Keycloak is an open source identity and access management for modern applications and services.
$ helm install keycloak codecentric/keycloak
or via GitHub Container Registry:
$ helm install keycloak oci:// --version <version>
This chart bootstraps a Keycloak StatefulSet on a Kubernetes cluster using the Helm package manager. It provisions a fully featured Keycloak installation. For more information on Keycloak and its capabilities, see its documentation.
The chart has an optional dependency on the PostgreSQL chart. By default, the PostgreSQL chart requires PV support on underlying infrastructure (may be disabled).
Since Version v16.0.0
the support for Helm v2 is dropped in favor of to support also the latest postgres Helm Chart Version which requires Helm v3 only.
To install the chart with the release name keycloak
$ helm install keycloak codecentric/keycloak
To uninstall the keycloak
$ helm uninstall keycloak
The following table lists the configurable parameters of the Keycloak chart and their default values.
Parameter | Description | Default |
fullnameOverride |
Optionally override the fully qualified name | "" |
nameOverride |
Optionally override the name | "" |
replicas |
The number of replicas to create | 1 |
image.repository |
The Keycloak image repository | |
image.tag |
Overrides the Keycloak image tag whose default is the chart version. Note versions after 16.1.1 need to use the -legacy suffix, e.g. 17.0.1-legacy |
"" |
image.pullPolicy |
The Keycloak image pull policy | IfNotPresent |
imagePullSecrets |
Image pull secrets for the Pod | [] |
hostAliases |
Mapping between IPs and hostnames that will be injected as entries in the Pod's hosts files | [] |
enableServiceLinks |
Indicates whether information about services should be injected into Pod's environment variables, matching the syntax of Docker links | true |
podManagementPolicy |
Pod management policy. One of Parallel or OrderedReady |
Parallel |
updateStrategy |
StatefulSet update strategy. One of RollingUpdate or OnDelete |
RollingUpdate |
restartPolicy |
Pod restart policy. One of Always , OnFailure , or Never |
Always |
serviceAccount.create |
Specifies whether a ServiceAccount should be created | true | |
The name of the service account to use. If not set and create is true, a name is generated using the fullname template | "" |
serviceAccount.annotations |
Additional annotations for the ServiceAccount | {} |
serviceAccount.labels |
Additional labels for the ServiceAccount | {} |
serviceAccount.imagePullSecrets |
Image pull secrets that are attached to the ServiceAccount | [] |
rbac.create |
Specifies whether RBAC resources are to be created | false |
rbac.rules |
Custom RBAC rules, e. g. for KUBE_PING | [] |
podSecurityContext |
SecurityContext for the entire Pod. Every container running in the Pod will inherit this SecurityContext. This might be relevant when other components of the environment inject additional containers into running Pods (service meshes are the most prominent example for this) | {"fsGroup":1000} |
securityContext |
SecurityContext for the Keycloak container | {"runAsNonRoot":true,"runAsUser":1000} |
extraInitContainers |
Additional init containers, e. g. for providing custom themes | [] |
skipInitContainers |
Skip all init containers (to avoid issues with service meshes which require sidecar proxies for connectivity) | false |
extraContainers |
Additional sidecar containers, e. g. for a database proxy, such as Google's cloudsql-proxy | [] |
lifecycleHooks |
Lifecycle hooks for the Keycloak container | {} |
terminationGracePeriodSeconds |
Termination grace period in seconds for Keycloak shutdown. Clusters with a large cache might need to extend this to give Infinispan more time to rebalance | 60 |
clusterDomain |
The internal Kubernetes cluster domain | cluster.local |
command |
Overrides the default entrypoint of the Keycloak container | [] |
args |
Overrides the default args for the Keycloak container | [] |
extraEnv |
Additional environment variables for Keycloak | "" |
extraEnvFrom |
Additional environment variables for Keycloak mapped from a Secret or ConfigMap | "" |
priorityClassName |
Pod priority class name | "" |
affinity |
Pod affinity | Hard node and soft zone anti-affinity |
topologySpreadConstraints |
Topology spread constraints | Constraints used to spread pods |
nodeSelector |
Node labels for Pod assignment | {} |
tolerations |
Node taints to tolerate | [] |
podLabels |
Additional Pod labels | {} |
podAnnotations |
Additional Pod annotations | {} |
livenessProbe |
Liveness probe configuration | {"httpGet":{"path":"/auth/","port":"http"},"initialDelaySeconds":0,"timeoutSeconds":5} |
