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Bret Johnson edited this page Aug 29, 2023 · 46 revisions


To run the tests on iOS or Catalyst, you'll need a Mac. To run the tests on Windows, you'll need a Windows machine. Android tests can be run from either platform.


For Mac

  • make sure to run dotnet tool restore on the repo home

Option 1

Option 2 (HomeBrew)

Android prerequisites

Ensure that you have the Android API 30 SDK installed, with the emulator image for Play store on x86/x64. By default, the tests use that. See screenshot below. If you want to use another image you can specify the --device argument, with something like --device="android-emulator-64_33" where the 64 means image x86_x64 and 33 indicates the API level.


Running from the command line (you can replace ./build.ps1 by dotnet cake)

./build.ps1 --target=dotnet-buildtasks --configuration="Release" --workloads=global


./build.ps1 --target=dotnet-samples --configuration="Release" --workloads=global --android --usenuget=false
./build.ps1 -Script eng/devices/android.cake --target=uitest --configuration="Release"


./build.ps1 --target=dotnet-samples --configuration="Release" --windows --verbosity=diagnostic --workloads=global --usenuget=false
./build.ps1 -Script eng/devices/windows.cake --target=uitest --device="windows10" --apiversion="10.0.20348" --configuration="Release"


./build.ps1 --target=dotnet-samples --configuration="Release" --workloads=global --ios --usenuget=false
./build.ps1 -Script  eng/devices/ios.cake --target=uitest --device=ios-simulator-64 --apiversion="16.2" --configuration="Release"


./build.ps1 --target=dotnet-samples --configuration="Release" --catalyst --verbosity=diagnostic --workloads=global --usenuget=false
./build.ps1 -Script eng/devices/catalyst.cake --target=uitest --apiversion="10.13" --configuration="Release" --device=mac

Running from the IDE

  • Deploy the app Control.Sample.UITests to your simulator, device or on your desktop.
  • Build the Controls.AppiumTests.csproj so the tests show up on the Test Explorer
  • Run the tests

Running Xamarin.UITests on Compatibility Gallery


./build.ps1 --target=dotnet-legacy-controlgallery --configuration="Release" --android --verbosity=diagnostic --workloads=global
./build.ps1 -Script eng/devices/android.cake --target=cg-uitest --project="/Users/ruimarinho/dotnet/maui/src/Compatibility/ControlGallery/test/Android.UITests/Compatibility.ControlGallery.Android.UITests.csproj" --appproject="/Users/ruimarinho/dotnet/maui/src/Compatibility/ControlGallery/src/Android/Compatibility.ControlGallery.Android.csproj" --configuration="Release"


The local appium server has not been started

  • Try starting appium from the command line to get a better error message node /usr/local/lib/node_modules/appium/build/lib/main.js
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