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330 lines (220 loc) · 30.7 KB

Operational Scripts


This script has been replaced by Export-AzPolicyResources.ps1. See Extract existing Policy Resources from an Environment.


Builds documentation from instructions in policyDocumentations folder reading the deployed Policy Resources from the EPAC environment.

Parameter Explanation
DefinitionsRootFolder Defines which Policy as Code (PAC) environment we are using, if omitted, the script prompts for a value. The values are read from $DefinitionsRootFolder/global-settings.jsonc.
DefinitionsRootFolder Definitions folder path. Defaults to environment variable $env:PAC_DEFINITIONS_FOLDER or ./Definitions. It contains global-settings.jsonc.
OutputFileName Output file name. Defaults to environment variable $env:PAC_OUTPUT_FOLDER/Tags/missing-tags-results.csv or ./Outputs/Tags/missing-tags-results.csv.
Interactive Script is being run interactively and can request az login. Defaults to $false if PacEnvironmentSelector parameter provided and $true otherwise.


This PowerShell script creates remediation tasks for all non-compliant resources in the current Azure Active Directory (AAD) tenant. If one or multiple remediation tasks fail, their respective objects are added to a PowerShell variable that is outputted for later use in the Azure DevOps Pipeline.

Parameter Explanation
PacEnvironmentSelector Defines which Policy as Code (PAC) environment we are using, if omitted, the script prompts for a value. The values are read from $DefinitionsRootFolder/global-settings.jsonc.
DefinitionsRootFolder Definitions folder path. Defaults to environment variable $env:PAC_DEFINITIONS_FOLDER or ./Definitions.
Interactive Set to false if used non-interactive.
OnlyCheckManagedAssignments Include non-compliance data only for Policy assignments owned by this Policy as Code repo.
PolicyDefinitionFilter Filter by Policy definition names (array) or ids (array).
PolicySetDefinitionFilter Filter by Policy Set definition names (array) or ids (array).
PolicyAssignmentFilter Filter by Policy Assignment names (array) or ids (array).
PolicyEffectFilter Filter by Policy effect (array).


  1. Create-AzRemediationTasks.ps1 -PacEnvironmentSelector "dev"

  2. Create-AzRemediationTasks.ps1 -PacEnvironmentSelector "dev" -DefinitionsRootFolder "C:\git\policy-as-code\Definitions"

  3. Create-AzRemediationTasks.ps1 -PacEnvironmentSelector "dev" -DefinitionsRootFolder "C:\git\policy-as-code\Definitions" -Interactive $false

  4. Create-AzRemediationTasks.ps1 -PacEnvironmentSelector "dev" -DefinitionsRootFolder "C:\git\policy-as-code\Definitions" -OnlyCheckManagedAssignments

  5. Create-AzRemediationTasks.ps1 -PacEnvironmentSelector "dev" -DefinitionsRootFolder "C:\git\policy-as-code\Definitions" -PolicyDefinitionFilter "Require tag 'Owner' on resource groups" -PolicySetDefinitionFilter "Require tag 'Owner' on resource groups" -PolicyAssignmentFilter "Require tag 'Owner' on resource groups"




The Create-AzRemediationTasks.ps1 PowerShell script outputs multiple string values for logging purposes, a JSON string containing all the failed Remediation Tasks and a boolean value, both of which are used in a later stage of the Azure DevOps Pipeline.


This PowerShell script creates a Bug when there are one or multiple failed Remediation Tasks.

The Create-AzureDevOpsBug.ps1 PowerShell script creates a Bug on the current Iteration of a team when one or multiple Remediation Tasks failed. The Bug is formatted as an HTML table and contains information on the name and Url properties. As a result, the team can easily locate and resolve the Remediation Tasks that failed.

Parameter Explanation
FailedPolicyRemediationTasksJsonString Specifies the JSON string that contains the objects of one or multiple failed Remediation Tasks.
ModuleName Specifies the name of the PowerShell module installed at the beginning of the PowerShell script. By default, this is the VSTeam PowerShell Module.
OrganizationName Specifies the name of the Azure DevOps Organization.
ProjectName Specifies the name of the Azure DevOps Project.
PersonalAccessToken Specifies the Personal Access Token that is used for authentication purposes. Make sure that you use the AzureKeyVault@2 task for this purpose.
TeamName Specifies the name of the Azure DevOps team.


Create-AzureDevOpsBug.ps1 -FailedPolicyRemediationTasksJsonString '<JSON string>' -ModuleName 'VSTeam' -OrganizationName 'bavanben' -ProjectName 'Contoso' -PersonalAccessToken '<secret string>' -TeamName 'Contoso Team'


This PowerShell script creates an Issue when there are one or multiple failed Remediation Tasks.