readinessProbe |
Readiness probe configuration | {"httpGet":{"path":"/auth/realms/master","port":"http"},"initialDelaySeconds":30,"timeoutSeconds":1} |
startupProbe |
Startup probe configuration | {"httpGet":{"path":"/auth/","port":"http"},"initialDelaySeconds":30,"timeoutSeconds":5, "failureThreshold": 60, "periodSeconds": 5} |
resources |
Pod resource requests and limits | {} |
startupScripts |
Startup scripts to run before Keycloak starts up | {"keycloak.cli":"{{- .Files.Get "scripts/keycloak.cli" | nindent 2 }}"} |
extraVolumes |
Add additional volumes, e. g. for custom themes | "" |
extraVolumeMounts |
Add additional volumes mounts, e. g. for custom themes | "" |
extraPorts |
Add additional ports, e. g. for admin console or exposing JGroups ports | [] |
podDisruptionBudget |
Pod disruption budget | {} |
statefulsetAnnotations |
Annotations for the StatefulSet | {} |
statefulsetLabels |
Additional labels for the StatefulSet | {} |
secrets |
Configuration for secrets that should be created | {} |
service.annotations |
Annotations for headless and HTTP Services | {} |
service.labels |
Additional labels for headless and HTTP Services | {} |
service.type |
The Service type | ClusterIP |
service.loadBalancerIP |
Optional IP for the load balancer. Used for services of type LoadBalancer only | "" |
loadBalancerSourceRanges |
Optional List of allowed source ranges (CIDRs). Used for service of type LoadBalancer only | [] |
service.externalTrafficPolicy |
Optional external traffic policy. Used for services of type LoadBalancer only | "Cluster" |
service.httpPort |
The http Service port | 80 |
service.httpNodePort |
The HTTP Service node port if type is NodePort | "" |
service.httpsPort |
The HTTPS Service port | 8443 |
service.httpsNodePort |
The HTTPS Service node port if type is NodePort | "" |
service.httpManagementPort |
The WildFly management Service port | 9990 |
service.httpManagementNodePort |
The WildFly management node port if type is NodePort | "" |
service.extraPorts |
Additional Service ports, e. g. for custom admin console | [] |
service.sessionAffinity |
sessionAffinity for Service, e. g. "ClientIP" | "" |
service.sessionAffinityConfig |
sessionAffinityConfig for Service | {} |
ingress.enabled |
If true , an Ingress is created |
false |
ingress.rules |
List of Ingress Ingress rule | see below |
ingress.rules[0].host |
Host for the Ingress rule | {{ .Release.Name }} |
ingress.rules[0].paths |
Paths for the Ingress rule | see below |
ingress.rules[0].paths[0].path |
Path for the Ingress rule | / |
ingress.rules[0].paths[0].pathType |
Path Type for the Ingress rule | Prefix |
ingress.servicePort |
The Service port targeted by the Ingress | http |
ingress.annotations |
Ingress annotations | {} |
ingress.ingressClassName |
The name of the Ingress Class associated with the ingress | "" |
ingress.labels |
Additional Ingress labels | {} |
ingress.tls |
TLS configuration | see below |
ingress.tls[0].hosts |
List of TLS hosts | [] |
ingress.tls[0].secretName |
Name of the TLS secret | "" |
ingress.console.enabled |
If true , an Ingress for the console is created |
false |
ingress.console.rules |
List of Ingress Ingress rule for the console | see below |
ingress.console.rules[0].host |
Host for the Ingress rule for the console | {{ .Release.Name }} |
ingress.console.rules[0].paths |
Paths for the Ingress rule for the console | see below |
ingress.console.rules[0].paths[0].path |
Path for the Ingress rule for the console | [/auth/admin] |
ingress.console.rules[0].paths[0].pathType |
Path Type for the Ingress rule for the console | Prefix |
ingress.console.annotations |
Ingress annotations for the console | {} |
ingress.console.ingressClassName |
The name of the Ingress Class associated with the console ingress | "" |
ingress.console.tls |
TLS configuration | see below |
ingress.console.tls[0].hosts |
List of TLS hosts | [] |
ingress.console.tls[0].secretName |
Name of the TLS secret | "" |
networkPolicy.enabled |
If true, the ingress network policy is deployed | false |
networkPolicy.extraFrom |
Allows to define allowed external traffic (see Kubernetes doc for network policy from format) |
[] |
route.enabled |
If true , an OpenShift Route is created |
false |
route.path |
Path for the Route | / |
route.annotations |
Route annotations | {} |
route.labels |
Additional Route labels | {} | |
Host name for the Route | "" |
route.tls.enabled |
If true , TLS is enabled for the Route |
true |
route.tls.insecureEdgeTerminationPolicy |
Insecure edge termination policy of the Route. Can be None , Redirect , or Allow |
Redirect |
route.tls.termination |
TLS termination of the route. Can be edge , passthrough , or reencrypt |
