A list of all of the 65+ contributors to FluentMigrator. Their pull requests are what keeps FluentMigrator alive and growing!
You can also see contributors via https://github.com/fluentmigrator/fluentmigrator/graphs/contributors
- jcberleur (JC Berleur)
- izevka (Igor Zevaka)
- vgrigoriu (Victor Grigoriu)
- nkohari (Nate Kohari - did the initial commit)
- eloekset (Eivind Gussiås Løkseth)
- RobPethick (Robert Pethick)
- vilinski (Andreas Vilinski)
- fubar-coder (Mark Junker)
- barser (Sergey Baranov)
- amroel
- Merwer (Bill Belanger)
- qntmfred (Ken)
- tgjones (Tim Jones)
- pkrakowiak (Paweł Krakowiak)
- cattmote
- AndyCross (Andy Cross)
- hunt3ri (Iain Hunter)
- MrJoy (Jon Frisby)
- ses4j (Scott Stafford)
- cbilson (Chris Bilson)
- HagashenNaidu
- TheCloudlessSky (Adrian Phinney)
- mcobrien (Michael O'Brien)
- NotMyself (Bobby Johnson)
- mboltuc (Mark Boltuc)
- sergmelikyan (Serg Melikyan)
- chrisbobo (Chris Bobo)
- Pathoschild (Jesse Plamondon-Willard)
- andoco
- ClockworkPenguin
- chillitom
- Clart
- redsolo (Erik Ramfelt)
- ilude (Mike Glenn)
- sma-msc (Michael Schuler)
- dabide (David A. Sjøen)
- perfp (Per-Frode Pedersen)
- duereg (Matt)
- Ashthos
- thomasvm (Thomas Van Machelen)
- remids
- AlexCuse (Alex Ullrich)
- tgmayfield (Thomas G Mayfield)
- kberridge (Kevin Berridge)
- paulbatum (Paul Batum)
- gliljas (Gunnar Liljas)
- Ang3lFir3 (Eric Ridgeway)
- kieranmaine (Kieran)
- WalkerCodeRanger (Jeff Walker "Code Ranger")
- hazzik (Alexander Zaytsev)
- garchibald (Grant Archibald)
- SetekhZ
- spaccabit (Giuseppe Lippolis)
- tkellogg (Tim Kellogg)
- guillaume86 (Guillaume Lecomte)
- ngbrown (Nathan Brown)
- glennc (Glenn)
- heing (Hein Gustavsen)
- Andorbal (Andrew Benz)
- swalters (Shane Walters)
- nats (Nathan O'Sullivan)
- jtreuting (Jeff Treuting)
- stevehodgkiss (Steve Hodgkiss)
- TroyGoode (Troy Goode)
- carlhoerberg (Carl Hörberg)
- iceclow (Iñaki Elcoro)
- bmsullivan
- concept-hf
- gkathire (Guru Kathiresan)
- jetheredge (Justin Etheredge)
- mallen (Mark Allen)
- zidad (Wiebe Tijsma)
- abusby (Andrew Busby)
- rebootd (Josh Rebootd)
- daniellee (Daniel Lee)
- tommarien (Tom Marien)
- schambers (Sean Chambers)
- igitur (Francois Botha)