The Create-GitHubIssue.ps1 PowerShell script creates an Issue in a GitHub Repository that is located under a GitHub Organization when one or multiple Remediation Tasks failed. The Bug is formatted as an HTML table and contains information on the name and Url properties. As a result, the team can easily locate and resolve the Remediation Tasks that failed.

Parameter Explanation
FailedPolicyRemediationTasksJsonString Specifies the JSON string that contains the objects of one or multiple failed Remediation Tasks.
OrganizationName Specifies the name of the GitHub Organization.
RepositoryName Specifies the name of the GitHub Repository.
PersonalAccessToken Specifies the Personal Access Token that is used for authentication purposes.


Create-GitHubIssue.ps1 -FailedPolicyRemediationTasksJsonString '<JSON string>' -OrganizationName 'basvanbennekommsft' -RepositoryName 'Blog-Posts' -PersonalAccessToken '<secret string>'


Exports Azure Policy resources in EPAC format or raw format. It has 4 operating modes - see -Mode parameter for details. It also generates documentation for the exported resources (can be suppressed with -SuppressDocumentation). To just generate EPAC formatted Definitions without generating documentation files, use -supressEpacOutput.

Parameter Explanation
DefinitionsRootFolder Definitions folder path. Defaults to environment variable $env:PAC_DEFINITIONS_FOLDER or ./Definitions.
OutputFolder Output Folder. Defaults to environment variable $env:PAC_OUTPUT_FOLDER or ./Outputs.
Interactive Set to false if used non-interactive. Defaults to $true.
IncludeChildScopes Switch parameter to include Policies and Policy Sets definitions in child scopes
IncludeAutoAssigned Switch parameter to include Assignments auto-assigned by Defender for Cloud
ExemptionFiles Create Exemption files (none=suppress, csv=as a csv file, json=as a json or jsonc file). Defaults to 'csv'.
FileExtension File extension type for the output files. Defaults to '.jsonc'.
Mode Operating mode: 'export', 'collectRawFile', 'exportFromRawFiles', 'exportRawToPipeline', 'psrule'
InputPacSelector Limits the collection to one EPAC environment, useful for non-interactive use in a multi-tenant scenario, especially with -Mode 'collectRawFile'. The default is '*' which will execute all EPAC-Environments.
SuppressDocumentation Suppress documentation generation.
SuppressEpacOutput Suppress output generation in EPAC format.
PSRuleIgnoreFullScope Ignore full scope for PsRule Extraction


Export-AzPolicyResources -DefinitionsRootFolder ./Definitions -OutputFolder ./Outputs -Interactive $true -IncludeChildScopes -IncludeAutoAssigned -ExemptionFiles csv -FileExtension jsonc -Mode export -InputPacSelector '\*'


Exports Non-Compliance Reports in CSV format.

Parameter Explanation
PacEnvironmentSelector Defines which Policy as Code (PAC) environment we are using, if omitted, the script prompts for a value. The values are read from $DefinitionsRootFolder/global-settings.jsonc.
DefinitionsRootFolder Definitions folder path. Defaults to environment variable $env:PAC_DEFINITIONS_FOLDER or ./Definitions.
OutputFolder Output Folder. Defaults to environment variable $env:PAC_OUTPUT_FOLDER or ./Outputs.
WindowsNewLineCells Formats CSV multi-object cells to use new lines and saves it as UTF-8 with BOM - works only for Excel in Windows. Default uses commas to separate array elements within a cell.
Interactive Set to false if used non-interactive.
OnlyCheckManagedAssignments Include non-compliance data only for Policy assignments owned by this Policy as Code repo.
PolicyDefinitionFilter Filter by Policy definition names (array) or ids (array).
PolicySetDefinitionFilter Filter by Policy Set definition names (array) or ids (array).
PolicyAssignmentFilter Filter by Policy Assignment names (array) or ids (array).
PolicyEffectFilter Filter by Policy Effect (array).
ExcludeManualPolicyEffect Switch parameter to filter out Policy Effect Manual.
RemediationOnly Filter by Policy Effect "deployifnotexists" and "modify" and compliance status "NonCompliant".


