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This repository contains a simple template for Python repositories, including actions and a .gitignore file. The actions include organizing imports with isort, linting using ruff, automatic test execution using pytest, as well as a small coverage report with coverage on merging to the main branch.

Get started

First, clone the repository.

Create the main, develop and, gh-pages branches.

Whenever you want to change something, create a new branch. If it is done, create a pull request to the develop branch.

Only pull from develop to main with fully functional, tested and documented new versions.

Repository Settings

Branch Protection Rules

  1. Go to the repository settings
  2. Open Branches in the left sidebar
  3. Click Add branch ruleset
  4. Choose an appropriate ruleset name, such as Branch protection rules for main and develop
  5. Under target branches, enter main and develop
  6. Under Rules select at least:
    • Restricht deletions
    • Require linear history
    • Require a pull request before merging
      • Select an appropriate number of reviewers
    • Block force pushes
  7. Click Create to finish. you can now find the ruleset under Rules>Rulesets

Actions Permissions

  1. Go to the repository settings
  2. Open Actions > General in the left sidebar
  3. Under Workflow permissions, select
    • Read and write permissions
    • Allow GitHub Actions to create and approve pull requests

Set Up Project

  1. [Optional] Create a new virtual environment
  2. Run pip install -e .[test,docs]

Documentation Setup

  1. Create a docs folder in the root of the project and open it (mkdir docs && cd docs)
  2. Run spinx-quickstart to create a new documentation (On Windows, run sphinx-quickstart.exe). Fill out all relevant information.
    • Select no [n] when asked Separate source and build directories (y/n) [n]
  3. [Optionally] Run make html to build the documentation (On Windows, might have to write full path to make.bat).
  4. Copy docs/ into your own docs folder, replacing the existing one.
  5. Change all relevant fields in the pyproject.toml and docs/ files. (Don't forget the intersphinx setup)

If you want to run sphinx locally:

  • sphinx-apidoc --separate --module-first -d 2 -H "API reference" --follow-links -o apidocs ../src/template_for_python_projects
  • make.bat html
  • Open docs/_build/html/index.html in your browser


Sometimes it is necessary to have other repositories as submodules. To initiate this you can follow this tutorial by Git itself on Submodules. But in essence you need this command:

git submodule add

If you then want to import the submodule as a python package in your code, the ci will not be able to resolve it. To fix this, add the following lines to python_ci.yml:

- name: Checkout code
        uses: actions/checkout@v3
        with:  # this
          submodules: true   # this to ensure submodules are checked out

and further down

 run: |
          python3 -m pip install --upgrade pip
          python3 -m pip install --editable .[test,docs]
          python3 -m pip install --editable ./submodules/TemplateForPythonProjects  # this to install the submodule package

Add custom badges to your README

Please check the tutorial in for information on creating custom badges for your github repo.

You can also add a badge like this one to your file: Build status
Stable Documentation
Latest Documentation

See here a template for your README

Project Name

Brief description of your project.

Table of Contents

Project Description

A brief overview of your project and its purpose.


List the key features of your project.

Getting Started

Instructions on how to set up and run your project locally.


List any software, libraries, or dependencies that need to be installed before setting up the project.


Step-by-step instructions on how to install and set up your project.

To install your own code run pip install -e . in a terminal


Provide examples and explanations of how your project can be used. Include code snippets or screenshots if necessary.


Guidelines for contributing to your project. Include information about how others can contribute, submit issues, and create pull requests.


Specify the license under which your project is distributed.



No description, website, or topics provided.







No releases published


No packages published
