diff --git a/package.nls.cs.json b/package.nls.cs.json index f1968c81c..ec0470df1 100644 --- a/package.nls.cs.json +++ b/package.nls.cs.json @@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ "configuration.dotnet.completion.showCompletionItemsFromUnimportedNamespaces": "Enables support for showing unimported types and unimported extension methods in completion lists. When committed, the appropriate using directive will be added at the top of the current file.", "configuration.dotnet.completion.showNameCompletionSuggestions": "Perform automatic object name completion for the members that you have recently selected.", "configuration.dotnet.defaultSolution.description": "Cesta výchozího řešení, které se má otevřít v pracovním prostoru, nebo ji můžete přeskočit nastavením na „zakázat“.", - "configuration.dotnet.dotnetPath": "Specified the path to a dotnet installation to use instead of the default system one. This only influences the dotnet installation to use for hosting the language server itself. Example: \"/home/username/mycustomdotnetdirectory\".", + "configuration.dotnet.dotnetPath": "Specifies the path to a dotnet installation directory to use instead of the default system one. This only influences the dotnet installation to use for hosting the language server itself. Example: \"/home/username/mycustomdotnetdirectory\".", "configuration.dotnet.highlighting.highlightRelatedJsonComponents": "Highlight related JSON components under cursor.", "configuration.dotnet.highlighting.highlightRelatedRegexComponents": "Highlight related regular expression components under cursor.", "configuration.dotnet.implementType.insertionBehavior": "The insertion location of properties, events, and methods When implement interface or abstract class.", diff --git a/package.nls.de.json b/package.nls.de.json index e0d0ad298..9ec9d906e 100644 --- a/package.nls.de.json +++ b/package.nls.de.json @@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ "configuration.dotnet.completion.showCompletionItemsFromUnimportedNamespaces": "Enables support for showing unimported types and unimported extension methods in completion lists. When committed, the appropriate using directive will be added at the top of the current file.", "configuration.dotnet.completion.showNameCompletionSuggestions": "Perform automatic object name completion for the members that you have recently selected.", "configuration.dotnet.defaultSolution.description": "Der Pfad der Standardlösung, die im Arbeitsbereich geöffnet werden soll, oder auf \"deaktivieren\" festlegen, um sie zu überspringen.", - "configuration.dotnet.dotnetPath": "Specified the path to a dotnet installation to use instead of the default system one. This only influences the dotnet installation to use for hosting the language server itself. Example: \"/home/username/mycustomdotnetdirectory\".", + "configuration.dotnet.dotnetPath": "Specifies the path to a dotnet installation directory to use instead of the default system one. This only influences the dotnet installation to use for hosting the language server itself. Example: \"/home/username/mycustomdotnetdirectory\".", "configuration.dotnet.highlighting.highlightRelatedJsonComponents": "Highlight related JSON components under cursor.", "configuration.dotnet.highlighting.highlightRelatedRegexComponents": "Highlight related regular expression components under cursor.", "configuration.dotnet.implementType.insertionBehavior": "The insertion location of properties, events, and methods When implement interface or abstract class.", diff --git a/package.nls.es.json b/package.nls.es.json index 909a4857b..d29ed1cc2 100644 --- a/package.nls.es.json +++ b/package.nls.es.json @@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ "configuration.dotnet.completion.showCompletionItemsFromUnimportedNamespaces": "Enables support for showing unimported types and unimported extension methods in completion lists. When committed, the appropriate using directive will be added at the top of the current file.", "configuration.dotnet.completion.showNameCompletionSuggestions": "Perform automatic object name completion for the members that you have recently selected.", "configuration.dotnet.defaultSolution.description": "Ruta de acceso de la solución predeterminada que se va a abrir en el área de trabajo o que se establece en \"deshabilitar\" para omitirla.", - "configuration.dotnet.dotnetPath": "Specified the path to a dotnet installation to use instead of the default system one. This only influences the dotnet installation to use for hosting the language server itself. Example: \"/home/username/mycustomdotnetdirectory\".", + "configuration.dotnet.dotnetPath": "Specifies the path to a dotnet installation directory to use instead of the default system one. This only influences the