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File metadata and controls

573 lines (421 loc) · 20.8 KB
feature name start date rfc pr related issue
February 2nd, 2020


This RFC addresses compatibility concerns for developing different parts of the CDK.

It details exactly what compatibility promises we should be advertising to our customers, as well as proposes technical mechanisms for validating those promises are upheld.

The main concept proposed is the introduction of the cloud-assembly-schema package. This package will comprise only of the interfaces that define the communication between the framework and the CLI (or any other consumer for that matter).

Following are the main mechanism we will implement:

  • JSII compatibility checks on the cloud-assembly-schema package.
  • Decouple schema version from module version.
  • CLI regression tests.

At a high level, we define the expected customer experience when upgrading either of the two CDK components:

  • CLI upgrades are compatible. New CLI versions should work with older framework versions, and all existing functionality is preserved.

By functionality, we mean that the CLI is able to properly interpret older frameworks and perform the necessary actions to support the existing behavior.

  • Framework upgrades are comptabile unless the cloud-assembly-schema has changed, in which case, we will require the user to upgrade the CLI as well.

We will treat every change to the schema as a "breaking" one, details below.


The motivation behind this RFC is three-fold:

Confusing Upgrade Process

Currently, the upgrade process for our users can be a bit complicated/confusing.

We generally don't require users to upgrade their CLI when they upgrade the framework.

However, sometimes, we introduce features in the framework that rely on new CLI capabilities. When this happens, we bump the cx-protocol version, forcing (all) users to upgrade their CLI as well, even those who don't use the new feature.

Things get much worse, if we forget to bump the cx-protocol version (which we do sometimes). In this case, the user will not receive the upgrade instruction, and will rightfully assume the new feature simply works. While in reality, this can either cause unexpected errors or non-working features.

We want to come up with a consistent model that users can rely on.

Simplify CX Protocol Versioning

Recently, we have had a few customer impacting issues that relate to our cx-protocol.

A major contributing factor to those issues, is that the ergonomics of introducing breaking changes (cx-protocol version bump), are not very good:

  • It requires us to remember to bump the cx-protocol version when we introduce incompatible changes.
  • In order for newer CLI version to support older framework, we do a synthetic manifest upgrade. This is also something we need to remember.

There are also some quirky implementation details, in versioning.ts:

const toolkitVersion = parseSemver(CLOUD_ASSEMBLY_VERSION);

The CLI version takes the value of the latest cx-protocol version, and not the actual CLI version.

// if framework > cli, we require a newer cli version
if (, toolkitVersion)) {
  throw new Error(
    `A newer version of the CDK CLI (>= ${frameworkVersion}) is necessary to interact with this app`,

// if framework < cli, we require a newer framework version
if (, toolkitVersion)) {
  throw new Error(
    `The CDK CLI you are using requires your app to use CDK modules with version >= ${CLOUD_ASSEMBLY_VERSION}`,

This code (and comments) is contradictory to our current compatibility model, where we actually attempt to support two way compatibility. To facilitate this, we added the upgradeAssemblyManifest function.

Thats not to say that what we currently have can't work. But the fact that we are getting it wrong almost every time, implies that we should re-think the process, as well as the assumptions that lead to it.

Validate Compatibility

We want to make sure we have sufficient testing in place that validate we don't introduce any accidental CLI compatibility breakage.

Currently, the only way for us to detect these types of problems is by noticing them in the code review process.

Design Summary

Assuming we adopt the new compatibility model, all we have to do is come up with a validation mechanism for the following breakage scenarios:

Breaking changes to cloud-assembly-schema

Probably the most prominent scenario for causing breakage is pushing an incompatible change to the cloud-assembly-schema itself. This can, for example, be the removal of a property.

See concrete example.

The proposed solution for this case is to run API compatibility checks using jsii-diff. We would treat cloud-assembly-schema as a regular jsii module that needs to maintain compatibility to its consumers, which is the CLI.

