This package estimates the strength of mate preference and the strength of phenotypic offset between trait values in mated pairs of organisms, as well as means and standard deviations from X and Y normally distributed phenotypic traits. The package uses a likelihood function defined by the authors that is maximized using the built-in R function optim(). The package computes maximum likelihood estimates, the log-likelihood, and a Hessian matrix, and returns parameter estimates and the standard errors for these estimates.
See the Manuscript for full details:
Clancey, E., Johnson, T.R., Harmon, L.J., and Hohenlohe, P.A. (2021) Estimation of the strength of mate preference from mated pairs observed in the wild. Evolution. doi:10.1111/evo.14397
The package can be installed, if the user also has devtools() installed, using the command: