This is a complete test suite for running (Unit, Functional, Feature, Browser) tests on your Laravel based system.
It uses Laravel Dusk for browser tests via a Docker executor runner in GitLab.
With this package, you don't need to worry, about Chrome or chromedriver compatibility. This is done automatically, to make your Browser Testing with Laravel Dusk, as easy, as possible.
Laravel dusk? Find more in Laravel Dusk Docs 12.x | 11.x | 10.x | 9.x | 8.x | 7.x | 6.x | 5.8
Gitlab? Find more on gitlab
Gitlab Continous Integration CI ? Find more on gitlab-runner
You may be wondering why deprecated versions are still available. The main reason is to allow for browser testing of your older Laravel applications while you're transitioning to newer versions.
This plug-and-play package is designed for your CI testing environment in GitLab.
All you need to do is select the appropriate version of your PHP interpreter (based on your Laravel version), and you should be ready to go.
Colours indicate the current state of PHP's life cycle and supported versions. Please note that all published images are fully functional and entirely usable for testing purposes.
11.x | YES | |
10.x | YES | |
9.x | YES | |
8.x | YES | |
7.x | YES | |
6.x | YES | |
5.8 | YES | |
5.7 | YES | |
5.6 | YES | |
5.5 | YES | |
5.4 | Reported working | |
5.3 and below | Not tested |
With no modifications needed, you should be up and running in seconds. However, please carefully read the notes that follow.
For now DuskTestCase.php needs to be modified in all cases. THIS package is not going to work without -no-sandbox directive in this file.... Please read more about it, under Usage...
In case of any issues, please read the current documentation thoroughly, check existing issues (including closed ones) on GitHub, and finally, report a new issue on GitHub.
If this package proves to be useful to you, please star it on Docker Hub or GitHub to increase its visibility to other users.
2025-02-25 -
tag introduced -
2023-12-30 -
tag refersphp-8.2
from now on -
2023-12-30 -
tag refersphp-8.3
from now on -
2023-12-20 -
tag released with latest versions of chrome and chromedriver -
2023-04-29 -
tag refersphp-8.2
from now on -
2022-12-16 -
tag added with thanks to @pepijnolivier -
2022-12-16 - Latest chromedriver compatibility updated up to v.109
2022-09-01 -
tag refersphp-8.1
from now on -
2022-09-01 - Latest chromedriver compatibility updated up to v.105 with thanks to @Velzeboer
2022-04-16 - Laravel 9 compatibility confirmed
2022-04-16 -
tag added -
2022-04-16 - Latest chromedriver compatibility updated up to v.101
2021-11-03 - Latest chromedriver compatibility updated up to v.96
2021-11-03 -
tag refersphp-7.4
from now on -
2021-10-28 -
tag refersphp-8.0
from now on andstable
tag refers tophp-7.2
2021-10-28 - php imagick extension added to all images except deprecated
2021-10-12 - Latest chromedriver compatibility updated up to v.95
2021-01-29 - Latest chromedriver compatibility updated up to v.89
2020-12-03 - PHP 8.0 version released in
tag + latest chromedriver compatibility updated -
2020-10-23 - PHP 8.0 RC in
tag tested with Laravel 8 -
2020-10-20 - Latest chromedriver compatibility updated up to v.87
2020-09-15 - Laravel 8 compatibility confirmed in php-7.3, php-7.4 and latest tags
2020-08-17 - Latest chromedriver compatibility updated v.85
2020-05-15 - latest PHP versions, Laravel 7 compatibility confirmed
2020-02-17 - Node updated to 12.x LTS
2019-12-12 - Latest for now refers to PHP 7.4
2019-12-12 - PHP 7.4 in
tag -
2019-12-12 - Latest chromedriver compatibility updated v.78 & v.79
2019-09-27 - Latest chromedriver compatibility updated v.77
2019-09-24 - chilio/laravel-dusk-ci:old-stable is deprecated for now. Use it only with old Laravel versions (before 5.5)
2019-05-06 - Latest chromedriver compatibility updated v.75
2019-04-04 - Latest chromedriver compatibility updated v.74
2018-12-20 - PHP 7.3 in
tag -
2018-10-24 - Update to ubuntu:bionic (18.04), Install php-geos and link default
command tophp7.2
in latest tag -
2018-10-09 - Updated to nodejs v8
2018-10-06 - Latest chromedriver compatibility updated
2018-07-24 - mysql 8.0 and mysql:latest are now supported, but you need to make some modifications to your
. Unfortunately for now you cannot simply run mysql in services, as it was before.Simple workaround, is to change in services: (everywhere you call mysql service) to:
- name: mysql:latest
command: ["--default-authentication-plugin=mysql_native_password"]
You need to make sure your Laravel config/database.php
has these modes array also:
'mysql' => [
'prefix' => '',
'strict' => true,
'engine' => null,
'modes' => [
- 2018-05-14 - chilio/laravel-dusk-ci:stable ships now with php 7.2 and chrome versions check enabled
- 2018-05-14 - chilio/laravel-dusk-ci:stable moved to chilio/laravel-dusk-ci:old-stable. If you encounter any problems use the old one, or post issues...
- 2018-05-08 - Automatic Chrome and chromedriver versions check and fix - works only in chilio/laravel-dusk-ci:latest for now, if you experience errors with this please use chilio/laravel-dusk-ci:stable or chilio/laravel-dusk-ci:php-7.2
- 2018-02-16 - New command introduced - versions - works only in chilio/laravel-dusk-ci:latest for now
- 2018-02-15 - chilio/laravel-dusk-ci:latest - tested with Laravel 5.6 and dusk 3.0
- 2017-12-20 - chilio/laravel-dusk-ci:latest uses php 7.2 from now on, as it is marked as working without issues
- 2017-12-01 - php 7.2 support added, latest tag refers still to php 7.1 for now, so if you want to use 7.2, please choose exact docker tag : chilio/laravel-dusk-ci:php-7.2
- 2017-09-10 - initial release, with php 7.1 for laravel 5.5
Libs included |
Xdebug |
Chromedriver |
Chrome |
To see exact versions of installed packages, please run versions
command in your script
declaration in .gitlab-ci.yml
, as in examples.
