Releases: carlosmiei/node-binance-api
Stable Release
Fix for roundStep function
Stable Release
Add roundTicks function to fix PRICE_FILTER errors
Usage: binance.roundTicks(price, tickSize)
tickSize is provided via exchangeInfo
function roundTicks(number, tickSize) {
const formatter = new Intl.NumberFormat('en-US', { style: 'decimal', minimumFractionDigits: 0, maximumFractionDigits: 8 });
const precision = formatter.format(tickSize).split('.')[1].length || 0;
if ( typeof number === 'string' ) number = parseFloat(number);
return number.toFixed(precision);
Stable Release
Add assetDetail and tradeFee functions
const Binance = require('node-binance-api');
const binance = new Binance().options("options.json");
binance.useServerTime( () => {
binance.assetDetail((error, response) => {
binance.tradeFee((error, response) => {
}, "BNBBTC");
Stable Release
(BREAKING) Improve Instantiation w/Multiple Instances: (Thanks bmino!!)
Creates separate instances of the internal objects.
When Using Singletons:
Allows internal objects such as depthCache to be shared between multiple require() calls
const binance = require('node-binance-api')().options({
APIKEY: '<key>',
APISECRET: '<secret>'
Instantiating Multiple Instances
const Binance = require('node-binance-api');
const instance1 = new Binance().options({
// ...
const instance2 = new Binance().options({
// ...
Stable Release
(BREAKING) Allow instances and singletons for constructor (Thanks bmino!!)
const binance = require('node-binance-api').options({
APIKEY: '<key>',
APISECRET: '<secret>'
Instantiating Multiple Instances
const Binance = require('node-binance-api');
const instance1 = new Binance().options({
// ...
const instance2 = new Binance().options({
// ...
Stable Release
Expose order() function to public API (Thanks ManuCart)
Stable Release
Fix for Duplicate Deletion Issue (Slow connections)
Fixes issue: binance-exchange #148 by davewang
Stable Release
Fixed unit testing (Singleton VS New Object)
Stable Release
⚠ Breaking Changes: ⚠
🔧 Singleton VS New Object: (Thanks usama33!)
The API is now instantiated like this:
const Binance = require('node-binance-api');
const binance = new Binance().options({
useServerTime: true
or this:
const Binance = require('node-binance-api');
const binance = new Binance().options("options.json");
🔧 default recvWindow changed to 5000 as recommended by Binance
🔧 lastEventUpdateTime added to the response of depthCache callback, as third parameter. Thanks yanislk!
Stable Release
Fix depthCache & depthHandler logic (Thank you keith1024 + learnathoner)
(BREAKING) Rename trades
to aggTrades
(Thank you dmitriz)
WebSocket trades() function now conforms to Binance specification