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Cycle API Go Client


This is an auto-generated API client based on the OpenAPI Spec for Cycle. Please do not open any PRs for the generated code in generated.go. If you have any questions on what changes are made in the latest version, please refer to the spec above.


go get

Create a client

package main

import (

func main() {
    apiKey := os.Getenv("CYCLE_API_KEY")
	if apiKey == "" {
		log.Fatal("missing env var CYCLE_API_KEY")

	hubId := os.Getenv("CYCLE_HUB_ID")
	if hubId == "" {
		log.Fatal("missing env var CYCLE_HUB_ID")

	c, err := cycle.NewAuthenticatedClient(cycle.ClientConfig{
		APIKey: apiKey,
		HubID:  hubId,

	if err != nil {

    // Get list of environments
    resp, err := c.GetEnvironmentsWithResponse(context.TODO(), &cycle.GetEnvironmentsParams{})
    if err != nil {

    if resp.StatusCode() != http.StatusOK {
        log.Fatalf("Expected HTTP 200 but received %d %s", resp.StatusCode(), *resp.JSONDefault.Error.Title)

    for _, v := range resp.JSON200.Data {
        fmt.Printf("ID: %s - Name: %s\n", v.Id, v.Name)


Updating the API spec

Update the API spec to the latest version:

git submodule update --recursive --remote

Using npm, run (cd api-spec; npm run build:platform && npm run downconvert:platform)

Generating the client

go generate

See ogen for usage.