- sets up file permissions, generates laravel key, migrates and seeds db, checks and enforces chromedriver compatibility
- configures and starts nginx with php-fpm
- shows versions of included packages and enabled php modules.
This build is tested with mysql, but also works with other docker db engines
To successfully run mysql add to your test routine:
#or specify any downwards version of mysql. mysql:latest will not work out of the box, therefore please check changelog
And in your .env or your .env candidate file to use, mark mysql as the corresponding resource (DB_HOST=mysql)
If you receive errors like
SQLSTATE[HY000] [2002] php_network_getaddresses: getaddrinfo failed: Name or service not known
probably you have other mysql instance running in your host system with that name. In this case you may need to provide db-alias for your test. More info here
Make sure your DuskTestCase class in /tests/DuskTestCase.php matches all attributes, like drive options, host url, and port, like in this example DuskTestCase.php # there are some modifications which you need to apply (especially --no-sandbox in $options for driver)!!!, these changes should not affect your local dev environment, otherwise there might be something else wrong with your project.
In your .gitlab-ci.yml use this image like:
image: chilio/laravel-dusk-ci:latest
# you can experiment with other images, which might address your needs.
add script lines:
- cp .env.example .env
# remember to have APP_URL=http://localhost and DB_HOST=mysql
- configure-laravel
# preparations to run project
- start-nginx-ci-project
# Here we start webserver, so this is important before running dusk
Finally you can run all your tests served by nginx | php-fpm via:
- php artisan dusk
Laravel Dusk ships with included chromedriver for linux, mac and windows. The examples here allow you to run dusk tests with these included chromedrivers (for linux in this case).
As of 2018-05-08 this package automatically fixes eventual problems with chrome or chromedriver. Therefore following changes to your app should not be necessary.
However, if you encounter problems, especially errors, with incorrect chromedriver version on your local machine, or this docker image, you can use, this package inbuilt own chromedriver. This option brings, a little bit more compatibility to your project, since Chrome is updated much more often, then chromedriver. In order to do that, you need to make only 2 script modifications:
- In DuskTestCase.php comment out starting chromedriver like
// static::startChromeDriver();
. In that case, to make your local development working, before issuingphp artisan dusk
command, you need to install proper chromedriver version manually, and make sure your chromedriver version matches Chrome, running on your local machine. You need to make sure chromedriver is started/running also. Due to different systems and configurations, that's beyond the scope of this documentation. Just to make clear here, in this case you are responsible for updating your own chromedriver with your current installation of Chrome. Since Chrome updates are pretty often, that's the suggested way to go, to keep your local dev running, while other packages are a little behind... - In .gitlab-ci.yml add
- chromedriver &
before running- php artisan dusk
. This will start system inbuilt chromedriver and not the one, that is shipped with laravel dusk, cause it might be outdated and causing problems with your local development.
- cp phpunit.xml
# In case ,you don't want to interfere, with your local test environment, you can apply this approach for ci tests. Make sure, to create, in your project and phpunit.dusk.xml. You can specify, 2 separate files for your tests, one for phpunit and one for dusk, you can use examples, from this repo or modify them to suite your needs...
- composer install --prefer-dist --no-ansi --no-interaction --no-progress --no-scripts
- bower install --quiet
- npm run dev
or if you are on yarn registry - yarn run dev
- ./vendor/phpunit/phpunit/phpunit -v --coverage-text --colors --stderr
# to run phpunit with version specified in your project
DuskTestCase.php # with all modifications to successfully run php artisan dusk tests
phpunit.dusk.xml # If exists in project root, this file will be automatically injected when dusk is run, in case, you want to define any custom variables for your tests like DBs, Caches etc. # in case, you want to customize phpunit tests in CI , remember to copy this to phpunit.xml by adding - cp phpunit.xml
to your gitlab-ci.yml.
gitlab-ci.yml # with stages, cache, and artifacts, assuming you are using scripts like "dev" in package.json.
- If you encounter problems, try different versions in this order: chilio/laravel-dusk-ci:latest, chilio/laravel-dusk-ci:stable and finally chilio/laravel-dusk-ci:dev which should solve your issues straight away...
- You can always try specific PHP version like for example chilio/laravel-dusk-ci:php-7.3
- In your dusk tests remember to use ->waitFor() extensively, to make sure, your pages are rendered properly, before test fails. Usually, CI test environments are much slower, than production or your local dev, cause they need to build caches from scratch.
- By default, all dusk browser tests are run with resolution 1920x720 with color depth 24 (bits), if you need to change that, add/modify SCREEN_RESOLUTION in your .gitlab-ci.yml in
section, like for exampleSCREEN_RESOLUTION: 1280x720x24
- if you experience /bootstrap/autoload.php errors, make sure your appropriate phpunit configs are updated, especially in line
- if you get errors, about wrong chromedriver version, or errors about Laravel dusk not able to connect on port 9515, please check Note on using chromedriver versions
- if you get warning about mysql
Service runner probably didn't start properly
or other strange behaviours make sure to remove all cache and artifacts routines. Depending on your workflow, they might introduce problems to your tests
Images mentioned above are intended for testing purposes in CI environments only. Production usage is not recommended.