This will make sure that when the CLI pulls in new versions of cloud-assembly-schema (on upgrades), it will properly consume older cloud assemblies.

Breaking changes in CLI

Another way to break CLI upgrades, is to simply change the CLI in a breaking way. This can, for example, be a change to the docker build command.

See concrete example.

The proposed solution for this case is to run standard regression tests. That is, run old CLI integration tests on the latest code (Framework and CLI).

This will make sure that old CLI functionality is still working, assuming of course it was covered by our integration tests.

In addition, we will also run regression tests using new CLI code and previous framework version. This will ensure that existing CLI functionality does not rely on new framework capabilities.

See concrete example


Sometimes we might need to introduce an intentional breaking change, for example for security concerns. This breaking change might cause one of the previous integration tests to fail, which is actually ok. We therefore need an escape hatch that allows us to disable specific tests during the execution of those regression tests.

To that end, we will implement an exlusions mechanism:

    test: '',
    version: '1.30.0',
      'iam policy generation has changed in version > 1.30.0 because...',

Developers will be able to add entries to this list, which will cause the suite to skip those tests.

Detailed Design

There are 2 mechanisms we need to implement:

Cloud Assembly Schema Compatibility Checks

We need to make sure the objects that make up what we refer to as the cloud-assembly-schema, do not change in a breaking way. We should be able to leverage jsii to accomplish this. For example, this is an excerpt from the .jsii spec of the cx-api module:

"name": "ContainerImageAssetMetadataEntry",
"properties": [
        "abstract": true,
        "docs": {
            "stability": "experimental",
            "summary": "Path on disk to the asset."
        "immutable": true,
        "locationInModule": {
            "filename": "lib/assets.ts",
            "line": 48
        "name": "path",
        "type": {
            "primitive": "string"

This means that, if we remove the path property from ContainerImageAssetMetadataEntry, jsii should produce an error, and indeed:

❯ yarn compat
PROP @aws-cdk/cx-api.ContainerImageAssetMetadataEntry.path: has been removed [removed:@aws-cdk/cx-api.ContainerImageAssetMetadataEntry.path]

In addition, according to our new compatibility model, we need to make sure the user gets the correct error when the CLI version is smaller than the Cloud-Assembly version.

The plan therefore is as follows:

Step 1: Create a separate package called cloud-assembly-schema

This package will provide:

(1) Object Model

  • MetadataEntry
  • RuntimeInfo
  • AssemblyManifest
  • ArtifactManifest
  • ...
  • ...

These are the interfaces that will be later used by the CLI. Running compatibility checks on them will ensure:

  1. Rename/Remove properties is not allowed.
  2. Changing the type of a property is not allowed.
  3. Making an optional property required is not allowed.
  4. Adding a required property is not allowed.
(2) Serialization

The package will provide serialization methods:

 * Save manifest to file.
 * @param manifest - manifest.
public static save(manifest: AssemblyManifest, filePath: string) {}

 * Load manifest from file.
 * @param manifest - manifest.
public static load(filePath: string): AssemblyManifest {}

 * Get the schema version.
public static version(): string {}

These methods will make sure jsii enforces the proper compatibility checks on those interfaces.

Note: The existence of the load method will also enforce output posture compatibility checks. Essentially this means that we will not be able to make a required field optional. This might sound non intuitive, but actually makes sense. These interfaces are exposed to our customers, who might programtically access their properties. We wouldn't want user code to break because a property now might be undefined.

This new package also has to be stable. This is ok, it actually makes perfect sense for it to be stable as it represents the structural contract the cloud-assembly-schema needs to adhere to.

(3) Json Schema

We will create a standard json-schema, that will be generated from the typescript interfaces. The schema file will be versioned separately from the module version, and consumers will be able to use it to validate cloud assemblies that they are interacting with.

