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Contribute to Bisq ‹ Bisq - The decentralized bitcoin exchange |
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Bisq is an open source project powered entirely by volunteers. In the spirit of open source, we have opted to create Bisq without the demands or influence of investors.
Each of us is involved in the project because we personally believe in it! This is not just another Bitcoin Startup, this is a project aiming to be driven by the community and serving the community.
There are two ways you can help support Bisq's development:
If you're reading this then you have probably got skills that would really help Bisq build and grow. We are constantly looking for skilled volunteers who can help us with the development of Bisq and spread the word to the wider Bitcoin community.
IMPORTANT! We are currently seeking experienced Java developers. If you have experience with Java please join the Mailing List and let us know!
In the meantime there are other ways you can help. Take a read of the list below:
We have set up several bounties for development tasks. You can either support an existing bounty by donating to the bounty address or set up your own bounty for a feature you would love to see to get implemented in Bisq.
Please check out our forum or GitHub issue list for more information.
By donating bitcoin to our donation wallet you will be helping Bisq pay for our [direct costs](/finances/) like web hosting, domain names, SSL certificates, a Vimeo account and so on. So if you support this project and are in a position to help us out then that would be wonderful.Note: Donations to Bisq are not tax deductable as we are not formally registered in the jurisdiction of any Government. We do not accept donations in Altcoins at this point in time. We would be really grateful if you converted them to Bitcoin and donated them that way though!
Please don't hesitate to get in touch if you can think of other ways you can help with the Bisq project.