Name | Type | Description | Notes |
created | datetime | { "description" : "The UTC DateTime when the object was created.", "verbs":[] } | [optional] |
changed_by | str | { "description" : "ID of the user who last updated the entity.", "verbs":[] } | [optional] |
updated | datetime | { "description" : "The UTC DateTime when the object was last updated.", "verbs":[] } | [optional] |
metadata | DynamicMetadata | { "description" : "Add metadata.", "verbs":["POST"] } | [optional] |
id | str | {"description":"","verbs":["GET"]} | |
version_id | str | {"description":"","verbs":["GET"]} | [optional] |
crm_id | str | {"description":"","verbs":["POST","PUT","GET"]} | [optional] |
account_id | str | {"description":"","verbs":["POST","GET"]} | |
organization_id | str | {"description":"Organization associated with the subscription.","verbs":[]} | |
product_id | str | {"description":"","verbs":["GET"]} | |
product_rate_plan_id | str | {"description":"Identifier of the rate-plan being billed for.","verbs":["POST","PUT","GET"]} | |
parent_id | str | {"description":"","verbs":["GET"]} | [optional] |
name | str | {"description":"User definable friendly name for the subscription.","verbs":["POST","PUT","GET"]} | |
description | str | {"description":"","verbs":["POST","PUT","GET"]} | [optional] |
type | str | {"default":"dependent on product", "description":"","verbs":["POST","GET"]} | [optional] |
state | str | {"PUT_description":"A <span class=\"label label-default\">Provisioned</span> subscription can be updated to either <span class=\"label label-default\">Trial</span> or <span class=\"label label-default\">AwaitingPayment</span>, this will start the subscription. Any updates to the state of a non-<span class=\"label label-default\">Provisioned</span> will be ignored. To cancel or otherwise amend a subscription please use the explict amendment calls.", "description":"A <span class=\"label label-default\">Provisioned</span> subscription will not begin until marked as <span class=\"label label-default\">Trial</span> or <span class=\"label label-default\">AwaitingPayment</span>. Trial subscriptions transition to <span class=\"label label-default\">AwaitingPayment</span> when the trial period is over. On subscription renewal the state becomes <span class=\"label label-default\">AwaitingPayment</span>. Once outstanding invoices are paid the state changes to <span class=\"label label-default\">Paid</span>. A subscription is set as either <span class=\"label label-default\">Failed</span> or left as <span class=\"label label-default\">AwaitingPayment</span>, depending on the rate-plan configuration. If a subscription is non-recurring or fixed-term and ends naturally, it will be marked as <span class=\"label label-default\">Expired</span>. If all payment attempts have failed a subscription is marked as <span class=\"label label-default\">Cancelled</span> if it has been manually ended. Once a subscription is marked as <span class=\"label label-default\">Failed</span>, <span class=\"label label-default\">Expired</span>, or <span class=\"label label-default\">Cancelled</span> no invoices other than a final invoice will be issued. Note: Updating account card details will not lead to BillForward automatically retrying payment, manual payment attempts can be made.","verbs":["POST","PUT","GET"]} | |
current_period_start | datetime | {"description":"Start of the current invoice period. At the end of this period, a new new invoice will be generated","verbs":["POST","GET"]} | [optional] |
current_period_end | datetime | {"description":"End of the current period invoiced for. This can be manually updated to extend trials or delay invoice generation.","verbs":["PUT","GET"]} | [optional] |
contract_start | datetime | {"description":"start of the contracted period. This will be after a trial, if one exists","verbs":["GET"]} | [optional] |
subscription_end | datetime | {"description":"When a subscription will end. This may be in the future if the cancellation is at the end of the current period.","verbs":["GET"]} | [optional] |
current_period_end_explicit | datetime | {"description":"Override for the initial subscription period. Allows periods to align to a date or time regardless of purchase date/time.","verbs":["POST","PUT","GET"]} | [optional] |
initial_period_start | datetime | {"description":"Start of the first successful period","verbs":["GET"]} | |
successful_periods | int | {"description":"Number of paid-for periods billing, excluding trials, since the subscription started.","verbs":["GET"]} | [optional] |
total_periods | int | {"description":"Total number of subscription periods.","verbs":["GET"]} | [optional] |
trial_end | datetime | {"description":"The end time of the trial period, if one existed","verbs":["GET"]} | |
dunning | bool | { "default":"false", "description":"Are there outstanding invoices which are currently in dunning.","verbs":["GET", "PUT", "POST"]} | [optional] [default to False] |
locked | str | {"description":"If the subscription is locked, it will not be processed by the system","verbs":[]} | [optional] |
managed_by | str | {"description":"Which system is responsible for managing the subscription.","verbs":[]} | [optional] |
version_start | datetime | {"description":"When the current version of the subscription started.","verbs":["GET"]} | |
version_end | datetime | {"description":"When the current version of the subscription ended, null indicates current version.","verbs":["GET"]} | [optional] |
version_number | int | {"description":"Incremental version number of the subscription, starts at 1.","verbs":["GET"]} | |
credit_enabled | bool | { "default":"true", "description":"Can credit-notes be used to pay outstanding invoices for this subscription.","verbs":["GET", "PUT", "POST"]} | [optional] [default to False] |
aggregate_all_subscriptions_on_account | bool | { "default":"true", "description":"Whether the subscription will aggregate all other subscriptions on the account.","verbs":["GET", "PUT", "POST"]} | [optional] [default to False] |
pricing_component_values | list[PricingComponentValue] | {"description":"The quantities for each pricing component of the rate-plan. Values should be set for all pricing components of the rate-plan apart from the usage components. Usage components should be added when the usage is known, this is often after the end of the current billing cycle.","verbs":["GET", "POST"]} | [optional] |
payment_method_subscription_links | list[PaymentMethodSubscriptionLink] | [optional] | |
fixed_terms | list[FixedTerm] | {"description":"List of fixed terms that have been or are applied to the subscription","verbs":["GET"]} | [optional] |
current_time | datetime | {"description":"The current time — from the point of view of the subscription.","verbs":["GET"]} | |
time_offset | int | {"description":"How far in the future is the entity (in seconds) compared to the BillForward server's time.","verbs":["GET"]} | [optional] |
payment_terms | int | [optional] | |
failed_payment_behaviour | str | {"default":"None","description":"The action that should be taken, should an invoice for some subscription to this rate plan remain unpaid despite the dunning period's being exceeded.<br><span class=\"label label-default\">CancelSubscription</span> — Demotes the subscription to the `Failed` state as soon as the dunning period is exceeded.<br><span class=\"label label-default\">None</span> — The subscription is allowed to continue in the `AwaitingPayment` state indefinitely even if the dunning period is exceeded.For slow payment cycles — or when manual invoice remediation is common — <span class=\"label label-default\">None</span> is recommended.<br>In a heavily-automated SaaS environment, automatic cancellation via <span class=\"label label-default\">CancelSubscription</span> is recommended.","verbs":["POST","PUT","GET"]} | [optional] |
This repository has been archived by the owner on Oct 17, 2023. It is now read-only.