git co -b new-branch
use UI for diffs
git add .
git commit -m "asdf"
git add .
git commit -m "asdf"
git add .
git commit -m "asdf"
git push
fill out form to squash everything
git rebase --continue
git push -f
git pull -r origin master
git push -f
git co master
git merge new-branch
bit version new-branch (click y)
bit save "asdf" // git commit -am "asdf"
bit save // git commit -a --amend (needs to check if ahead of master somehow?)
bit save
bit sync (if ahead it will push; if behind it will rebase) (git pull -r; git push)
bit sync origin master (git pull -r origin master)
bit version master
bit merge new-branch
bit push
bit undo ???????
bit sync origin master
bit prepare-for master
either bit switch or bit version
gitless branches are parallel universes. Staged changes should never be shared between them commit/save tracked files by default
git-info, git-summary, git-effort
git for-each-ref --sort=-committerdate refs/heads/ refs/remotes --format='%(authordate:short) %(authorname) %(color:red)%(objectname:short) %(color:yellow)%(refname:short)%(color:reset) (%(color:green)%(committerdate:relative)%(color:reset))' --> use git merge-base to see if merged already
git difftool --tool=vimdiff --no-prompt
tests command completion bash history git-effort failing bit release bump man page parsing + flag suggestions for all commands
git log --pretty=format:"* %s" 09facd30..HEAD
deleting tags from local and origin is painful
COMP_POINT=25 COMP_LINE="bit status" bitcomplete
apt-get install language-pack-es locale -e LC_ALL=es_MX.utf8 git status
bit release should have prepush and post push scripts
git-extras sync?
bit fix undo-commit bit fix untrack-file bit fix rename-commit bit fix catch-up-to-branch
delete tag local and on origin
bit save -e
combine bit & bitcomplete into one binary?
basic usage tracking
add bit --version suggestion (add global flag suggestions) bit update not behaving with homebrew
brew Symlink already exists usr/local/bin/bit symlink realpath /usr/local/Cellar/bit-git/0.9.2
show recently edited files when checking out a branch git log --name-status -10 path/to/dir
Getting tab completions from zsh git st$'\t\t' | zsh -i
use macrorecorder?
-[X] display descriptions for all available suggestions -[X] show common commands first -[X] when "-" display single dash flags -[X] flag filtering not working (e.g. bit push --all doesn't show "--all" suggestion) -[X] "bit checkout -2 " doesn't display branches -[X] bit co should suggest "commit" (currently displays nothing) -[X] bit commit should suggest "commit" (currently displays nothing) -[X] bit commit should suggest "commit" (currently displays nothing) -[X] branches need to remain ordered -[X] bit version && --version are missing -[X] branches need to have descriptions again -[X] reenable bit pr & have correct descriptions -[] maps need to be ordered? -[] "co" suggestion from generation tree needs to be disabled manually -[] some descriptions are getting cut off // FIXME
-[X] "bit checkout -2 " is showing double dashes for branches -[X] verify tab completions work -[] use schlex