Directionizer is a student project by Mason Ahner, Jared Beller, and John Fiorini for the spring 2021 session of ECE 2804 at Virginia Tech. The "directionizer" is a handheld device for locating a 1 kHz audio beacon. This repository contains KiCad schematics and PCBs for the directionizer hardware.
The original design made during prototyping can be found in schematic. This was broken into three individual boards, which are stacked to form the final device. From bottom to top, the boards are processing, audio, and display. Each board's schematic and layout is in it's respective folder. For manufacturing, the three boards were combined into a panel. The final panel layout can be seen in the panel folder. Files sent to the board house, including gerbers, a bom, and smt placement, are in the production folder.
Copyright (C) 2021 Mason Ahner, Jared Beller, and John Fiorini
This program is released under the GNU General Public License, Version 3 or later. See LICENSE for more information.