edge |
pgchecker.image.repository |
Docker image used to check Postgresql readiness at startup | |
pgchecker.image.tag |
Image tag for the pgchecker image | 1.32 |
pgchecker.image.pullPolicy |
Image pull policy for the pgchecker image | IfNotPresent |
pgchecker.securityContext |
SecurityContext for the pgchecker container | {"allowPrivilegeEscalation":false,"runAsGroup":1000,"runAsNonRoot":true,"runAsUser":1000} |
pgchecker.resources |
Resource requests and limits for the pgchecker container | {"limits":{"cpu":"10m","memory":"16Mi"},"requests":{"cpu":"10m","memory":"16Mi"}} |
postgresql.enabled |
If true , the Postgresql dependency is enabled |
true |
postgresql.postgresqlUsername |
PostgreSQL User to create | keycloak |
postgresql.postgresqlPassword |
PostgreSQL Password for the new user | keycloak |
postgresql.postgresqlDatabase |
PostgreSQL Database to create | keycloak |
serviceMonitor.enabled |
If true , a ServiceMonitor resource for the prometheus-operator is created |
false |
serviceMonitor.namespace |
Optionally sets a target namespace in which to deploy the ServiceMonitor resource | "" |
serviceMonitor.namespaceSelector |
Optionally sets a namespace selector for the ServiceMonitor | {} |
serviceMonitor.annotations |
Annotations for the ServiceMonitor | {} |
serviceMonitor.labels |
Additional labels for the ServiceMonitor | {} |
serviceMonitor.interval |
Interval at which Prometheus scrapes metrics | 10s |
serviceMonitor.scrapeTimeout |
Timeout for scraping | 10s |
serviceMonitor.path |
The path at which metrics are served | /metrics |
serviceMonitor.port |
The Service port at which metrics are served | http |
extraServiceMonitor.enabled |
If true , an additional ServiceMonitor resource for the prometheus-operator is created. Could be used for additional metrics via Keycloak Metrics SPI |
false |
extraServiceMonitor.namespace |
Optionally sets a target namespace in which to deploy the additional ServiceMonitor resource | "" |
extraServiceMonitor.namespaceSelector |
Optionally sets a namespace selector for the additional ServiceMonitor | {} |
extraServiceMonitor.annotations |
Annotations for the additional ServiceMonitor | {} |
extraServiceMonitor.labels |
Additional labels for the additional ServiceMonitor | {} |
extraServiceMonitor.interval |
Interval at which Prometheus scrapes metrics | 10s |
extraServiceMonitor.scrapeTimeout |
Timeout for scraping | 10s |
extraServiceMonitor.path |
The path at which metrics are served | /metrics |
extraServiceMonitor.port |
The Service port at which metrics are served | http |
prometheusRule.enabled |
If true , a PrometheusRule resource for the prometheus-operator is created |
false |
prometheusRule.annotations |
Annotations for the PrometheusRule | {} |
prometheusRule.labels |
Additional labels for the PrometheusRule | {} |
prometheusRule.rules |
List of rules for Prometheus | [] |
autoscaling.enabled |
Enable creation of a HorizontalPodAutoscaler resource | false |
autoscaling.labels |
Additional labels for the HorizontalPodAutoscaler resource | {} |
autoscaling.minReplicas |
The minimum number of Pods when autoscaling is enabled | 3 |
autoscaling.maxReplicas |
The maximum number of Pods when autoscaling is enabled | 10 |
autoscaling.metrics |
The metrics configuration for the HorizontalPodAutoscaler | [{"resource":{"name":"cpu","target":{"averageUtilization":80,"type":"Utilization"}},"type":"Resource"}] |
autoscaling.behavior |
The scaling policy configuration for the HorizontalPodAutoscaler | {"scaleDown":{"policies":[{"periodSeconds":300,"type":"Pods","value":1}],"stabilizationWindowSeconds":300} |
test.enabled |
If true , test resources are created |
false |
test.image.repository |
The image for the test Pod | |
test.image.tag |
The tag for the test Pod image | v1 |
test.image.pullPolicy |
The image pull policy for the test Pod image | IfNotPresent |
test.podSecurityContext |
SecurityContext for the entire test Pod | {"fsGroup":1000} |
test.securityContext |
SecurityContext for the test container | {"runAsNonRoot":true,"runAsUser":1000} |
test.deletionPolicy | for the test Pod |
before-hook-creation |
Specify each parameter using the --set key=value[,key=value]
argument to helm install
. For example:
$ helm install keycloak codecentric/keycloak -n keycloak --set replicas=1
Alternatively, a YAML file that specifies the values for the parameters can be provided while installing the chart. For example:
$ helm install keycloak codecentric/keycloak -n keycloak --values values.yaml
The chart offers great flexibility. It can be configured to work with the official Keycloak Docker image but any custom image can be used as well.
