Note: to use multidomain kmeans models you need scikit-learn==0.22.2.post1
Dir stucture:
* faieseq (clonned fairseq repo)
* data-prep (copy from `/gpfs/hpc/projects/nlpgroup/bergamot/data-prep`)
* experiments (for model checkpoints and tb log; subfolders include "concat", "finetuned_europarl", "domain_control", etc.)
* scripts (running commands for different DA scenarious and data prep)
conda create -n da python=3.8
conda activate da
conda install pytorch torchvision torchaudio cudatoolkit=10.1 -c pytorch
pip install scipy numpy pandas transformers==4.0 sentencepiece tensorboardX
git clone
cd da
git clone
cd fairseq
# fairseq commit: 1a709b2a401ac8bd6d805c8a6a5f4d7f03b923ff
# git reset --hard 1a709b2a401ac8bd6d805c8a6a5f4d7f03b923ff
pip install --editable ./
pip install tensorboard
pip install tensorboardX
cd ..
cp -r /gpfs/hpc/projects/nlpgroup/bergamot/data-prep .
bash scripts/
sbatch scripts/SCRIPTNAME.slurm
0) Before running below's scripts, change paths to data and models in them (see "CHANGE THIS LINE" comment)
1) Convert trained fseq Transfomer to Huggingface format:
python scripts-clustering/ de-en
2) Extract NMT sentence and document representations:
# sent
python scripts-clustering/ nmt sent test
python scripts-clustering/ nmt sent dev
python scripts-clustering/ nmt sent train
# doc
python scripts-clustering/ nmt doc test
python scripts-clustering/ nmt doc dev
python scripts-clustering/ nmt doc train
3) Get clusters:
# sent
python scripts-clustering/ nmt sent 8
python scripts-clustering/ nmt sent 8 test
python scripts-clustering/ nmt sent 8 dev
python scripts-clustering/ nmt sent 8 train
# doc
python scripts-clustering/ nmt doc 8
python scripts-clustering/ nmt doc 8 test
python scripts-clustering/ nmt doc 8 dev
python scripts-clustering/ nmt doc 8 train
- Extract XLM-R sentence and document representations:
Same commands as before, just use "bert" instead of "nmt.
For example:
python scripts-clustering/ bert sent test
Now that you have cluster (domain) separated data, fine-tune an NMT baseline (from before).to each of the clusters and get results.