dotnet installation to use for hosting the language server itself. Example: \"/home/username/mycustomdotnetdirectory\".", "configuration.dotnet.highlighting.highlightRelatedJsonComponents": "Highlight related JSON components under cursor.", "configuration.dotnet.highlighting.highlightRelatedRegexComponents": "Highlight related regular expression components under cursor.", "configuration.dotnet.implementType.insertionBehavior": "The insertion location of properties, events, and methods When implement interface or abstract class.", diff --git a/package.nls.fr.json b/package.nls.fr.json index 3f061ffaf..5897275d3 100644 --- a/package.nls.fr.json +++ b/package.nls.fr.json @@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ "configuration.dotnet.completion.showCompletionItemsFromUnimportedNamespaces": "Enables support for showing unimported types and unimported extension methods in completion lists. When committed, the appropriate using directive will be added at the top of the current file.", "configuration.dotnet.completion.showNameCompletionSuggestions": "Perform automatic object name completion for the members that you have recently selected.", "configuration.dotnet.defaultSolution.description": "Chemin de la solution par défaut à ouvrir dans l’espace de travail ou définir sur « désactiver » pour l’ignorer.", - "configuration.dotnet.dotnetPath": "Specified the path to a dotnet installation to use instead of the default system one. This only influences the dotnet installation to use for hosting the language server itself. Example: \"/home/username/mycustomdotnetdirectory\".", + "configuration.dotnet.dotnetPath": "Specifies the path to a dotnet installation directory to use instead of the default system one. This only influences the dotnet installation to use for hosting the language server itself. Example: \"/home/username/mycustomdotnetdirectory\".", "configuration.dotnet.highlighting.highlightRelatedJsonComponents": "Highlight related JSON components under cursor.", "configuration.dotnet.highlighting.highlightRelatedRegexComponents": "Highlight related regular expression components under cursor.", "configuration.dotnet.implementType.insertionBehavior": "The insertion location of properties, events, and methods When implement interface or abstract class.", diff --git a/package.nls.it.json b/package.nls.it.json index 88cef0e90..157693225 100644 --- a/package.nls.it.json +++ b/package.nls.it.json @@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ "configuration.dotnet.completion.showCompletionItemsFromUnimportedNamespaces": "Enables support for showing unimported types and unimported extension methods in completion lists. When committed, the appropriate using directive will be added at the top of the current file.", "configuration.dotnet.completion.showNameCompletionSuggestions": "Perform automatic object name completion for the members that you have recently selected.", "configuration.dotnet.defaultSolution.description": "Percorso della soluzione predefinita da aprire nell'area di lavoro o impostare su 'disabilita' per ignorarla.", - "configuration.dotnet.dotnetPath": "Specified the path to a dotnet installation to use instead of the default system one. This only influences the dotnet installation to use for hosting the language server itself. Example: \"/home/username/mycustomdotnetdirectory\".", + "configuration.dotnet.dotnetPath": "Specifies the path to a dotnet installation directory to use instead of the default system one. This only influences the dotnet installation to use for hosting the language server itself. Example: \"/home/username/mycustomdotnetdirectory\".", "configuration.dotnet.highlighting.highlightRelatedJsonComponents": "Highlight related JSON components under cursor.", "configuration.dotnet.highlighting.highlightRelatedRegexComponents": "Highlight related regular expression components under cursor.", "configuration.dotnet.implementType.insertionBehavior": "The insertion location of properties, events, and methods When implement interface or abstract class.", diff --git a/package.nls.ja.json b/package.nls.ja.json index 4bd604d25..df4d82030 100644 --- a/package.nls.ja.json +++ b/package.nls.ja.json @@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ "configuration.dotnet.completion.showCompletionItemsFromUnimportedNamespaces": "Enables support for showing unimported types and unimported extension methods in completion lists. When committed, the appropriate using directive will be added at the top of the current file.", "configuration.dotnet.completion.showNameCompletionSuggestions": "Perform automatic object name completion for the members that you have recently selected.", "configuration.dotnet.defaultSolution.description": "ワークスペースで開く既定のソリューションのパス。