  1. Export-NonComplianceReports -PacEnvironmentSelector "dev"

  2. Export-NonComplianceReports -PacEnvironmentSelector "dev" -DefinitionsRootFolder "C:\MyPacRepo\Definitions" -OutputFolder "C:\MyPacRepo\Outputs"

  3. Export-NonComplianceReports -PacEnvironmentSelector "dev" -DefinitionsRootFolder "C:\MyPacRepo\Definitions" -OutputFolder "C:\MyPacRepo\Outputs" -WindowsNewLineCells

  4. Export-NonComplianceReports -PacEnvironmentSelector "dev" -DefinitionsRootFolder "C:\MyPacRepo\Definitions" -OutputFolder "C:\MyPacRepo\Outputs" -OnlyCheckManagedAssignments

  5. Export-NonComplianceReports -PolicySetDefinitionFilter "org-sec-initiative", "/providers/Microsoft.Authorization/policySetDefinitions/11111111-1111-1111-1111-111111111111"

  6. Export-NonComplianceReports -PolicyAssignmentFilter "/providers/", "prod-asb"

  7. Export-NonComplianceReports -PolicyEffectFilter "deny"

  8. Export-NonComplianceReports -PolicyEffectFilter "deny", "audit"

  9. Export-NonComplianceReports -ExcludeManualPolicyEffect


Formats a given display name into a scrubbed string that can be used as a policy name.

Parameter Explanation
DisplayName The display name to be formatted.


Format-PolicyName.ps1 -DisplayName "My Policy Name"


Retrieves Policy Exemptions from an EPAC environment and saves them to files.

Parameter Explanation
PacEnvironmentSelector Defines which Policy as Code (PAC) environment we are using, if omitted, the script prompts for a value. The values are read from $DefinitionsRootFolder/global-settings.jsonc.
DefinitionsRootFolder Definitions folder path. Defaults to environment variable $env:PAC_DEFINITIONS_FOLDER or ./Definitions.
OutputFolder Output Folder. Defaults to environment variable $env:PAC_OUTPUT_FOLDER or ./Outputs.
Interactive Set to false if used non-interactive.
FileExtension File extension type for the output files. Valid values are json and jsonc. Defaults to json.
ActiveExemptionsOnly Set to true to only generate files for active (not expired and not orphaned) exemptions. Defaults to false.


Get-AzExemptions.ps1 -PacEnvironmentSelector "dev" -DefinitionsRootFolder "C:\Src\Definitions" -OutputFolder "C:\Src\Outputs" -Interactive $true -FileExtension "jsonc"

Get-AzExemptions.ps1 -Interactive $true


Lists missing tags based on non-compliant Resource Groups.

Parameter Explanation
PacEnvironmentSelector Defines which Policy as Code (PAC) environment we are using, if omitted, the script prompts for a value. The values are read from $DefinitionsRootFolder/global-settings.jsonc.
DefinitionsRootFolder Definitions folder path. Defaults to environment variable $env:PAC_DEFINITIONS_FOLDER or ./Definitions. It contains global-settings.jsonc.
OutputFileName Output file name. Defaults to environment variable $env:PAC_OUTPUT_FOLDER/Tags/missing-tags-results.csv or ./Outputs/Tags/missing-tags-results.csv.
Interactive Script is being run interactively and can request az login. Defaults to $false if PacEnvironmentSelector parameter provided and $true otherwise.


Get-AzMissingTags.ps1 -PacEnvironmentSelector "dev" -DefinitionsRootFolder "C:\Src\Definitions" -OutputFileName "missing-tags-results.csv" -Interactive $true


Pull all policy aliases into a CSV file. This is helpful for Azure Policy development.

Parameter Explanation
NamespaceMatch Use this to cut out unnecessary aliases by specifying your desired namespace. More documentation here:
ResourceTypeMatch Resource type match can also be used to filter out unnecessary aliases. More documentation here:


Get-AzPolicyAliasOutputCSV.ps1 -OutputFileName "PolicyAliases.csv"


Lists all resource tags in tenant.

Parameter Explanation
PacEnvironmentSelector Defines which Policy as Code (PAC) environment we are using, if omitted, the script prompts for a value. The values are read from $DefinitionsRootFolder/global-settings.jsonc.
DefinitionsRootFolder Definitions folder path. Defaults to environment variable $env:PAC_DEFINITIONS_FOLDER or ./Definitions. It contains global-settings.jsonc.
OutputFileName Output file name. Defaults to environment variable $env:PAC_OUTPUT_FOLDER/Tags/all-tags.csv or ./Outputs/Tags/all-tags.csv.
Interactive Script is being run interactively and can request az login. Defaults to $false if PacEnvironmentSelector parameter provided and $true otherwise.


Get-AzResourceTags.ps1 -PacEnvironmentSelector "dev" -DefinitionsRootFolder "C:\Src\Definitions" -OutputFileName "resource-tags-results.csv" -Interactive $true


Lists Storage Account network configurations.