For the offical Docker image, please check it's configuration at
The tpl
function allows us to pass string values from values.yaml
through the templating engine.
It is used for the following values:
Additionally, custom labels and annotations can be set on various resources the values of which being passed through tpl
as well.
It is important that these values be configured as strings.
Otherwise, installation will fail.
See example for Google Cloud Proxy or default affinity configuration in values.yaml
Keycloak sets the following system properties by default: -Djboss.modules.system.pkgs=$JBOSS_MODULES_SYSTEM_PKGS -Djava.awt.headless=true
You can override these by setting the JAVA_OPTS
environment variable.
Make sure you configure container support.
This allows you to only configure memory using Kubernetes resources and the JVM will automatically adapt.
extraEnv: |
- name: JAVA_OPTS
value: >-
By default, Bitnami's PostgreSQL chart is deployed and used as database. Please refer to this chart for additional PostgreSQL configuration options.
The Keycloak Docker image supports various database types. Configuration happens in a generic manner.
The following examples uses a PostgreSQL database with a secret that is managed by the Helm chart.
# Disable PostgreSQL dependency
enabled: false
extraEnv: |
- name: DB_VENDOR
value: postgres
- name: DB_ADDR
value: mypostgres
- name: DB_PORT
value: "5432"
value: mydb
extraEnvFrom: |
- secretRef:
name: '{{ include "keycloak.fullname" . }}-db'
DB_USER: '{{ .Values.dbUser }}'
DB_PASSWORD: '{{ .Values.dbPassword }}'
and dbPassword
are custom values you'd then specify on the commandline using --set-string
The following examples uses a PostgreSQL database with a secret. Username and password are mounted as files.
# Disable PostgreSQL dependency
enabled: false
extraEnv: |
- name: DB_VENDOR
value: postgres
- name: DB_ADDR
value: mypostgres
- name: DB_PORT
value: "5432"
value: mydb
- name: DB_USER_FILE
value: /secrets/db-creds/user
value: /secrets/db-creds/password
extraVolumeMounts: |
- name: db-creds
mountPath: /secrets/db-creds
readOnly: true
extraVolumes: |
- name: db-creds
secretName: keycloak-db-creds
The Keycloak Docker image supports creating an initial admin user. It must be configured via environment variables:
Please refer to the section on database configuration for how to configure a secret for this.
For high availability, Keycloak must be run with multiple replicas (replicas > 1
The chart has a helper template (keycloak.serviceDnsName
) that creates the DNS name based on the headless service.
JGroups discovery via DNS_PING can be configured as follows:
extraEnv: |
value: dns.DNS_PING
value: 'dns_query={{ include "keycloak.serviceDnsName" . }}'
value: "2"
value: "2"
Recent versions of Keycloak include a new Kubernetes native KUBE_PING service discovery protocol. This requires a little more configuration than DNS_PING but can easily be achieved with the Helm chart.