スキップするには 'disable' に設定します。", - "configuration.dotnet.dotnetPath": "Specified the path to a dotnet installation to use instead of the default system one. This only influences the dotnet installation to use for hosting the language server itself. Example: \"/home/username/mycustomdotnetdirectory\".", + "configuration.dotnet.dotnetPath": "Specifies the path to a dotnet installation directory to use instead of the default system one. This only influences the dotnet installation to use for hosting the language server itself. Example: \"/home/username/mycustomdotnetdirectory\".", "configuration.dotnet.highlighting.highlightRelatedJsonComponents": "Highlight related JSON components under cursor.", "configuration.dotnet.highlighting.highlightRelatedRegexComponents": "Highlight related regular expression components under cursor.", "configuration.dotnet.implementType.insertionBehavior": "The insertion location of properties, events, and methods When implement interface or abstract class.", diff --git a/package.nls.json b/package.nls.json index ab06b9f4b..bafa1bd54 100644 --- a/package.nls.json +++ b/package.nls.json @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ { "configuration.dotnet.defaultSolution.description": "The path of the default solution to be opened in the workspace, or set to 'disable' to skip it.", - "configuration.dotnet.dotnetPath": "Specified the path to a dotnet installation to use instead of the default system one. This only influences the dotnet installation to use for hosting the language server itself. Example: \"/home/username/mycustomdotnetdirectory\".", + "configuration.dotnet.dotnetPath": "Specifies the path to a dotnet installation directory to use instead of the default system one. This only influences the dotnet installation to use for hosting the language server itself. Example: \"/home/username/mycustomdotnetdirectory\".", "configuration.dotnet.server.path": "Specifies the absolute path to the server (LSP or O#) executable. When left empty the version pinned to the C# Extension is used.", "configuration.dotnet.server.waitForDebugger": "Passes the --debug flag when launching the server to allow a debugger to be attached.", "configuration.dotnet.server.trace": "Sets the logging level for the language server", diff --git a/package.nls.ko.json b/package.nls.ko.json index dad3d1e7d..ac0bd43c9 100644 --- a/package.nls.ko.json +++ b/package.nls.ko.json @@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ "configuration.dotnet.completion.showCompletionItemsFromUnimportedNamespaces": "Enables support for showing unimported types and unimported extension methods in completion lists. When committed, the appropriate using directive will be added at the top of the current file.", "configuration.dotnet.completion.showNameCompletionSuggestions": "Perform automatic object name completion for the members that you have recently selected.", "configuration.dotnet.defaultSolution.description": "작업 영역에서 열 기본 솔루션의 경로입니다. 건너뛰려면 '사용 안 함'으로 설정하세요.", - "configuration.dotnet.dotnetPath": "Specified the path to a dotnet installation to use instead of the default system one. This only influences the dotnet installation to use for hosting the language server itself. Example: \"/home/username/mycustomdotnetdirectory\".", + "configuration.dotnet.dotnetPath": "Specifies the path to a dotnet installation directory to use instead of the default system one. This only influences the dotnet installation to use for hosting the language server itself. Example: \"/home/username/mycustomdotnetdirectory\".", "configuration.dotnet.highlighting.highlightRelatedJsonComponents": "Highlight related JSON components under cursor.", "configuration.dotnet.highlighting.highlightRelatedRegexComponents": "Highlight related regular expression components under cursor.", "configuration.dotnet.implementType.insertionBehavior": "The insertion location of properties, events, and methods When implement interface or abstract class.", diff --git a/package.nls.pl.json b/package.nls.pl.json index e5db64873..2e5ee654a 100644 --- a/package.nls.pl.json +++ b/package.nls.pl.json @@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ "configuration.dotnet.completion.showCompletionItemsFromUnimportedNamespaces": "Enables support for showing unimported types and unimported extension methods in completion lists. When committed, the appropriate using directive will be added at the top of the current file.", "configuration.dotnet.completion.showNameCompletionSuggestions": "Perform automatic object name completion for the members that you have recently selected.", "configuration.dotnet.defaultSolution.description": "Ścieżka domyślnego rozwiązania, które ma być otwarte w obszarze roboczym, lub ustawione na „wyłączony”, aby je pominąć.", - "configuration.dotnet.dotnetPath": "Specified the path to a dotnet