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aslakhellesoy edited this page Sep 13, 2010 · 6 revisions

If you are using Google Guice in your application, you can get your dependencies injected into your step definitions with the GuiceFactory. Enabling Guice is done with a jvm argument:


You also have to provide the class name of the Guice configuration module you wish to use. This is also a jvm argument:


All test steps are now injected with Guice. This means that you can use @Inject exactly as you use it in your application.

public class BillingSteps {

    private BillingService billingService;

    private Transaction transaction;

    private CreateTransactionResponse response;

    @Given("^I have a transaction$")
    public void iHaveATransaction() {
        transaction = new Transaction("12345678", new BigDecimal("50.00"));

    @When("^I send the transaction to billing$")
    public void iSendTheTransactionToBilling() {
        response = billingService.sendTransactionToBilling(transaction);

    @Then("^the response should be OK$")
    public void theResponseShouldBeOK() {


Check out the Guice example for a complete example.

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