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List patterns


Champion issue: #3435


Lets you to match an array or a list with a sequence of patterns e.g. array is [1, 2, 3] will match an integer array of the length three with 1, 2, 3 as its elements, respectively.

Detailed design

The pattern syntax is modified as follow:

  : '[' (pattern (',' pattern)* ','?)? ']'

  : list_pattern_clause simple_designation?

  : '..' pattern?

  : list_pattern
  | slice_pattern
  | // all of the pattern forms previously defined

There are two new patterns:

  • The list_pattern is used to match elements.
  • A slice_pattern is only permitted once and only directly in a list_pattern_clause and discards zero or more elements.

Pattern compatibility

A list_pattern is compatible with any type that is countable as well as indexable — it has an accessible indexer that takes an Index as an argument or otherwise an accessible indexer with a single int parameter. If both indexers are present, the former is preferred.

A slice_pattern with a subpattern is compatible with any type that is countable as well as sliceable — it has an accessible indexer that takes a Range as an argument or otherwise an accessible Slice method with two int parameters. If both are present, the former is preferred.

A slice_pattern without a subpattern is compatible with any type that is compatible with a list_pattern.

This set of rules is derived from the range indexer pattern.

Subsumption checking

Subsumption checking works just like positional patterns with ITuple - corresponding subpatterns are matched by position plus an additional node for testing length.

For example, the following code produces an error because both patterns yield the same DAG:

case [_, .., 1]: // expr.Length is >= 2 && expr[^1] is 1
case [.., _, 1]: // expr.Length is >= 2 && expr[^1] is 1


case [_, 1, ..]: // expr.Length is >= 2 && expr[1] is 1
case [.., 1, _]: // expr.Length is >= 2 && expr[^2] is 1

The order in which subpatterns are matched at runtime is unspecified, and a failed match may not attempt to match all subpatterns.

Given a specific length, it's possible that two subpatterns refer to the same element, in which case a test for this value is inserted into the decision DAG.

  • For instance, [_, >0, ..] or [.., <=0, _] becomes length >= 2 && ([1] > 0 || length == 3 || [^2] <= 0) where the length value of 3 implies the other test.
  • Conversely, [_, >0, ..] and [.., <=0, _] becomes length >= 2 && [1] > 0 && length != 3 && [^2] <= 0 where the length value of 3 disallows the other test.

As a result, an error is produced for something like case [.., p]: case [p]: because at runtime, we're matching the same element in the second case.

If a slice subpattern matches a list or a length value, subpatterns are treated as if they were a direct subpattern of the containing list. For instance, [..[1, 2, 3]] subsumes a pattern of the form [1, 2, 3].

The following assumptions are made on the members being used:

  • The property that makes the type countable is assumed to always return a non-negative value, if and only if the type is indexable. For instance, the pattern { Length: -1 } can never match an array.
  • The member that makes the type sliceable is assumed to be well-behaved, that is, the return value is never null and that it is a proper subslice of the containing list.

The behavior of a pattern-matching operation is undefined if any of the above assumptions doesn't hold.


A pattern of the form expr is [1, 2, 3] is equivalent to the following code:

expr.Length is 3
&& expr[new Index(0, fromEnd: false)] is 1
&& expr[new Index(1, fromEnd: false)] is 2
&& expr[new Index(2, fromEnd: false)] is 3

A slice_pattern acts like a proper discard i.e. no tests will be emitted for such pattern, rather it only affects other nodes, namely the length and indexer. For instance, a pattern of the form expr is [1, .. var s, 3] is equivalent to the following code (if compatible via explicit Index and Range support):

expr.Length is >= 2
&& expr[new Index(0, fromEnd: false)] is 1
&& expr[new Range(new Index(1, fromEnd: false), new Index(1, fromEnd: true))] is var s
&& expr[new Index(1, fromEnd: true)] is 3

The input type for the slice_pattern is the return type of the underlying this[Range] or Slice method with two exceptions: For string and arrays, string.Substring and RuntimeHelpers.GetSubArray will be used, respectively.

Unresolved questions

  1. Should we support multi-dimensional arrays? (answer [LDM 2021-05-26]: Not supported. If we want to make a general MD-array focused release, we would want to revisit all the areas they're currently lacking, not just list patterns.)
  2. Should we accept a general pattern following .. in a slice_pattern? (answer [LDM 2021-05-26]: Yes, any pattern is allowed after a slice.)
  3. By this definition, the pattern [..] tests for expr.Length >= 0. Should we omit such test, assuming Length is always non-negative? (answer [LDM 2021-05-26]: [..] will not emit a Length check)