an http 1.0 web server, implemented with python
Note: This is not intended to be used in any form of a production environment. For sake of time, I didn't pay attention to every edge case or security concern.
First, install the companion server to your computer,
pip install companion-server
Now, we can run the server... The only required argument is a path to your content directory, this is how the server knows where to look for content (e.g. HTML, PNG, etc)
You can optionally specify a port otherwise it will default to 8180
companion-server /home/dan/webserver/content/ --port 1000
[x] Implement a subset of the http 1.0 protocol (rfc 1945)
[x] Handle GET and HEAD requests from a client
[x] Manage multiple connections (threading, multiprocessing, etc)
[x] Use only the python standard lib