As with DNS_PING some environment variables must be configured as follows:
extraEnv: |
value: kubernetes.KUBE_PING
apiVersion: v1
fieldPath: metadata.namespace
value: "2"
value: "2"
However, the Keycloak Pods must also get RBAC permissions to get
and list
Pods in the namespace which can be configured as follows:
create: true
- apiGroups:
- ""
- pods
- get
- list
Due to the caches in Keycloak only replicating to a few nodes (two in the example configuration above) and the limited controls around autoscaling built into Kubernetes, it has historically been problematic to autoscale Keycloak. However, in Kubernetes 1.18 additional controls were introduced which make it possible to scale down in a more controlled manner.
The example autoscaling configuration in the values file scales from three up to a maximum of ten Pods using CPU utilization as the metric. Scaling up is done as quickly as required but scaling down is done at a maximum rate of one Pod per five minutes.
Autoscaling can be enabled as follows:
enabled: true
KUBE_PING service discovery seems to be the most reliable mechanism to use when enabling autoscaling, due to being faster than DNS_PING at detecting changes in the cluster.
When running Keycloak behind a reverse proxy, which is the case when using an ingress controller, proxy address forwarding must be enabled as follows:
extraEnv: |
value: "true"
One option is certainly to provide a custom Keycloak image that includes the theme. However, if you prefer to stick with the official Keycloak image, you can use an init container as theme provider.
Create your own theme and package it up into a Docker image.
FROM busybox
COPY mytheme /mytheme
In combination with an emptyDir
that is shared with the Keycloak container, configure an init container that runs your theme image and copies the theme over to the right place where Keycloak will pick it up automatically.
extraInitContainers: |
- name: theme-provider
image: myuser/mytheme:1
imagePullPolicy: IfNotPresent
- sh
- -c
- |
echo "Copying theme..."
cp -R /mytheme/* /theme
- name: theme
mountPath: /theme
extraVolumeMounts: |
- name: theme
mountPath: /opt/jboss/keycloak/themes/mytheme
extraVolumes: |
- name: theme
emptyDir: {}
A realm can be added by creating a secret or configmap for the realm json file and then supplying this into the chart.
It can be mounted using extraVolumeMounts
and then referenced as environment variable KEYCLOAK_IMPORT
First we need to create a Secret from the realm JSON file using kubectl create secret generic realm-secret --from-file=realm.json
which we need to reference in values.yaml
extraVolumes: |
- name: realm-secret
secretName: realm-secret
extraVolumeMounts: |
- name: realm-secret
mountPath: "/realm/"
readOnly: true
extraEnv: |
value: /realm/realm.json
Alternatively, the realm file could be added to a custom image.
After startup the web admin console for the realm should be available on the path /auth/admin/<realm name>/console/.
Depending on your environment you may need a local proxy to connect to the database. This is, e. g., the case for Google Kubernetes Engine when using Google Cloud SQL. Create the secret for the credentials as documented here and configure the proxy as a sidecar.
Because extraContainers
is a string that is passed through the tpl
function, it is possible to create custom values and use them in the string.
# Disable PostgreSQL dependency
enabled: false
# Custom values for Google Cloud SQL
project: my-project
region: europe-west1
instance: my-instance
extraContainers: |
- name: cloudsql-proxy
- /cloud_sql_proxy
- -instances={{ .Values.cloudsql.project }}:{{ .Values.cloudsql.region }}:{{ .Values.cloudsql.instance }}=tcp:5432
- -credential_file=/secrets/cloudsql/credentials.json
- name: cloudsql-creds
mountPath: /secrets/cloudsql
readOnly: true
extraVolumes: |
- name: cloudsql-creds
secretName: cloudsql-instance-credentials
extraEnv: |
- name: DB_VENDOR
value: postgres
- name: DB_ADDR
value: ""
- name: DB_PORT
value: "5432"
value: postgres
- name: DB_USER
value: myuser
value: mypassword
By default, Keycloak is served under context /auth
This can be changed as follows:
contextPath: mycontext
# cli script that reconfigures WildFly
contextPath.cli: |
embed-server --server-config=standalone-ha.xml --std-out=echo
{{- if ne .Values.contextPath "auth" }}
/subsystem=keycloak-server/:write-attribute(name=web-context,value={{ if eq .Values.contextPath "" }}/{{ else }}{{ .Values.contextPath }}{{ end }})
{{- if eq .Values.contextPath "" }}
{{- end }}
{{- end }}
livenessProbe: |
path: {{ if ne .Values.contextPath "" }}/{{ .Values.contextPath }}{{ end }}/
port: http
initialDelaySeconds: 0
timeoutSeconds: 5
readinessProbe: |
path: {{ if ne .Values.contextPath "" }}/{{ .Values.contextPath }}{{ end }}/realms/master
port: http
initialDelaySeconds: 30
timeoutSeconds: 1
startupProbe: |
path: /auth/
port: http
initialDelaySeconds: 30
timeoutSeconds: 1
failureThreshold: 60
periodSeconds: 5
The above YAML references introduces the custom value contextPath
which is possible because startupScripts
, livenessProbe
, readinessProbe
, and startupProbe
are templated using the tpl
Note that it must not start with a slash.
