History of changes
- (Docker) Rebuilt on the newest basecontainer with several security fixes.
- (Docker) Modernized build based on a new, uv based basecontainer.
- (Docker) Fixed a lot of deprecation warnings.
- (PICAchooser_dispatcher) Included the newer scripts, fixed some regressions caused by updating basecontainer.
- (package) Updated setuptools files to a new, cleaner format, and including more URLs for packaging.
- Merged dependabot changes.
- (PICAchooser) Fixed timecourse time axis display when no motion timecourses are used.
- (PICAchooser) Added melodic_dataex mode.
- (PICAchooser) Cleaned up filtering interface.
- (PICAchooser) Use absolute paths internally.
- (PICAchooser) Got filtering working.
- (PICAchooser) Fixed TR specification.
- (package) Made some proactive changes to avoid numpy 2.0.0 problems.
- (package) Cleaned up dependencies for Python 3.12 compatibility.
- (Docker) Updated to Python 3.12 basecontainer.
- Merged LOTS of dependabot changes.
- (rtgrader) Added new program - rtgrader - to do quality assessment of rapidtide datasets.
- (Docker) Updated to basecontainer 0.3.2.
- (Docker) Added caching to build.
- Merged of a bunch of dependabot PRs.
- Mass merge of a bunch of dependabot PRs.
- (Docker) Updated to basecontainer 0.2.3.
- Fixed image pane resizing.
- Added reference file matching - if you specify a set of reference components, any IC with a spatial correlation with any reference component above a threshold is retained.
- (Docker) Updated to python 3.11 basecontainer.
- (package) Modernized install procedure.
- Upgraded pyqtgraph calls to handle deprecations. NOTE: this only handles versions of pyqtgraph<0.13.
- Made substantial changes to the Dockerfile to handle changes in basecontainer.
- Added --version and --detailedversion command line flags to PICAchooser, melodicomp, and grader.
- Accepted several PR's from dependabot for build scripts.
- Updated versioneer.
- Renamed master branch to main.
- Adapted to the new basecontainer.
- Updated Dockerfile for a newer python distribution.
- Updated versioneer.
- Tweaked pyproject.ml file to hopefully fix documentation build.
- Reformatted with black and isort.
- Flipped x axis to display radiological coordinates.
- Harmonized Dockerfile and automated container building methods with rapidtide.
- Fixed some formatting in documentation (thank you DMD!)
- Major documentation improvements.
- Finally fixed picachooser.readthedocs.org.
- Added reset component keystroke to PICAchooser and melodicomp.
- More fiddling to get deployment working again.
- Fiddled with .gitignore to try to get deployment working again.
- Added a help line to the bottom of grader GUI window.
- Added a new program - melodicomp - to compare ICs between runs.
- Added a help line to the bottom of GUI windows.
- Now with pypi! Just
pip install picachooser
, and off you go!
- Added groupmelodic runmode, for examining group ICAs.
- Added the ability to select an ROI from the dataset.
- General code cleanup, reformatting with black.
- Updated documentation.
- Added line to help QT compatibility with macOS 11 (Big Sur).
- Just bumping the version number to generate an initial Zenodo DOI.
- Motion correlation parameters are now properly output to the terminal when switching components.
- Turned down default verbosity.
- You can now switch to viewing slices in axial, coronal, or sagittal orientation by pressing the a, c, or s key.
- Fixed the aspect ratio and padding of the images in the display window.
- The explained variance and total variance of the component are now displayed in the title bar of the window.
- Properly handle the case of the timecourses being shorter than the motion plots (happens when fMRIprep discards (but doesn't really discard) initial timepoints).
- Window resizing works somewhat better (but it's not perfect yet).
- All plot linewidths are now settable from the command line.
- Added the --scalemotiontodata option to autoscale motion plots (rather than setting the plot limits by the dashed guide lines.)
- keepcolor, discardcolor, transmotlimits and rotmotlimits are now settable via command line arguments. This means docker users can change configuration values.
- Increased some linewidths to make the display more readable, made the widths settable in the config file.
- Added fixed (but configurable) "normal" limits to motion plots (thank you to Richard Dinga for the suggestion).
- Revamped input file specification to allow for maximum flexibility
- PICAchooser can now read motion out of fmriprep confounds files.
- On bad component file save, print the command needed to refilter the dataset.
- Updated the run options for docker and singularity to reflect the current interface
- All timecourse colors are now changeable by editing the ${HOME}/.picachooser.json file (the file is created with default values if it doesn't exist).
- Numerous documentation fixes and updates
- Changed help lines to match actual runmode names
- Calculate and print correlation coefficients (and p values) between current component and all motion timecourses
- Changed option specification
- Added configuration file to set colors
- Fixed docker build issues
- Timecourse and spectrum window now show the component number
- Resolved remaining rapidtide dependencies
- Still having problems with readthedocs
- Initial release