To run BarCamp we need a number of volunteers to provide a range of roles.
Car transport required
- 8:45 Arrive with car
- 9:00
- Arrange Welcome Desk (Foyer)
- Printed attendee list
- Arrange Swap Shop table (Foyer)
- Signs
- Setup eventroom signs
- Some with video symbol?
- Setup BarCamp signs
- A-Frames?
- Swapshop sign
- Setup eventroom signs
- Main Room
- Arrange desks to floor plan
- Eventrooms
- Setup video recording equipment (Video Specalist)
- Layout rooms (appropriate for talks)
- Equipment stash space
- Find space for
- Vacume cleaner
- Cleaning products
- Extra electronic cables/adaptors
- Ducktape
- Masking tape
- Whiteboard pens + cleaning fluid
- Find space for
- Arrange Welcome Desk (Foyer)
- Team informed of contact/emergency information
- Printed
???: What could we do to ensure that 'Customer Support' or 'key organisers' are identifiable? Plain Orange T-Shirts (bulk?
- 09:00 to 17:00
- Ongoing event cometary
- Using our BarCamp login
- Monitoring for abuse
1x (specialist)
- 9:00 to 16:30
- Setup/check/maintain recording equipment
1x (seasoned + trustworthy)
- Some speakers may want support or be nervous
- May not want photography - needs enforcing
- 08:00 to 10:00
- Have access to trolley for moving heavy objects
- Help attendees bring in and setup any equipment
- 9:00 to 10:00 - At Foyer Desk
- Attendee List (paper or electronic)
- Electronic should be accessible to the rest of the team (suggest Google doc)
- Greet people
- Tick/Mark record attendance
- Check attendees have read code of conduct and privacy policy (printed)
- Gently recruit additional helper roles (see roles below)
- Give them a timeslot and a role
- Maintain a Helper List (paper or electronic)
- Attendee List (paper or electronic)
- 10:30 to 10:4x?
- Register late arrivals
- 10:30 to 13:00
- There will be late arrivals
- Identify them
- Get them a name badge
- Tick their attendance
- Tell them about the format
- 10:00 the introduction talk
- Should stand in the entrance doorway to greet late arrivals and seat them as swiftly as possible
- Encourage people near the door to move further inside the room and keep a set of chairs near the door free for late arrivals to minimize disruption
- Ask late arrivals to register once the opening talk has finished.
- 10:00 to 17:00 - circulate + intercept
4x (on standby)
- Fire exit - with known locations
- In event of evacuation
- Keep pathways clears
- Slip trip hazards removed
- Rooms cannot be overfilled?
- Contact/run to security office for support and first aid
- Aware of risk assessment (read printout)
- 17:40 Bring car to front
- 17:45 Teardown everything
- Take signs down
- Rubbish bags?? (Where do we put them?)
- Rearrange tables back to start of day
- Stash equipment in car