installation to use instead of the default system one. This only influences the dotnet installation to use for hosting the language server itself. Example: \"/home/username/mycustomdotnetdirectory\".", + "configuration.dotnet.dotnetPath": "Specifies the path to a dotnet installation directory to use instead of the default system one. This only influences the dotnet installation to use for hosting the language server itself. Example: \"/home/username/mycustomdotnetdirectory\".", "configuration.dotnet.highlighting.highlightRelatedJsonComponents": "Highlight related JSON components under cursor.", "configuration.dotnet.highlighting.highlightRelatedRegexComponents": "Highlight related regular expression components under cursor.", "configuration.dotnet.implementType.insertionBehavior": "The insertion location of properties, events, and methods When implement interface or abstract class.", diff --git a/package.nls.pt-br.json b/package.nls.pt-br.json index 6a33373b8..334e210f3 100644 --- a/package.nls.pt-br.json +++ b/package.nls.pt-br.json @@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ "configuration.dotnet.completion.showCompletionItemsFromUnimportedNamespaces": "Enables support for showing unimported types and unimported extension methods in completion lists. When committed, the appropriate using directive will be added at the top of the current file.", "configuration.dotnet.completion.showNameCompletionSuggestions": "Perform automatic object name completion for the members that you have recently selected.", "configuration.dotnet.defaultSolution.description": "O caminho da solução padrão a ser aberto no workspace ou definido como 'desabilitar' para ignorá-lo.", - "configuration.dotnet.dotnetPath": "Specified the path to a dotnet installation to use instead of the default system one. This only influences the dotnet installation to use for hosting the language server itself. Example: \"/home/username/mycustomdotnetdirectory\".", + "configuration.dotnet.dotnetPath": "Especifica o caminho para um diretório de instalação do dotnet a ser utilizado em vez do padrão do sistema. Isso influencia somente na instalação do dotnet utilizada para suporte à execução do servidor de linguagem. Exemplo: \"/home/username/mycustomdotnetdirectory\".", "configuration.dotnet.highlighting.highlightRelatedJsonComponents": "Highlight related JSON components under cursor.", "configuration.dotnet.highlighting.highlightRelatedRegexComponents": "Highlight related regular expression components under cursor.", "configuration.dotnet.implementType.insertionBehavior": "The insertion location of properties, events, and methods When implement interface or abstract class.", diff --git a/package.nls.ru.json b/package.nls.ru.json index c5e89d6a6..694f1c6ae 100644 --- a/package.nls.ru.json +++ b/package.nls.ru.json @@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ "configuration.dotnet.completion.showCompletionItemsFromUnimportedNamespaces": "Enables support for showing unimported types and unimported extension methods in completion lists. When committed, the appropriate using directive will be added at the top of the current file.", "configuration.dotnet.completion.showNameCompletionSuggestions": "Perform automatic object name completion for the members that you have recently selected.", "configuration.dotnet.defaultSolution.description": "Путь к решению по умолчанию, которое будет открыто в рабочей области. Или задайте значение \"Отключить\", чтобы пропустить его.", - "configuration.dotnet.dotnetPath": "Specified the path to a dotnet installation to use instead of the default system one. This only influences the dotnet installation to use for hosting the language server itself. Example: \"/home/username/mycustomdotnetdirectory\".", + "configuration.dotnet.dotnetPath": "Specifies the path to a dotnet installation directory to use instead of the default system one. This only influences the dotnet installation to use for hosting the language server itself. Example: \"/home/username/mycustomdotnetdirectory\".", "configuration.dotnet.highlighting.highlightRelatedJsonComponents": "Highlight related JSON components under cursor.", "configuration.dotnet.highlighting.highlightRelatedRegexComponents": "Highlight related regular expression components under cursor.", "configuration.dotnet.implementType.insertionBehavior": "The insertion location of properties, events, and methods When implement interface or abstract class.", diff --git a/package.nls.tr.json b/package.nls.tr.json index 414bf1489..5f014c9e4 100644 --- a/package.nls.tr.json +++ b/package.nls.tr.json @@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ "configuration.dotnet.completion.showCompletionItemsFromUnimportedNamespaces": "Enables support for showing unimported types and unimported