/TF_peaks.bed \
--motif /data/TF_motif.pwm
docker run --rm -it \
--volume /path/to/genomes/:/assembly \
--volume $(pwd):/data:ro \
vorontsovie/motif_pseudo_roc:2.1.0 \
prepare --assembly-name hg38 --peaks /data/TF_peaks.bed \
--positive-file /pos.fa --store-background /bg.txt
evaluate --motif /data/TF_motif.pwm \
--positive-file /pos.fa --background file:/bg.txt
PWM should be supplied in /workdir/config.json
{"motif": ">motif_name\n1.2\t34\t-5.0\t6.78\n4\t3\t2\t1\n..."}
FASTA file with peak sequences should be mounted as /benchmark_specific_data/control.formatted.mfa
Results are to be stored in /workdir/persistent/result.json
"metrics": {
"roc_auc": roc_auc,
"logroc_auc": logroc_auc,
"supplementary": {
"roc": [{"fpr": , "tpr": }, {"fpr": , "tpr": },...],
"logroc": [{"logfpr": , "tpr": },...],