Assuming you have all the prerequisites and dependencies outlined in setup, we can proceed with making the virtual environemnt, populating it with required libraries, getting your local configuration working and starting up the app.
create a new virtual environment for this project:
mkvirtualenv modernomad
this will usually cause you to "enter" the virtualenv automatically, as will be
reflected by the prompt now prefixed with (modernomad). use the following
commands to work with virtualenvwrapper: workon
to work on a specific virtual
env, pip install blah
to install packages, lssitepackages
to see packaged
installed in the virtual env.
- make sure you have git installed
- cd into the directory you want to clone the repository into
- git clone
within the virtualenv, install the requirements. this is done with the following command, which should iterate through the items in the text file and install them one by one:
pip install -r requirements.txt
note that the stripe library requires custom arguments which the
requirements.txt file parsing apparently doesn't
support (as of november 2012), so
install it manually on the command line using:
pip install --index-url --upgrade stripe
create your own file from inside the modernomad/modernomad directory, do the following:
the file contains configuration information for stripe (payment handling), and email. if you want to run the software on a production server, there are production-specific settings for email which you must setup if you want email to work. by default, the software is in "development" mode, and emails are sent using django's built-in console backend, meaning they get printed to the console.
- browse through make note of the location of the media directory and media_url, and any other settings of interest.
go back into the top level repository directory and do the following:
- run
./ syncdb
to create and sync the models of installed apps (and create an admin user) - run
./ migrate
to run the existing migrations (this will run migrations for all apps)
now you should be able to run the software:
./ runserver [port]
the first time you run the software, you will want to configure two things in
the admin interface. the software is designed to send various emails to users
who are part of the group 'house_admins' so, before it will send any emails,
you need to add at least one user to this group. login to the admin interface
at localhost:port/admin
(with the admin user credentials you supplied when
you ran syncdb). click on 'users' and then any user (you probably only have one
user right now). on the user page under 'groups' highlight the option
'house_admin', and then hit 'save.'
in the admin interface you should also define some rooms, since the reservation form presents a choice to users based on the rooms and rates defined here.
finally, set the value of the site variable so that full urls will have the correct domain. Go back to the home page of the admin interface, then click on 'sites' and then the first/only site that exists. edit the domain name to match the host and port you are running the software on.
Now you can go ahead and start creating content.
- make sure rabbitmq is running, or start it:
- start celery beat (the scheduler for periodic tasks):
celery beat
(or some more sophisticated version of the same command, depending on your local or production setup), such as./ celeryd -v 2 -B -s celery -E -l INFO
- start django
./ runserver domain port
see the instructions in updates for how to create and run database migrations if you add or remove fields from models.