sif is a scripting language with c-style syntax. It contains a bytecode compiler, optimizer and a register based vm. It's small and easily embeddable into rust programs using macros. There is also a nano stdlib for basic operations and interacting with arrays and tables.
sif doesn't really contain any novel features at the moment, and sort of serves as an educational compiler for me to implement what I choose to freely.
Some documentation can be found on the wiki.
If you don't have rust installed, get it with rustup:
curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -sSf | sh
Or, if you prefer, here are alternative ways to install rust.
Then, get and run sif:
git clone
cd sif
cargo run examples/hello.sif
@print("Hello world");
fn fizzbuzz(input) {
if input % 15 == 0 {
} elif input % 3 == 0 {
} elif input % 5 == 0 {
} else {
for i, v in @range(1, 15) {
sif [FLAGS] [OPTIONS] <filename>
<filename> sif file to parse and run
-a, --analysis Performs analysis on the CFG and IR before starting the vm
--bco Runs the bytecode optimizer before executing in vm
--emit-ast Prints the syntax tree to stdout
--emit-ir Prints sif bytecode to stdout
-h, --help Prints help information
--timings Display basic durations for phases of sif
-t, --trace-exec Traces VM execution by printing running instructions to stdout
-V, --version Prints version information
-H, --heap-size <heap-size> Sets initial heap size [default: 100]
-R, --reg-count <reg-count> Sets the default virtual register count [default: 1024]
sif has unit tests and integration tests. Unit tests are contained inline (for example, dominance calculation tests), and the sifc_tests
crate contains integration tests that require many different crates. The sifc_tests
readme has more information on what integrations tests do. To run the tests, cargo can be used:
cargo test
This will run all unit and integration tests.