To properly utilize this image, please use Demyx.
- Repository - demyxsh/demyx
- Homepage -
Join us on Discord for latest news, faster support, or just chill.
Support this project by buying coffee (please).
Packages |
bash |
jq |
curl |
ca-certificates |
pv |
pwgen |
gpw |
dnsutils |
uuid-runtime |
git |
bsdmainutils |
less |
apache2-utils |
dumb-init |
nano |
maldet |
clamav |
clamdscan |
This repository has been moved to the organization demyxsh; please update the remote URL.
git remote set-url origin [email protected]:demyxsh/utilities.git
Password generator
docker run -it --rm demyx/utilities sh -c "pwgen -cns 50 1"
# Output: K1awYls74a8q4vDRr58sAXXoXguuDSGsQf0BoIA2v7fU5P2sGn
Apache hash for Traefik basic auth
docker run -it --rm demyx/utilities sh -c "htpasswd -nb demyx 'password'"
# Output: demyx:$apr1$sooT67oI$dsxdbi6mLGL00XwdykaK10
Pronounceable-ish username generator for WordPress auto deployment
docker run -it --rm demyx/utilities sh -c "gpw 1 20"
# Output: tionsuistsmonplownse
- Auto built weekly on Saturdays (America/Los_Angeles)
- Rolling release updates
- For support: Discord