Releases: firebase/firebase-functions
Releases · firebase/firebase-functions
- Fix App fetching for named firestore instances (#1562).
- Add option to get named firestore instance for v2 firestore functions (#1550).
- Remove firebase-admin v10 dependency for Firestore triggers multi-DB support (#1555).
- Add new 2nd gen Firestore auth context triggers. (#1519)
Fix bug with CORS options for an array of one string (#1544)
Fix bug where 1st gen functions eventually fail with stack too deep (#1540)
Make simple CORS options static for improved debugability (#1536)
Add onInit callback function for global variable initialization (#1531)
- Fixes access on deeply nested, nonexistent property. (#1432)
- Add IteratedDataSnapshot interface to match with firebase admin v12 (#1517).
- Make bucket parameterizeable in storage functions (#1518)
- Introduce helper library for select and multi-select input (#1518)
- Wrap 2nd gen onCall functions with trace context. (#1491)
- Bump peer depdencies for firebase-admin to support 12.0.0. (#1509)
- Remove HTTP server shutdown message. (#1457)
- Add features to task queue functions. (#1423)
- Add traces to V2 Firestore trigger logs. (#1440)
- Fix incorrectly parsed timestamps in auth blocking functions. (#1472)
- Add recaptcha verdict support for auth blocking functions (#1458)
- Update list of supported regions for 2nd Gen Functions. (#1402)
- Fix bug where log message on structured log was being overwritten (#1416)
- Fix bug where exists() should return true for falsy values like 0, "" (#1410)