This is a command line utility for standing up a CloudFoundry or Concourse installation on an IAAS. This CLI is currently under heavy development, and the initial goal is to support bootstrapping a CloudFoundry installation on AWS.
The following should be installed on your local machine
- Golang >= 1.7 (install with
brew install go
) - bosh-init (installation instructions)
- terraform (download here)
bosh-bootloader can be installed with go get:
go get
The AWS IAM user that is provided to bbl will need the following policy:
"Version": "2012-10-17",
"Statement": [
"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": [
"Resource": [
To allow bbl to set up infrastructure a service account must be provided with the role 'roles/editor'
gcloud iam service-accounts create some-account-name
gcloud iam service-accounts keys create "service-account.key.json" --iam-account ""
gcloud projects add-iam-policy-binding PROJECT_ID --member '' --role 'roles/editor'
The bbl
command can be invoked on the command line and will display its usage.
$ bbl
Global Options:
--help [-h] Print usage
--version [-v] Print version
--state-dir Directory containing bbl-state.json
create-lbs Attaches load balancer(s)
delete-lbs Deletes attached load balancer(s)
destroy Tears down BOSH director infrastructure
director-address Prints BOSH director address
director-username Prints BOSH director username
director-password Prints BOSH director password
director-ca-cert Prints BOSH director CA certificate
env-id Prints environment ID
help Prints usage
lbs Prints attached load balancer(s)
ssh-key Prints SSH private key
up Deploys BOSH director on AWS
update-lbs Updates load balancer(s)
version Prints version
Use "bbl [command] --help" for more information about a command.