Alternatively, you may supply it via CLI flag:
--set-string contextPath=mycontext
WildFly can expose metrics on the management port.
In order to achieve this, the environment variable KEYCLOAK_STATISTICS
must be set.
extraEnv: |
value: all
Add a ServiceMonitor if using prometheus-operator:
# If `true`, a ServiceMonitor resource for the prometheus-operator is created
enabled: true
Checkout values.yaml
for customizing the ServiceMonitor and for adding custom Prometheus rules.
Add annotations if you don't use prometheus-operator:
annotations: "true" "9990"
Optionally, it is possible to add Keycloak Metrics SPI via init container.
A separate ServiceMonitor
can be enabled to scrape metrics from the SPI:
# If `true`, an additional ServiceMonitor resource for the prometheus-operator is created
enabled: true
Checkout values.yaml
for customizing this ServiceMonitor.
Note that the metrics endpoint is exposed on the HTTP port. You may want to restrict access to it in your ingress controller configuration. For ingress-nginx, this could be done as follows:
annotations: |
location ~* /auth/realms/[^/]+/metrics {
return 403;
The chart sets node identifiers to the system property
which is in fact the pod name.
Node identifiers must not be longer than 23 characters.
This can be problematic because pod names are quite long.
We would have to truncate the chart's fullname to six characters because pods get a 17-character suffix (e. g. -697f8b7655-mf5ht
Using a StatefulSet allows us to truncate to 20 characters leaving room for up to 99 replicas, which is much better.
Additionally, we get stable values for
which can be advantageous for cluster discovery.
The headless service that governs the StatefulSet is used for DNS discovery via DNS_PING.
A common issue with Keycloak and nginx is that the proxy buffer may be too small for what Keycloak is trying to send. This will result in a Bad Gateway (502) error. There are many issues around the internet about this. The solution is to increase the buffer size of nginx. This can be done by creating an annotation in the ingress specification:
annotations: "128k"
- Keycloak is updated to 17.0.1
- Use image from
Note that we now need to add the -legacy
suffix for the Keycloak Legacy
image for the Wildfly based Keycloak as documented in this Keycloak Blog Post,
Please read the additional notes about Migrating to 17.0.0 in the Keycloak documentation.
- Keycloak is updated to 16.1.1
Please read the additional notes about Migrating to 16.0.0 in the Keycloak documentation.
- Keycloak is updated to 15.0.2
Ingress path definitions are extended to describe path and pathType. Previously only the path was configured. Please adapt your configuration as shown below:
# ...
- # ...
# Paths for the host
- /
# ...
- # ...
# Paths for the host
- path: /
pathType: Prefix
This allows to configure specific pathType
configurations, e.g. pathType: ImplementationSpecific
for GKE Ingress on Google Cloud Platform.
- Keycloak is updated to 14.0.0
Note that this might not be a seamless upgrade, because the clustering with older Keycloak versions might not work due to incompatible infinispan versions.
- Keycloak is updated to 13.0.1
Note that this might not be a seamless upgrade, because the clustering with older Keycloak versions might not work due to incompatible infinispan versions.
One way to perform the upgrade is to run:
kubectl delete sts <RELEASE_NAME>-keycloak && helm upgrade --install
This ensures that all replicas are restarted with the same version. Note that all sessions are lost in this case, and users might need to login again.
When you are using the postgresql subchart (which is not recommended for production situations), you will need to migrate the statefulset governing the postgresql pod. The upgrade will cause some immutable fields of the statefulset to be modified, which cannot be done in place. You will have to manually remove the statefulset before doing the Helm upgrade. The following procedure takes care of this:
- Remove the old statefulset (associated PVC will remain in place):
kubectl delete statefulset -n <your ns> <name of your psql statefulset>
- Helm Upgrade:
helm upgrade -n <your ns> ... <your release>
- Keycloak is updated to 12.0.4
Note that this might not be a seamless upgrade, because the clustering with older Keycloak versions might not work due to incompatible infinispan versions.
