This Radio Galaxy Dataset is a collection and combination of several catalogues using the FIRST radio galaxy survey [1]. To the images from the FIRST radio galaxy survey the following license applies:
"Provenance: The FIRST project team: R.J. Becker, D.H. Helfand, R.L. White M.D. Gregg. S.A. Laurent-Muehleisen. Copyright: 1994, University of California. Permission is granted for publication and reproduction of this material for scholarly, educational, and private non-commercial use. Inquiries for potential commercial uses should be addressed to: Robert Becker, Physics Dept, University of California, Davis, CA 95616:
Further, the following catalogues are included in this dataset:
- MiraBest [2], Source
- Gendre [3-4], Supplementary Data: mnras0404-1719-SD1.pdf, data tables CoNFIG-1 to CoNFIG-4
- Capetti 2017a [5], Table
- Capetti 2017b [6], Table
- Baldi 2018 [7], Table
- Proctor [8], Table, data from Table 1 with label “WAT” and “NAT”
Examples for the class definitions of FRI, FRII, Compact and Bent are shown below,
with the labels
classes | Label |
FRI | 0 |
FRII | 1 |
Compact | 2 |
Bent | 3 |
The dataset has the following total number of samples per class.
classes/split | FRI | FRII | Compact | Bent | Total |
total | 495 | 924 | 391 | 348 | 2158 |
We provide two splitting options for the dataset. The first splitting option ( provides three splittings in train, valid and test with the following number of sample per class.
classes/split | FRI | FRII | Compact | Bent | Total |
train | 395 | 824 | 291 | 248 | 1758 |
valid | 50 | 50 | 50 | 50 | 200 |
test | 50 | 50 | 50 | 50 | 200 |
total | 495 | 924 | 391 | 348 | 2158 |
The second splitting option ( to and provides a 5-fold cross validation dataset with a larger test set.
classes/split | FRI | FRII | Compact | Bent | Total |
5-fold cross train | 316 | 659 | 232 | 198 | 1405 |
5-fold cross valid | 79 | 165 | 59 | 50 | 353 |
test | 100 | 100 | 100 | 100 | 400 |
total | 495 | 924 | 391 | 348 | 2158 |
If you want to use the dataset via the dataset class FIRSTGalaxyData
with pytorch, install the necessary packages with
pip3 install -r requirements.txt
first, otherwise you can use the dataset
- directly with *.png files on disk or
- load the dataset directly from the HDF5 file.
Both options are descibed further below.
from firstgalaxydata import FIRSTGalaxyData
import torchvision.transforms as transforms
transformRGB = transforms.Compose(
transforms.Normalize(mean=[0.5, 0.5, 0.5], std=[0.5, 0.5, 0.5])])
data = FIRSTGalaxyData(root="./", selected_split="train", input_data_list=["galaxy_data_h5.h5"],
is_PIL=True, is_RGB=True, transform=transformRGB)
This will print out the following output:
Selected classes: dict_values(['FRI', 'FRII', 'Compact', 'Bent'])
Number of datapoints in total: 1758
Number of datapoint in class FRI: 395
Number of datapoint in class FRII: 824
Number of datapoint in class Compact: 291
Number of datapoint in class Bent: 248
Split: train
Root Location: ./
Transforms (if any): Compose(
Normalize(mean=[0.5, 0.5, 0.5], std=[0.5, 0.5, 0.5])
Target Transforms (if any): None
With selected_split
the data split is selected. Choose either "train"
or "valid"
or "test"
With selected_classes
only data containing the chosen classes is returned. e.g. ["FRI",FRII"]
returns only FRI and FRII images.
With selected_catalogues
the dataset uses only the selected catalogues. All possible catalogues are listed here:
selected_catalogues= ["Gendre", "MiraBest", "Capetti2017a", "Capetti2017b", "Baldi2018", "Proctor_Tab1"]
data = FIRSTGalaxyData(root="./", selected_split="train", input_data_list=["galaxy_data_h5.h5"], selected_catalogues=selected_catalogues, is_PIL=True, is_RGB=True, transform=transformRGB)
You will also find the dataset in the 'galaxy_data' folder by unzipping
It contains the following folder sturcture with *.png images. The most import information will also be part of the file name separated by underscores:
E.g. 14.084_-9.608_3_MiraBest.png
│ │ Bent
| | *.png
│ │ Compact
| | *.png
| | FRI
| | *.png
│ │ FRII
| | *.png
│ │ Bent
| | *.png
│ │ Compact
| | *.png
| | FRI
| | *.png
│ │ FRII
| | *.png
│ │ Bent
| | *.png
│ │ Compact
| | *.png
| | FRI
| | *.png
│ │ FRII
| | *.png
│ │ Bent
| | *.png
│ │ Compact
| | *.png
| | FRI
| | *.png
│ │ FRII
| | *.png
The dataset can also be accessed via the HDF5 file galaxy_data_h5.h5
Every data entry consists of a group named data_$(i)
with i=1...n
where n
is the total number of data entries.
Each group consists of the following data:
: two-dimensional uint8 array with (300,300)- Attributes of
: RA
right ascension equatorial coordinate system (J2000): doubleDEC
declination equatorial coordinate system (J2000): doubleSource
: string, ["Gendre", "MiraBest", "Capetti2017a", "Capetti2017b", "Baldi2018", "Proctor_Tab1"]Filepath_literature
: string, relative path to the *.png file in the foldergalaxy_data
- Attributes of
: double scalar, 0: ”FRI”, 1: ”FRII”, 2: ”Compact”, 3: ”Bent”Split_literature
: string, ["train","test","valid"]
[1] R. H. Becker, R. L. White, D. J. Helfand, The FIRST Survey: Faint Images of the Radio Sky at Twenty Centimeters, The Astrophysical Journal 450 (1995) 559.
[2] H. Miraghaei, P. N. Best, The nuclear properties and extended morphologies of powerful radio galaxies: the roles of host galaxy and environment, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society (2017) stx007.
[3] M. A. Gendre, P. N. Best, J. V. Wall, The combined nvss-first galaxies (config) sample - ii. comparison of space densities in the fanaroff-riley dichotomy, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society (2010).
[4] M. A. Gendre, J. V. Wall, The combined nvss-first galaxies (config) sample - i. sample definition, classification and evolution, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society (2008).
[5] A. Capetti, F. Massaro, R. D. Baldi, Fricat: A first catalog of fr i radio galaxies, Astronomy & Astrophysics 598 (2017) A49.
[6] A. Capetti, F. Massaro, R. D. Baldi, Friicat: A first catalog of fr ii radio galaxies, Astronomy & Astrophysics 601 (2017) A81.
[7] R. D. Baldi, A. Capetti, F. Massaro, Fr0cat: a first catalog of fr 0 radio galaxies, Astronomy & Astrophysics 609 (2017) A1.
[8] D. D. Proctor, Morphological annotations for groups in the first database, The Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series 194 (2011) 31.