Parameter Explanation
PacEnvironmentSelector Defines which Policy as Code (PAC) environment we are using, if omitted, the script prompts for a value. The values are read from $DefinitionsRootFolder/global-settings.jsonc.
DefinitionsRootFolder Definitions folder path. Defaults to environment variable $env:PAC_DEFINITIONS_FOLDER or ./Definitions. It contains global-settings.jsonc.
OutputFileName Output file name. Defaults to environment variable $env:PAC_OUTPUT_FOLDER/Storage/StorageNetwork.csv or ./Outputs/Storage/StorageNetwork.csv
Interactive Script is being run interactively and can request az login. Defaults to $false if PacEnvironmentSelector parameter provided and $true otherwise.


Get-AzStorageNetworkConfig.ps1 -PacEnvironmentSelector "dev" -DefinitionsRootFolder "C:\Src\Definitions" -OutputFileName "StorageNetwork.csv" -Interactive $true


Lists Role assignments per user.

Parameter Explanation
PacEnvironmentSelector Defines which Policy as Code (PAC) environment we are using, if omitted, the script prompts for a value. The values are read from $DefinitionsRootFolder/global-settings.jsonc.
DefinitionsRootFolder Definitions folder path. Defaults to environment variable $env:PAC_DEFINITIONS_FOLDER or ./Definitions. It contains global-settings.jsonc.
OutputFileName Output file name. Defaults to environment variable $env:PAC_OUTPUT_FOLDER/Users/RoleAssignments.csv or ./Outputs/Users/RoleAssignments.csv
Interactive Script is being run interactively and can request az login. Defaults to $false if PacEnvironmentSelector parameter provided and $true otherwise.


Get-AzUserRoleAssignments.ps1 -PacEnvironmentSelector "dev" -DefinitionsRootFolder "C:\Src\Definitions" -OutputFileName "RoleAssignments.csv" -Interactive $true


Creates a custom role 'Policy Reader' that provides read access to all Policy resources for the purpose of planning the EPAC deployments.

Parameter Explanation
PacEnvironmentSelector Defines which Policy as Code (PAC) environment we are using, if omitted, the script prompts for a value. The values are read from $DefinitionsRootFolder/global-settings.jsonc.
DefinitionsRootFolder Definitions folder path. Defaults to environment variable $env:PAC_DEFINITIONS_FOLDER or ./Definitions.
Interactive Set to false if used non-interactive.


New-AzPolicyReaderRole.ps1 -PacEnvironmentSelector "dev" -DefinitionsRootFolder "C:\Src\Definitions" -Interactive $true

New-AzPolicyReaderRole.ps1 -Interactive $true


Creates a new EPAC definition folder.

Parameter Explanation
DefinitionFolderName The name of the new definition folder.
DefinitionsRootFolder The root folder where the new definition folder will be created.


New-EPACDefinitionFolder.ps1 -DefinitionFolderName "MyNewDefinition" -DefinitionsRootFolder "C:\Src\Definitions"


Creates a global-settings.jsonc file with a new guid, managed identity location and tenant information.

Parameter Explanation
ManagedIdentityLocation The Azure location to store the managed identities.
TenantId The Azure tenant ID for the solution.
DefinitionsRootFolder The folder path to where the New-EPACDefinitionsFolder command created the definitions root folder.
DeploymentRootScope The root management group to export definitions and assignments.


New-EPACGlobalSettings.ps1 -ManagedIdentityLocation NorthCentralUS -TenantId 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 -DefinitionsRootFolder C:\definitions\ -DeploymentRootScope /providers/Microsoft.Management/managementGroups/mgroup1


Exports a policy assignment from Azure to a local file in the EPAC format. Provides a base template only - you may have to manipulate the file to fit in to your current assignment structure

Parameter Required Explanation
PolicyAssignmentId Required Resource ID in Azure for the policy assignment you want to export
OutputFolder Optional Output folder for the exported policy assignment - - default is JSON output to console


New-EPACPolicyAssignmentDefinition.ps1 -PolicyAssignmentId "/providers/Microsoft.Authorization/policyAssignments/assignment1" -OutputFolder "C:\Src\Definitions\Assignments"


Exports a Policy definition from Azure to a local file in the EPAC format.

Parameter Explanation
PolicyDefinitionId The ID of the Policy definition to export.
OutputFolder The folder where the exported Policy definition will be saved.


New-EPACPolicyDefinition.ps1 -PolicyDefinitionId "/providers/Microsoft.Management/managementGroups/epac/providers/Microsoft.Authorization/policyDefinitions/Append-KV-SoftDelete" -OutputFolder