A GUI for Dokku to allow more Heroku like UX
- Create a new app
- Manage environment variables for apps
- Add Postgress service to an app
- Reboot Dokku server
- Deploy a Dokku instance
- Run
sh deploy.sh
inside this repo from a machine with the ssh keys to access Dokku - Go to dashboard.yourdokkudomain
We generate a private/public key and add the public key to your Dokku instance. The private is encrypted (with the password you supplied when running deploy.sh) and uploaded to the dashboard app. When you enter the password on dashboard.yourdokkudomain the dashboard app reads this private key and open a ssh tunnel to your root dokku instance which it uses to orchestrate your environment.
- deploy.sh: runs on your local machine to generate a new ssh keys, add this key to Dokku and set up the dashboard app on Dokku
- main.py: runs the dashboard app using Streamlit
- Procfile: start command for Dokku to run the dashboard app