extension methods in completion lists. When committed, the appropriate using directive will be added at the top of the current file.", "configuration.dotnet.completion.showNameCompletionSuggestions": "Perform automatic object name completion for the members that you have recently selected.", "configuration.dotnet.defaultSolution.description": "Çalışma alanında açılacak varsayılan çözümün yolu. Bunu atlamak için ‘Devre dışı bırak’ olarak ayarlayın.", - "configuration.dotnet.dotnetPath": "Specified the path to a dotnet installation to use instead of the default system one. This only influences the dotnet installation to use for hosting the language server itself. Example: \"/home/username/mycustomdotnetdirectory\".", + "configuration.dotnet.dotnetPath": "Specifies the path to a dotnet installation directory to use instead of the default system one. This only influences the dotnet installation to use for hosting the language server itself. Example: \"/home/username/mycustomdotnetdirectory\".", "configuration.dotnet.highlighting.highlightRelatedJsonComponents": "Highlight related JSON components under cursor.", "configuration.dotnet.highlighting.highlightRelatedRegexComponents": "Highlight related regular expression components under cursor.", "configuration.dotnet.implementType.insertionBehavior": "The insertion location of properties, events, and methods When implement interface or abstract class.", diff --git a/package.nls.zh-cn.json b/package.nls.zh-cn.json index b7780687d..22bd64493 100644 --- a/package.nls.zh-cn.json +++ b/package.nls.zh-cn.json @@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ "configuration.dotnet.completion.showCompletionItemsFromUnimportedNamespaces": "Enables support for showing unimported types and unimported extension methods in completion lists. When committed, the appropriate using directive will be added at the top of the current file.", "configuration.dotnet.completion.showNameCompletionSuggestions": "Perform automatic object name completion for the members that you have recently selected.", "configuration.dotnet.defaultSolution.description": "要在工作区中打开的默认解决方案的路径,或设置为“禁用”以跳过它。", - "configuration.dotnet.dotnetPath": "Specified the path to a dotnet installation to use instead of the default system one. This only influences the dotnet installation to use for hosting the language server itself. Example: \"/home/username/mycustomdotnetdirectory\".", + "configuration.dotnet.dotnetPath": "Specifies the path to a dotnet installation directory to use instead of the default system one. This only influences the dotnet installation to use for hosting the language server itself. Example: \"/home/username/mycustomdotnetdirectory\".", "configuration.dotnet.highlighting.highlightRelatedJsonComponents": "Highlight related JSON components under cursor.", "configuration.dotnet.highlighting.highlightRelatedRegexComponents": "Highlight related regular expression components under cursor.", "configuration.dotnet.implementType.insertionBehavior": "The insertion location of properties, events, and methods When implement interface or abstract class.", diff --git a/package.nls.zh-tw.json b/package.nls.zh-tw.json index 903f53b79..242cb007f 100644 --- a/package.nls.zh-tw.json +++ b/package.nls.zh-tw.json @@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ "configuration.dotnet.completion.showCompletionItemsFromUnimportedNamespaces": "Enables support for showing unimported types and unimported extension methods in completion lists. When committed, the appropriate using directive will be added at the top of the current file.", "configuration.dotnet.completion.showNameCompletionSuggestions": "Perform automatic object name completion for the members that you have recently selected.", "configuration.dotnet.defaultSolution.description": "要在工作區中開啟的預設解決方案路徑,或設為 [停用] 以略過它。", - "configuration.dotnet.dotnetPath": "Specified the path to a dotnet installation to use instead of the default system one. This only influences the dotnet installation to use for hosting the language server itself. Example: \"/home/username/mycustomdotnetdirectory\".", + "configuration.dotnet.dotnetPath": "Specifies the path to a dotnet installation directory to use instead of the default system one. This only influences the dotnet installation to use for hosting the language server itself. Example: \"/home/username/mycustomdotnetdirectory\".", "configuration.dotnet.highlighting.highlightRelatedJsonComponents": "Highlight related JSON components under cursor.", "configuration.dotnet.highlighting.highlightRelatedRegexComponents": "Highlight related regular expression components under cursor.", "configuration.dotnet.implementType.insertionBehavior": "The insertion location of properties, events, and methods When implement interface or abstract class.",