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A memory game in the browser using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. Your goal is to build a card-based memory game.
- Players will be shown a collection of cards, face down, and can click on a card to reveal what’s underneath.
- After clicking on two cards, the game should check to see whether they match. If they do, they will remain facing up.
- If not, the cards should remain displayed to the player for one second, and then flip back down.
- The goal of the game is to match up all the pairs.
- We have an array of colors which we shuffle and then loop over to create 10 elements on the page and give them a class of the color we loop over.
- We then append the elements to the DOM and add an event listener for a “click” for each of the elements.
- Make sure to read through the code before continuing on!
- Clicking a card should change the background color to be the color of the class it has.
- Users should only be able to change at most two cards at a time.
- Clicking on two matching cards should be a “match” — those cards should stay face up.
- When clicking two cards that are not a match, they should stay turned over for at least 1 second before they hide the color again. You should make sure to use a setTimeout so that you can execute code after one second.
- Make sure this works only if you click on two different cards — clicking the same card twice shouldn’t count as a match!)
- Make sure that you can not click too quickly and guess more than two cards at a time.
- Add a button that when clicked will start the game
- Add a button that when clicked will restart the game once it has ended
- For every guess made, increment a score variable and display the score while the game is played
- Store the lowest-scoring game in local storage, so that players can see a record of the best game played.
- Allow for any number of cards to appear
- Instead of hard-coding colors, try something different like random colors or even images!