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NIST Feed notifies you about the newest published CVEs according your filters. Keep updated with the latest CVEs according your preferences!
-A Filter by attack complexity metric (LOW='AC:L' or HIGH='AC:H').
-a Filter by availability metric (NONE='A:N', LOW='A:L' or HIGH='A:H').
-c Filter by confidentiality metric (NONE='C:N', LOW='C:L' or HIGH='C:H').
-C Random colored output.
-e Specify a CVE for getting details.
-h Print this Help.
-i Filter by integrity metric (NONE='I:N', LOW='I:L' or HIGH='I:H').
-l Retrieve the latest CVE according to the filters.
-m Filter by the specified CVSSv3 metric codes. It is used mainly for managing all filters selected by the user when the notification popup must be created.
-n Enable desktop notification for the latest CVE according the applied filters by crontab.
-P Filter by privileges required metric (NONE='PR:N', LOW='PR:L' or HIGH='PR:H').
-r Specify the maximum number of results that are returned based on the request parameters. The default value is 20. For network considerations, maximum allowable limit is 2,000.
-S Filter by scope metric (UNCHANGED='S:U' or CHANGED='S:C').
-s Filter by severity (LOW, MEDIUM, HIGH or CRITICAL).
-U Filter by user interaction metric (NONE='UI:N' or REQUIRED='UI:R').
-V Filter by attack vector metric (NETWORK='AV:N', ADJACENT='AV:A', LOCAL='AV:L' or PHYSICAL='AV:P').
-z Disable desktop notification.
Install the following dependencies:
Clone the repository and run the initialization script by executing:
git clone https://github.com/D3vil0p3r/NIST-Feed
cd NIST-Feed
chmod +x initialization.sh
Set Desktop Notifications for latest or updated CVE with CRITICAL severity:
nist-feed -n -l -s CRITICAL
Show details about the last three CVEs. No Desktop Notifications:
nist-feed -r 3
Show details about the last twenty CVEs with PHYSICAL as attack vector and MEDIUM severity. No Desktop Notifications:
nist-feed -V AV:P -s MEDIUM
Set Desktop Notifications for latest or updated CVE having high Confidentiality, Integrity and Availability impact:
nist-feed -n -l -m C:H/I:H/A:H
nist-feed -n -l -c C:H -i I:H -a A:H
Set Desktop Notifications for latest or updated CVE with HIGH attack complexity and NETWORK as attack vector:
nist-feed -n -l -A AC:H -V AV:N