description |
Available rorRequest API |
You can access the rorRequest API via req.rorRequest
in your custom middleware. The available options are:
Property name | Return value type | Example return value | Description |
getAuthorizationHeaders() | Map<string, string> | Map(2) {'authorization' => 'Basic BWRtaW46ZGV2', 'cookie' => 'cookie value'} | Get headers using in the authorization |
isAuthenticated() | boolean | true | Check if the session is authenticated |
isCookiePresent(cookieName: string) | boolean or undefined | true | Check if the specific cookie is presented in the request |
getIdentitySession() | IdentitySession or undefined | Check User Session identity section | Get the session identity (check the information below, for the exact response) |
setIdentitySession(identitySession: IdentitySession or undefined) | void | - | Set the new session |
enrichIdentitySessionMetadata(customMetadata: Record<string, unknown>) | void | - | Enrich existing user session by the additional custom metadata |
lastSessionActivityDate | Date or undefined | 2023-03-23T19:50:37.932Z | Date of the last session activity. Using in the context of a session timeout |
extractHiddenAppsNames | string[] | [ 'Enterprise Search, Overview', 'Observability' ] | List of all hidden apps for specific users |
You also have access to the standard Express.js request and response objects