For example:

"AssemblyManifest": {
    "description": "A manifest which describes the cloud assembly.",
    "type": "object",
    "properties": {
        "version": {
            "description": "Protocol version",
            "type": "string"
        "artifacts": {
            "description": "The set of artifacts in this assembly. (Default - no artifacts.)",
            "type": "object",
            "additionalProperties": {
                "$ref": "#/definitions/ArtifactManifest"

Step 2: Validate Schema Version

The highest schema version that the CLI can accept, is the schema version that it was shipped with. This version is exposed via the static version method in the cloud-assembly-package.

If the CLI encounteres assemblies with a higher version, it should reject them.

To enforce this, we will add a validation in the CLI, immediately after we de-serialize the Cloud-Assembly:

Note that the de-serialization will always work because we cannot push breaking changes to the schema.

in exec.ts

var assembly;

if ((await fs.pathExists(app)) && (await fs.stat(app)).isDirectory()) {
  debug('--app points to a cloud assembly, so we by pass synth');
  assembly = new cxapi.CloudAssembly(app);
} else {
  debug('--app points to an executable, let the framework do its thing');
  await exec();
  assembly = new cxapi.CloudAssembly(outdir);

// reject assemblies created with a higher version than what we expect.
if (Schema.version() < assembly.version) {
  throw new Error(`Cloud assembly schema version mismatch...`);

This implies that the version in manifest.json will no longer be the value of CLOUD_ASSEMBLY_VERSION, it will simply be the version of schema that was used to create it.

To actually validate this behavior, we add a unit test for the exec.ts file.

Step 3: Remove versioning.ts

Given all the above steps, we don't need the functionality provided by versioning.ts. Lets dive deep into why is that exactly.

Schema Evolution

The schema in manifest.json might be incomplete/different with regards to the expectation of new CLI versions.

For example, the CLI might assume that a newProperty will always exist in the manifest, because it was added as a required property in new schema versions. In order for the new CLI version to not fail on older schemas, where newProperty doesn't exist, we perform whats called a schema evolution.

That is, we read the old schema, and add the necessary properties (with some default values) in order for it to look exactly like the new schema would. This enables the CLI to essentially not be aware of any schema version expect for the last one.

This is done in the upgradeAssemblyManifest function.

We stipulate that this is no longer needed. The compatibility checks will make sure we don't add a required property, or do any change that enables the CLI to rely on the structure of the new schemas. This will actually also be enforced by the compiler itself. For example, if we add a property, it has to be optional (because of the compatibility checks), and if its optional, the CLI has to, at compile time, treat the undefined scenario, hence, supporting earlier schemas that didn't have this property.

Removing this mechanism will mean that instead of, theoretically, having only place consider older versions of the schema, we will now have multiple places in the code that should be aware of it. But thats ok, because its enforced by the compiler, and it also provides better context and granularity for doing that so called evolution.

Also, in reality, we don't actually do any evolution. All we do is synthetically upgrade the schema version, without adding or modifying any properties.

This brings us to the next item.

Compatibility Validation

This is done in the verifyManifestVersion function, and contains two validations:

  1. Framework cannot be bigger than CLI.

    We have already described how to handle this validation.

  2. CLI cannot be bigger than Framework.

    This validation is actually misleading, since we do support CLI > Framework. The way its currently implemented is by doing the aforementioned evolution. But, if the evolution is not necessary anymore, than this validation is not necessary anymore. Which makes sense, since we do support this scenario.

CLI Regression Tests

The second major mechanism we need to implement is CLI regression tests.

As already mentioned, cloud-assembly-schema API breakage is not the only thing that can go wrong. This is to ensure that we don't introduce breaking changes to the CLI itself. The plan here is fairly straight forward:

npm install /path/to/aws-cdk
npm install /path/to/packages/*
cd packages/aws-cdk
yarn integ-cli

Not to be taken literally, commands just illustrate intent


Schema Changes

Imagine that we add an optional property to one of the interfaces, and change the CLI to use this new property (in a backwards compatible way of course). One might argue that existing CLI versions are still able to deploy those new assemblies, they will simply ignore the new property.

