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Shift is a development tool that allows you to modify variables and run blocks of code while your Android application is running.


Have you ever needed to temporarily disable a feature during development or hide UI elements? How about trying out different values for animations, switching between API endpoints, or changing the color or margins of UI components? Wouldn't it be nice to be able to repeatedly call certain API's, clear your apps persistent storage, or reset user preferences at anytime in your app? What about sending a screenshot of a bug in your app through email?

Shift helps us with all of these things through the use of ShiftValues and ShiftActions and provides an easy to implement UI to modify values and run actions.


  • A value of type String (ShiftString), boolean(ShiftBoolean), int(ShiftInt), or float(ShiftFloat) that can be modified while the app is running.


  • A wrapper class for a Runnable and a String describing what the action does.

All features at Coursera are wrapped around a ShiftBoolean. This allows developers to disable or enable a feature if it is not meant to be released yet and continue working without their code disrupting others.

Shift continues to be immensely helpful for building the Coursera Android application and we hope it will benefit others as well.



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Clone the repo and then open your Android Studio project. Go to : File -> Project Structure -> Add a New Module (+) -> Phone And Tablet Application -> Import Existing Project and select the shift folder.

#Usage Shift has 3 main components:


  • Creates the User Interface for Shift in your Android app that the user will interact with. Provides a floating icon and a menu for configuring your ShiftValues and ShiftActions


  • Used to initialize Shift, create a ShiftLauncherView, subscribe to changes in ShiftValues, and register ShiftActions


  • Decides whether or not the ShiftLauncherView should be visible to the user
  • You must implement this interface and provide it to ShiftManager on initialization

##Quick Start Guide Your application must use an AppCompat theme.

Eg. Theme.AppCompat.Light.DarkActionBar

Initialize Shift in your Application with a Visibility Client and your apps LAUNCHER class

public class MyApplication extends Application {

    public void onCreate() {
	        new SimpleVisibilityClient(this, BuildConfig.DEBUG),

Create ShiftValues with a Category (Eg. New Features), a description, the author, whether or not your app should restart when this value is changed, and the default value.

public class ShiftValues {
		public static final ShiftBoolean IS_NEW_DESIGN_ENABLED = new 
		ShiftBoolean("Features","Enable New Design","Stanley Fung",false, false);

Retrieve the value at anytime in your Fragments, Activity's, or Views

if (ShiftValues.IS_NEW_DESIGN_ENABLED.getBooleanValue()) {
	//Launch page with new design
} else {
	//Launch old page

To make a ShiftAction that you can run while in your app, create a new ShiftAction and use ShiftManager to register it:

 ShiftManager.getInstance().registerAction(new ShiftAction("Clear Persistent Storage", new Runnable() {
            public void run() {
                // Clear Database

Add a line to the Activity you want to show Shift in that creates a ShiftLauncherView. Tapping on the floating icon will bring up the ShiftMenu.

public class MyActivity extends FragmentActivity {
    protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {

Take a look at the DemoApp for more examples!

##Detailed Guide

Your application must use an AppCompat theme. Since Shift uses RecyclerView, CardView, and SwitchCompat, your Application or Activity you are using Shift in must use an AppCompat theme or you will get an error like this:

java.lang.IllegalStateException: You need to use a Theme.AppCompat theme (or descendant) with this activity

Initialize Shift in your Application class:

Shift needs a ShiftVisibilityClient to decide whether or not to show itself.

We have provided a SimpleVisibilityClient as a simple implementation using SharedPreferences. You can implement the interface and make your own VisibilityClient if you want something more complicated.

Eg. You need users to login to your app and have your own logic for determining if an account belongs to a developer or employee. Only developer/employee accounts can access Shift.

We'll allow users to see Shift if we are running in DEBUG mode.

SimpleVisibilityClient visibilityClient = new SimpleVisibilityClient(context,  BuildConfig.DEBUG);

Now initialize ShiftManager

ShiftManager.initialize(this, visibilityClient);

If you want your app to restart when certain ShiftValues are changed (we commonly do this for big features under a ShiftBoolean), make an additional call to set your apps LAUNCHER class:


Alternatively you can use the second initialize call:

ShiftManager.initialize(this, visibilityClient, MainActivity.class);

Calling ShiftManager.getInstance() before calling ShiftManager.initialize() will throw an exception!