One way to perform the upgrade is to run:
kubectl delete sts <RELEASE_NAME>-keycloak && helm upgrade --install
This ensures that all replicas are restarted with the same version. Note that all sessions are lost in this case, and users might need to login again.
The Keycloak chart received a major facelift and, thus, comes with breaking changes. Opinionated stuff and things that are now baked into Keycloak's Docker image were removed. Configuration is more generic making it easier to use custom Docker images that are configured differently than the official one.
- Values are no longer nested under
. - Besides setting the node identifier, no CLI changes are performed out of the box
- Environment variables for the Postresql dependency are set automatically if enabled. Otherwise, no environment variables are set by default.
- Optionally enables creating RBAC resources with configurable rules (e. g. for KUBE_PING)
- PostgreSQL chart dependency is updated to 9.1.1
- Keycloak is updated to 10.0.0
- PostgreSQL chart dependency is updated to 8.9.5
The upgrade should be seemless. No special care has to be taken.
Version 7.0.0 update breaks backwards-compatibility with the existing keycloak.persistence.existingSecret
are always read from a Kubernetes Secret.
This is a requirement if you are provisioning database credentials dynamically - either via an Operator or some secret-management engine.
The variable referencing the password key name has been renamed from keycloak.persistence.existingSecretKey
to keycloak.persistence.existingSecretPasswordKey
A new, optional variable for referencing the username key name for populating the DB_USER
env has been added:
If keycloak.persistence.existingSecret
is left unset, a new Secret will be provisioned populated with the dbUser
and dbPassword
Helm variables.
existingSecret: keycloak-provisioned-db-credentials
existingSecretPasswordKey: PGPASSWORD
existingSecretUsernameKey: PGUSER
Now both readiness and liveness probes are configured as strings that are then passed through the tpl
This allows for greater customizability of the readiness and liveness probes.
The defaults are unchanged, but since 6.0.0 configured as follows:
livenessProbe: |
path: {{ if ne .Values.keycloak.basepath "" }}/{{ .Values.keycloak.basepath }}{{ end }}/
port: http
initialDelaySeconds: 300
timeoutSeconds: 5
readinessProbe: |
path: {{ if ne .Values.keycloak.basepath "" }}/{{ .Values.keycloak.basepath }}{{ end }}/realms/master
port: http
initialDelaySeconds: 30
timeoutSeconds: 1
startup probe was added in 10.2.0 and is configured as follows:
startupProbe: |
path: /auth/
port: http
initialDelaySeconds: 30
timeoutSeconds: 1
failureThreshold: 60
periodSeconds: 5
This can be useful if you create a secret in a parent chart and want to reference that secret.
Applies to keycloak.existingSecret
and keycloak.persistence.existingSecret
of parent chart:
existingSecret: '{{ .Release.Name }}-keycloak-secret'
The HTTPS port was added to the pod and to the services. As a result, service ports are now configured differently.
Version 5.0.0 is a major update.
- The chart now follows the new Kubernetes label recommendations:
- Several changes to the StatefulSet render an out-of-the-box upgrade impossible because StatefulSets only allow updates to a limited set of fields
- The chart uses the new support for running scripts at startup that has been added to Keycloak's Docker image. If you use this feature, you will have to adjust your configuration
However, with the following manual steps an automatic upgrade is still possible:
- Adjust chart configuration as necessary (e. g. startup scripts)
- Perform a non-cascading deletion of the StatefulSet which keeps the pods running
- Add the new labels to the pods
- Run
helm upgrade
Use a script like the following to add labels and to delete the StatefulSet:
kubectl delete statefulset -n "$namespace" -l app=keycloak -l release="$release" --cascade=false
kubectl label pod -n "$namespace" -l app=keycloak -l release="$release"
kubectl label pod -n "$namespace" -l app=keycloak -l release="$release""$release"
NOTE: Version 5.0.0 also updates the Postgresql dependency which has received a major upgrade as well. In case you use this dependency, the database must be upgraded first. Please refer to the Postgresql chart's upgrading section in its README for instructions.