MailDev provides an easily consumable REST API accessible at localhost:1080
unless configured otherwise. All data is returned as JSON unless specified.
Get all emails:
$ curl 'http://localhost:1080/email'
"address":"[email protected]",
"name":"Angelo Pappas"
"address":"[email protected]",
"name":"Johnny Utah"
"subject":"The ex-presidents are surfers",
"text":"The wax at the bank was surfer wax!!!",
"html":"<!DOCTYPE html><html><head></head><body><p>The wax at the bank was surfer wax!!!</p></body></html>",
"content-type":"multipart/mixed; boundary=\"---sinikael-?=_1-14125357291310.1947895612102002\"",
"from":"Angelo Pappas <[email protected]>",
"to":"Johnny Utah <[email protected]>",
"subject":"The ex-presidents are surfers",
"x-mailer":"nodemailer (1.3.0; +; SMTP/0.1.13[client:1.0.0])",
"date":"Sun, 05 Oct 2014 19:02:09 +0000",
"message-id":"<[email protected]>",
"messageId":"[email protected]",
"from":"[email protected]",
"to":["[email protected]"],
GET /email - Get all emails
DELETE /email/all - Delete all emails
GET /email/:id - Get a given email by id
DELETE /email/:id - Delete a given email by id
GET /email/:id/html - Get a given emails html body
GET /email/:id/attachment/:filename - Get a given email's file attachment.
POST /email/:id/relay - If configured, relay a given email to it's real "to" address.
GET /config - Get the application configuration.
GET /healthz - Health check
The GET /email endpoint allows for simple skip pagination.
GET /email?skip=10
The GET /email endpoint does allow simple filtering. Every field content of the returned payload can be used to only return desired emails. Nested objects can be defined by using a dot syntax (
For example:
GET /email?subject="Big wave coming" # only emails with the exact subject
GET /email?headers.some-header="some-value"&subject=test # only emails with the exact subject and header value