Shift Value

There are 5 types of ShiftValues:

####Basic Types

  • ShiftString
  • ShiftBoolean
  • ShiftInteger
  • ShiftFloat

####Array Selector

  • ShiftStringArraySelector

Each ShiftValue takes a Category, Description and Author as Strings, a boolean that determines if the application will restart when this ShiftValue is changed, and the default value for this specific ShiftValue.

public class ShiftValues {
		// Category Description Author RestartOnChange DefaultValue
		public static final ShiftString MESSAGE = new 
	ShiftString("Strings","First Words","Stanley Fung",false,"HELLO WORLD");

To use this value call getStringValue();

textView.text = ShiftValueEntrys.MESSAGE.getStringValue();

ShiftValues that have the same Category will be grouped together in the ShiftMenu.

####ShiftArraySelector ArraySelectors allow you to specify an array of values and an index for the value you want from the array. This can be useful for choosing between preset values. We currently support Strings using ShiftStringArraySelectors.


Shift provides 2 ways to subscribe to changes from ShiftValues:

If you want your application to restart when a ShiftValue is modified, set the 4th boolean parameter in the constructor to true and make sure to provide your apps LAUNCHER class on setup.

ShiftBoolean("Features","Enable New Design","Stanley Fung", true, ...);

If you want a specific Activity or Fragment to refresh itself when certain ShiftValues are changed, extend ShiftValueListener and put your refresh logic into onShiftValuesUpdated(ShiftValue).

onShiftValuesUpdated(ShiftValue) is called when the ShiftValues you are subscribed to are changed. You should subscribe to ShiftValues in onResume() and unsubscribe in onPause().

The ShiftValue method parameter in onShiftValuesUpdated(ShiftValue) is the specific ShiftValue that was changed.

If you do not care which value was changed, you can subscribeToUpdatesForAllShiftValues() and unsubscribeToUpdatesForAllShiftValues() and ignore whichever ShiftValue is passed back.

public class MyActivity extends FragmentActivity implements ShiftValueListener {
	private ShiftValue[] shiftValues = 
		{ShiftValues.END_POINT, ShiftValues.WELCOME_MESSAGE};

		private TextView mWelcomeMessage;
		protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
		    mWelcomeMessage = (TextView) findViewById(;

	    public void onResume() {
		        .subscribeToUpdatesForShiftValues(this, shiftValues);
	    public void onPause() {
		        .unsubscribeToUpdatesForShiftValues(this, shiftValues);
	    public void onShiftValuesUpdated(ShiftValue shiftValue) {
		    if (shiftValue == ShiftValues.WELCOME_MESSAGE) {
				// Update welcome message text
				String newText = ShiftValues.WELCOME_MESSAGE.getStringValue();


Shift Actions allow you to assign a block of code to be run when you click on a button in Shift. Create a new ShiftAction and then call registerAction() from ShiftManager:

 ShiftManager.getInstance().registerAction(new ShiftAction("Performs an Action", new Runnable() {
            public void run() {
                // Place your code here


In order to actually launch the ShiftMenu that will allow you to modify ShiftValues and run ShiftActions, you must add a line into the Activity you want to show it on.

public class MyActivity extends FragmentActivity {
    protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {

That’s it! For convenience we have provided ShiftFragmentActivity, ShiftActionBarActivity, and ShiftAppCompatActivity for you to inherit. This could be more convenient if you want to launch Shift in every activity in your app.

public class MyActivity extends ShiftFragmentActivity {
    protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
        //As long as you call super.onCreate(), the rest will be handled for you 

If you want to hook up your own button to launch ShiftMenu, create a ShiftView using and call showShiftMenu() on click:

  Button shiftMenuButton = new Button(this);
  shiftMenuButton.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() {
            public void onClick(View v) {

Report A Bug Tool

This is an extra feature we included that we use during testing. Every time you launch the ShiftMenu, Shift will take a screenshot of the current screen and you have the option to send this screenshot through your choice of email client to someone by navigating to the REPORT tab. It will include the device name/type and what SDK it is on.


Shift will color itself based on your Theme.AppCompat's accent color.

<style name="CustomAppTheme" parent="Theme.AppCompat.Light.DarkActionBar">
        <item name="colorAccent">#FB8C00</item>


For bugs, questions and discussions please use the Github Issues.


Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at

Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.