However, how will they know the nature of this new property? Deploying such a cloud assembly implies ignoring some instructions that might be critical to the assembly as a whole.

For this reason, we treat any change to the schema as a "breaking" change, not just changes that break the format validation. This breaking change will be communicated as a major version bump of the schema.

Adoption Strategy

Adoption of this strategy should be rather seamless for developers. The changes a developer would need to incorporate, will be guided by failing tests. Hopefully, the process will not require any memorization (or even documentation).

Having said that, this RFC can be a good reference documentation that provides rational for every step in the process.

Future Possibilities

Cleanup cx-api

Separating cloud-assembly-schema stuff from cx-api, opens the door for doing a thorough cleanup. I think cx-api was initially regarded as the place for cloud-assembly-schema, though it currently contains a lot of other stuff. We should do an overview of the code inside cx-api, and move it to the appropriate place.

CLI API Compatibility Checks

If we think about it, in the same way that the framework exposes a protocol to the CLI, the CLI in turn exposes a protocol to the end user. For example, all the CLI command line options, are part of this protocol. The compatibility requirements on those options are essentially the same as those of properties in the cloud-assembly-schema object model.

We could model those options in an object model, and run compatibility checks on that model. This will ensure we don't accidentally remove an option or make one required, for example.

Integration tests for cx-api

Like already mentioned, the fact that the cx protocol itself will remain API comptabile, doesn't necessarily mean that it can't break new CLI versions.

Another compatibility layer we can add, is run snapshot testing, similair to what we do with our construct libraries. There, we make sure the CloudFormation template remains the same, here, we make sure the manifest.json remains the same (values wise).

These types of tests however are somewhat volatile because we can accidentally push a snapshot change that is in fact breaking. API compatibility checks on the other do not have this vulunerability because we don't have control on the compatibility rules themselves.


Rename target property in ContainerImageAssetMetadataEntry

This is a concrete example on how things can break when we introduce changes to the cx-api.

  1. Rename target in ContainerImageAssetMetadataEntry to buildTarget.
  2. Perform necessary changes in CLI and fix all relevant tests.

Our current CLI backwards compatibility tests will not detect this because:

  • We don't run CLI integration tests on old assemblies that use ContainerImageAssetMetadataEntry.
  • We only run cdk synth, but this problem would be reviled in cdk deploy.

However, what will happen is the new CLI will ignore the target property that might exist in old cloud-assemblies, resulting in the breakage of this feature.

Note that we didn't mention wether or not the developer remembered to bump the version of cloud-assembly-schema. Thats because it doesn't matter, CLI upgrades should work regardless.

Remove --target from docker build command

  1. For some reason, we decide to stop passing --target to the docker build command.
  2. Perform necessary changes and fix all relevant tests.

This type of change is forbidden, because it removes an existing CLI capability.

However, nothing will catch this breaking change because:

  • The tests were explicitly changed to the support the removal of this feature.
  • API compatibility is still intact, the CLI is simply not using it as expected.

Running regression tests, i.e, running previous integration tests, will catch this because we had a test that checks the --target feature (hopefully).

Change artifact metadata type value

  1. For some reason, we decide to rename the aws:cdk:asset marker.
  2. Perform necessary changes and fix all relevant tests.

This type of change is forbidden, because it means new CLI versions will not work with cloud assemblies that are created by older framework versions.

However, nothing will catch this breaking change because:

  • The tests were explicitly changed to the support the removal of this feature.
  • API compatibility is still intact, nothing in the structure of manifest.json changed, just the values.
  • Even the regression tests we talked about wont catch this because they always use new framework versions that create cloud assemblies that are compatible with new cli versions.

In order to reject this type of change, we need to run the regression suite, but using older framework versions.