Long polling using Node.js
- spongetech.wordpress.com -- blog article
- long-noodle.herokuapp.com/test.html -- example
It's easy to set up!
First get a heroku account. Then run the below commands.
gem install heroku
git clone git://github.com/ckhsponge/long-noodle.git
cd long-noodle
heroku create --stack cedar
git push heroku master
heroku config:add TOKEN=NOODLE
heroku ps:scale web=1
edit the file test.html at the bottom in the js replace 'long-noodle.herokuapp.com' with your server url e.g. 'stuffed-banana-69.herokuapp.com'
Open test.html in your browser and follow the instructions for sending a curl. You should see messages appear in real time in your browser!